
David Münnich: creator of notpron

Creator of one of the oldest and hardest riddle games in the book, notpron, which is the original inspiration to this riddle. Remember this: he's not David B!

notpron-Inspired Levels: #1, #16, #18, #34, #36, #37, #43, #45, #55, #58, #64

Play notpron here:

Aneninen: creator of E.B.O.N.Y.

Unable to get an image... but he's a part of inspiring this game. A huge part at that! Basically like notpron, it's a riddle game, but has a very messy level progression with a storyline! This is also the creator's favorite riddle.

E.B.O.N.Y.-Inspired Levels: #9, #13, #20, #22, #24, #25, #26, #27, #32, #33, #50

Play E.B.O.N.Y. here:

Karol Liver: lead creator of Ze?t Riddles

If you think riddles are easy, give this a try! Karol Liver's Ze?t Riddles will surely drive your mind like crazy! The vibe of some of the levels from this game are slightly inspired by some of the riddles here.

Ze?t-Inspired Levels: #48, #49, #50, #57, #62

Play Ze?t Riddles here: