Urba Driver for your safety

New security features

Trusted contact

Add family or friends as "Trusted Contacts" so they can see your location and travel information whenever you want

Call 911

Easily dial 911 to contact local authorities in an emergency. In addition, Urba Driver will receive an alert to follow up on the incident. Remember that an emergency is an incident that threatens the safety of the Driver Partner or the user.

Security Center

Get to know some security functions that are within your reach in this new section within the app.

  1. We verify people who register in our application

  1. Verification through Facebook and payment methods

  • We verify users who choose cash as a payment method through their Facebook account. If the payment method is electronic (credit, debit or PayPal) we verify your personal and bank information.

2.Cell phone validation

  • All users must enter a code sent via SMS each time they use the app on a new phone to prevent their account from being used on a fake phone.

3.safety certification

  • All Driver Partners present official documents proving their identity as well as documentation proving the official registration of their car. In addition, we look for criminal history information in government databases.

2. We protect your account

Before each trip, we verify the information of the users and Drivers to match their registered profiles.

Facial recognition technology

  • This is a security solution developed by Microsoft and implemented by Urba App Driver as a pilot test to use facial recognition and verify the identity of Drivers in real time. This allows us to confirm that only the registered driver is the one using your account.


  • We have a chat within the application so that users and Driver Partners can communicate and start their trip more easily.

Official photo of the driving partner.

  • To ensure the identity of the Driver Partners, it is now only possible to update their profile image through a photograph with an official Urba Driver background taken in one of our Service Centers. For security

3. We take care of your experience on each trip

  • To register in our application, cars and Driver Partners must meet minimum requirements that allow us to maintain quality on each trip.

Minimum requirements for cars .

  • We seek to optimize the quality of each of your trips by requesting the following basic requirements in order to activate a car on the platform:

  • Only models from 2010

  • 4 doors with trunk

  • Driver's license

4. We offer security elements during the trip

  • We know how important it is to feel calm on every trip, that's why we have implemented functions that will allow you to enjoy them.

  • Share your trip

Both users and Drivers can share the details of each trip with their family and friends. This can be done in real time via the app and other channels (SMS, instant messaging and email).

  • Driver's Profile

To connect with all users, the driver's profile shows their average rating, the time they have been driving, their recognitions and the comments of their last 5-star trips.

  • Family profiles

Add your relatives who have the Urba Driver application and receive notifications every time they take a trip; follow their route and know when they will arrive at their destination.

6. We confirm that all trips are insured

  • In addition to the commercial insurance that we request from Driver Partners, Urba Driver in alliance with an insurer provides civil liability and personal accident coverage on all trips.

7. We build a community of users and Driver Partners

  • We believe that listening to our entire community makes us stronger and more confident. Your ratings and feedback help us confirm that our Community Guidelines are being followed so that both users and Drivers continue to have access to the app.

  • Quality and safety criteria

The grades you give on each trip matter. We verify that our Driver Partners and users reach a minimum qualification score. From this, we give them recommendations for improvement and if the rating is still below the minimum, the account can be deactivated.

  • Community guides

We rely on four pillars that help us build trust and respect between users and drivers who share the same trip, time and space.

8.Make your trip safe.

Urba App Driver LLC. The safest app to travel.

More information

Company: Urba App Driver LLC, About us, Trips ,Drive with us, Accessibility ,Privacy ,Terms Do Not Sell Do Not Share My Information (CALIFORNIA) Email: urba@urbaapp.com @Copyright2022 Urba App Driver LLC