Needles as Painkillers

Album from the alternative discography The Secret Garden Series

Needles as Painkillers


Album from The Secret Garden Series

Release date: 16/08/2019


1. Elevator Music to Hellfire

2. Quiescence

3. Suffocation (Unknown #8)

4. Not The Actual Facts

5. Hidden Motions

6. Angel

7. CURSED (Unknown #5)

8. Shoot Me (Unknown #1)

9. Dying (Unknown #6)

10. Mistakes (Unknown #2)

11. The Facts

12. Falling (Unknown #3)

13. As Can Be (Unknown #4)

14. Stay Alone (Unknown #7)


All music written and produced by Rodrigo T. Fonseca

Photography & Art Cover by Rodrigo T. Fonseca


In 2012, before conceiving Uprane as a serious project, I was working under the name of The Raven Music Project and during this time I recorded an enormous amount of things that unfortunately (or maybe not) were lost forever in the hard disk of my old computer, after a couple of years I tried to recover some recordings but I only got 8 of them, everything else was lost forever. These recordings were recovered with the "Unknown" tag so I assigned them the name that best fit them. I can't remember so much about this recordings, I was 14 years old when I made them and i should be said that I consider that one of the worst stages of my life, sincerely I had no knowledge about music, I only had a guitar and a recorder therefore these sounds are not songs but moods interpreted in a primitive way, all that is heard is what I felt.

About the other 6 songs contained in this album: Elevator Music to Hellfire is a song written and produced in this year, the title says it all, a creepy beginning for a rare and bizarre album. Quiescence is a very special guitar solo because it was the first one I ever made, I plugged my guitar directly to my computer without any effects and I started to improvise, the recording dates from 2014. Not The Actual Facts / The Facts They are short songs made in piano in 2015, both were recorded together and would be part of the first conception of Been Among Shadows, as well as the Hidden Motions and Angel demos, of course all this remained in simple demos and that album never were complete because the original files were damaged so I think that these songs fit perfect with the atmosphere of this album because have the same unfortunate story of the "Unknown Recordings" and that's why I decided to put them on.