
Purchase Book & Decks

Welcome to the fantastical world of UO Battle Cards! As a new player, the first thing you should do is purchase a Card Collection Book and a few Battle Decks to start playing the game.

The Card Collection Book is an essential tool for any serious collector. It holds every card in the game, but only one of each card. Any duplicates you acquire can be sold via the built-in store within the book. Not only can you use the Card Collection Book to keep track of your collection, but you can also display your cards in your house for others to admire.

During battles, your cards can take damage. But don't worry, we've got you covered. The Card Collection Book comes with a built-in healing water that you can use to pay for your card's healing. And if any of your cards perish during battle, they can be revived and added back to your deck.

To participate in battles, you'll need to have at least 20 cards in your Battle Deck. The Battle Deck can hold a maximum of 20 cards and must be filled before it can be used in a match. Keep in mind that the cards in your Battle Deck will be the ones used during the match.

Finally, be sure to keep an eye on the trophy icon in your Battle Deck. Double-clicking on it will reveal the current leaderboard and your standings in relation to other players. So, get ready to start your collection, build your deck, and battle your way to the top!

Card Collection Book

Battle Deck

Card Info