Artificial Intelligence in Higher Ed


Ray Schroeder, UPCEA Sr. Fellow

UPCEA Annual 2024
March 27, 2024

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Artificial Intelligence: the near future in higher ed

Here are some quick definitions to assure we all are at the same place:

Generative AI vs. Traditional AI

Levels of artificial intelligence

There are three main levels of artificial intelligence:

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Jobs 2024-2030?

The World Economic Forum has estimated that artificial intelligence will replace some 85 million jobs by 2025. Freethink says that 65% of retail jobs could be automated by that year, saying that this is largely due to technological advancements, rising costs and wages, tight labor markets, and reduced consumer spending.... 

AI Intelligent Agents

We are hearing more about the rapid development of "AI Intelligent Agents." By the end of the year, you may using such an agent of your own to carry out tasks with minimal supervision.  

AI Digital Agents: Sending Advanced Computer Agents Personal Tasks - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed 3/27/2024

In short, it means we humans will be able to virtually replicate and extend our personae in multiple simultaneous forms around the world. Our agents will be in many places simultaneously. Our AI-extended knowledge, values and personalities will be omni-present. Imagine the implications for exceptional faculty members in their roles as teachers and researchers! One early model is “Devin,” who can be tasked with software engineering. Developed by Cognition, Devin, as Will Knight describes in Wired “is just the latest, most polished example of a trend I’ve been tracking for a while—the emergence of AI agents that instead of just providing answers or advice about a problem presented by a human can take action to solve it.”

Follow-up - Stunning demo and info about Devin!  Swarms of AI Agents STUN the Entire Industry | 100 Million Jobs GONE? | Devin, Maisa, Groq & more (Warning - you may not sleep after watching)

One more demo of an AI Agent - 01 - open source Open Interpreter, Do Engines, and Using LLMs to Enable Actions

One more Follow-up - in an nterview with Lex Fridman, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says GPT-5, perhaps under a different name will be released mid-summer with access to OpenAI Intelligent Agents!!!

And, yet one more Follow-up - it appears that OpenAI plans assistants that may have voices and hearing of their own?

Uncharted Territory: Artificial General Intelligence and Higher Ed - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed 3/13/2024  (for possible sharing with colleagues)

Imagine a time in the not-too-distant future in which AGI is firmly established in society and higher education faces the pressing need to reconfigure and reinvent itself. It is becoming increasingly clear that the advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is upon us. OpenAI includes in its mission that it “aims to maximize the positive impact of AGI while minimizing harm.” The research organization recognizes that AGI won’t create a utopia, but they strive to ensure that its benefits are widespread and that it doesn’t exacerbate existing inequalities. Some say that elements of AGI will be seen in GPT-5 that OpenAI says is currently in prerelease testing. GPT-5 is anticipated to be available by the end of this year or in 2025. Others suggest that Magic AI, the expanding artificial intelligence (AI) developer and coding assistant, may have already developed a version of AGI

Vulnerable Higher Ed Jobs and Rising Competition - Ray's Predictions for 2025

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Senior Fellow, UPCEA

Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois Springfield