DIY PEST CONTROL SERVICES Vs. Hiring An Exterminator

Bugs begone! With the right assistance, you can keep those creepy crawlies away from getting into your home. Your house being not protected in the right way can lead to pest attack that is hard to control and may even take more time and money to completely get rid of them.

DIY or Hire A Professional?

The weightage between DIY pest control services or hiring a professional varies depending on how much you can put into it all by yourself, achieving the best results or if you are willing to invest in hiring a professional.

Both come with their own benefits and drawbacks when it comes to price and effective long-term pest control in VA.


DIY - speaking of DIY, it may seemcheaper to get the products or equipment from a local store but do you know which products will be up to the task?

Pest Control Services - investing one time in a professional pest control services can save you from time and again investing in local short term products. On the other hand, if you don’ttake care of the pests effectively, they can spread to other places of your home quickly.


DIY - if you are sure it’s asmall infestation, DIY pest products work fine depending on the type of product and procedure you are using. With the use of low-quality products, pests can get immune to chemicals and there are chances that they will not disappear completely.

Best Pest Control Virginia Beach - contact a reliable termite control company that gives you assurance for total elimination of pestsas per the up-to-dated professional pest control products and procedures that are safe for you and your home.


DIY - chemicals and products that you do not have any understanding of can cause harmful effects on your health and also your house, furniture, pets, and plants.

Pest Control Services - skilled services make sure to use the products that are not harmful to human health, other living creatures and your home. Most reliable companies offer safety contract as the best customer support.


DIY - instruction manualsare not always as effective as they sound, especially if you are new to this.

Pest Control Services - having advanced understanding of pests, exterminators are better able to identify the main cause and treat the problem to the root.

When and Why You Should Call Pest Control Services

In some cases, we agree that doing it yourself is a better option than paying an exterminator. You must understand when there is need for a professional pest control service to come to your home. Here are some of the bugs that you must not worry about for calling a professional, DIY would go fine for fly, yellow jacket, and ants. However, if you suspect bed bugs, termite, or any other pest that could harm your family or your home, you should contact an termite control services immediately.

Why Choose Universal Pest & Termite, Inc.We reach where you cannot

Universal Pest & Termite offers the best pest control services for a wide range of pests from ants, termites, rodents, spiders, bed bugs, silverfish, and other moisture related pest. B

Besides the best pest control, your family’s safety is a priority for Universal Pest & Termite. With the use of all natural and eco-friendly products that are low odor yet effective, you will beleftwith a pest free house.

Contact us for pest control services & termite control services in your area. Keep your home free from all pests & termites.