War Zones

I will add in this page all the most important war-zones, to see every week how things are going there. Currently, the hottest areas are those on the border with Dacia and Poles, this is the reason why we are sending meta push especially there.

  • First war-zone: Overall view with all meta villages: Valar Morghulis (UollasL), Moscow Mule (Wallace) and The Gypsies (Wallace) in the middle of nPL/Dacia area. All the villages marked in red or pink represent the enemies. Screen date: 7th December.

Better view around Moscow Mule. Screen date: 7th December.

  • This is the area with Valar Morghulis and The Gypsies, then went Town Mattress too. Many capitals were catapulted and zeroed. As you can see some players deleted too (Anna and Mela) and we conquered/destroyed a lot of support-villages, will show you better in the next screens. Screen date 05/01/2019.
  • System conquered a village and made there a small hammer with 3 chiefs. He conquered a lot of villages, playing with Town Mattress and Skanderbeg. Good job!! The area is almost cleaned. Screen date 05/01/2019.