Eagle Guide Program


In the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, we will be welcoming numerous new families to UPES. To help our new families acclimate to our school and feel welcomed, we would like to pair new families with existing UPES families. The intent is to pair families with similarly aged students. We extend an invitation to all of our families to step up and be a Eagle Guide Family. Please consider this wonderful opportunity to meet new people and share the gift of community.

Note: It is possible not all families will be paired as it depends on the number of new families who sign up.

Eagle Guide Program FAQ

Why does UPES have a Eagle Guide Program?

As a new family to UPES, there are so many unanswered questions and it would be nice to have someone to go to for answers. It can be scary for kids going to a completely new school, and unsettling for parents/guardians as well. This program empowers families to acquire information as the new school begins and also provides a connection to the UPES community.

How much of a commitment is it to be an Eagle Guide?

The time commitment to be involved in the Eagle Guide Program is very minor. You make initial contact with your buddy family, then reach out a few times a year to see how they’re doing and inviting them to attend UPES events (Silent Auction, Family Gym Night, Family Movie Night, Azalea Classic, etc.).

How do I interact with my buddy family?

It’s a good idea to be the one to take the lead with the incoming family. You can simply call or email to welcome them to the UPES community and ask if they have any questions. The program allows you flexibility to connect in whatever way best suits you. For example, families can try to meet up at Back to School 2.0 on August 31, 2018.

When should I contact my buddy family?

When you are matched with a family, you will receive information about the new family, a list of topics you may consider discussing, and a timeline of when to contact your family throughout the year. Aim to connect before school begins.

What if I don’t hear back from my buddy family?

Sometimes you leave a message in a follow-up call or email, and the families are all set and don’t reach back out, which is okay! It’s also okay not to have the answer to every question; just let the know you don’t know, but that you’ll ask and get back to them. The Eagle Guide Program is really about making connections and helping new families feel welcome to the UPES community.

Why is the UPES Eagle Guide Program important?

This program can be beneficial to both parties. It helps new families have as much information about UPES as the get started – the details that aren’t it the paperwork. It’s a small time commitment, and it is very satisfying to know you helped someone feel more at ease with their new environment.

How do I get involved?

If you are a family that is new to UPES and would like to be paired with a family experienced with UPES, or if you are willing to share your UPES knowledge and help ease the transition of a new family, please complete the Eagle Guide Program Application below.