"Roam Smart, Spend Wise."


We are an online digital platform that assists ‘Urban Wanderers’ (foreign expat communities) integrate into the Netherlands in the most cost-effective way possible.

Our motto "Roam Smart, Spend Wise." reflects our vision to provide a seamless transition and cost-effective solutions for expats that call the Netherlands home.

Below you may find out our selection of lifestyle service solutions.

Looking for a house?

Urban Wanderer is here to provide you with all the information that you need, from finding a house to funding one. Guidance through the whole process from finding a house to negotiations, legal/fiscal aspects and the deed of purchase, including mortgage advice.

When you plan on buying a house in the Netherlands, there will be many things to take into account. How do you find the right house, for the right price and at the right location on a market that you are not familiar with? We advise throughout the entire process of finding, buying and funding your new home.

Check-out our services:

Starting a new business?

Need guidance for your business or any financial help? We will tell you everything you need to consider to set-up your business or to benefit from the Dutch tax system.

Are you planning on starting a business in the Netherlands? With years of experience in managing organizations, I can help you find you way on the Dutch market and give you all the financial advice you need. From the idea to the execution, setting-up a business is a challenge. Therefore, we are here to guide you through the business plan, structure, registration and everything else that comes with it.

Check-out our services:

Wanting to renovate your house?

We will provide you with the right professionals and prices to get your renovations done in no-time.

Need help with renovations?

 We will guide you through all the financial possibilities and provide you a professional team to help you with all sorts of housing renovations. Whether you are in the process of buying a new house or already have a house in The Netherlands, we provide you with professional, fast, and cheap help for all your renovations.

Check-out our services:


When it comes to providing our sevices, we offer a 3-step approach: Understand, Shape, Deliver. 

Each phase is aimed at creating tailored-solutions for your request. To reach out, send us an email directly to:


or send us a WhatsApp:

+31 631 242676


When you are interested to know more about how the Dutch systems work and how we can help you exactly, we advise you to reach out. During the first intake (free of charge), we will:

Once you have decided on using my help, we can make an appointment at a time and place that suits you best. Based on your specific personal situation, here we will discuss the following points:

As soon as we figured out what exactly you need help with, we will guide you through everything you need help with, to make sure you can build your Dutch carefree life. Now and in the future!