2023 Assembly


1.6.2 Magnet Sensor. Please first tear the strip of tape approximately in half lengthwise so that it does not extend past the bottom tip of the magnet sensor. Because the bucket is slightly translucent, the tape sensor (below the magnet on the rotating arm) might be tricked by the shadow from the tape into causing a misread.

If you have already completed this step, it's pretty easy to fix. Separate the bucket top and bottom: Put the laser hanger in the storage position. Place the scarecrow on a work surface. Remove the lid. Unplug the RJ45 plug from its socket on the main board. Unplug the light sensor from its socket on the main board. From inside the bucket bottom, push down on one edge of the bucket bottom while pulling up on the rim of the bucket top above it. Work your way around until the bucket bottom and top separate. Tear off the bottom half of the tape as shown in the photograph below. Reassemble the bucket top and bottom as described in 3.4. Push the top back down over the bottom, with the key switch pointing at the PVC pipe, making sure no wires get caught. Plug the light sensor and RJ45 plug back in.

3.7.2 Replace the O-ring on e-stop switch with something thicker. Instructions on a separate page: Stop switch fix.

4.3.2 Brief self-test power-on to set servo reference. You will not likely be able to hear the "short 'skritch' sound" because I added a power-on "whoop" sound effect that occurs at the same time. Turn off the scarecrow after the buzzers make that power-on sound. The servo will be in the correct position.

Tip: I'm not sure why it took me over a year to notice, but when the servo is in this middle position, the flat side of the spiral horn should be aligned right in the middle of the left servo mounting screw. This is easier to see than the pinhole.

Bonus tip: Turn the scarecrow on again briefly after you attach the spiral to make sure you didn't accidentally rotate it while trying to get the horn back on the servo splines.