I already know how to set a function for creating Asset Bundle in unity locally. First I set a local directory for Asset Bundle files, Then I upload the files to Dropbox and it works! But I was wondering if I could upload the Asset Bundle files to the server directly. I know about POST, But I don't know how to implement it in this case

I am trying to download a prefab using the Unity Addressable system. The address is located on a remote server and I have my addressable system set to pull from that remote server. The code below loads that asset from the server and is supposed to report its download progress. However, this doesn't seem to work. The UpdateProgressBar method only gets called once and then never again. As far as I know, Coroutines are supposed to run as long as they have something to do, so I assumed using the while loop would cause the coroutine to continue to call the UpdateProgressBar method.

Unity Addressables Download From Server

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For each group, the build and load path pair can either be Local or it can be Remote, allowing you to load some assets from a different location, such as a web server, while others are included in the initial installation.

Question about remote assets: Are the downloaded assets deleted after a while and have to be downloaded again from the server or do these assets remain persistent on the device? I had read somewhere a long time ago that they disappear after a certain time.

The 00_Preloading Dynamic Prefabs scene is the simplest implementation of a dynamic Prefab. It instructs all game instances to load a network Prefab (it can be just one, it can also be a set of network Prefabs) and inject them to a NetworkManager's NetworkPrefabs list before starting the server. What's important is that it doesn't matter where the Prefab comes from. It can be a simple Prefab or it can be an Addressable - it's all the same.

The 01_Connection Approval Required For Late Joining scene uses a class that walks through what a server needs to approve a client when dynamically loading network Prefabs. This is another simple example; it's just the implementation of the connection approval callback, which is an optional feature from Netcode for GameObjects. To enable it, enable the Connection Approval option on the NetworkManager in your scene. This example enables connection approval functionality to support late-joining clients, and it works best in combination with the techniques from the other example scenes. The other example scenes don't allow for reconciliation after the server loads a Prefab dynamically, except for scene 05_API Playground Showcasing All Post-Connection Uses, where all post-connection use-cases are integrated in one scene.

The 03_Server Authoritative Synchronous Dynamic Prefab Spawn scene is a dynamic Prefab loading scenario where the server instructs all clients to load a single network Prefab, and only invokes a spawn after all clients have finish loading the Prefab. The server initially sends a ClientRpc to all clients, begins loading the Prefab on the server, awaits a acknowledgement of a load via a ServerRpcs from each client, and only spawns the Prefab over the network after it receives an acknowledgement from every client, within a predetermined amount of time.

The sample first validates that only the server executes this bit of code. Next, it grabs a AssetReferenceGameObject from the serialized list at random, and invokes an asynchronous task that tries to spawn this dynamic Prefab, positioned inside a random point of a circle:

Take a look at the implementation, observed inside ServerAuthoritativeNetworkVisibilitySpawning. As was the case with the last use-case, the Start() method defines the callback to subscribe to from the UI (user interface). The method invoked on the server looks like:

NetworkObject.CheckObjectVisibility is the callback that Netcode uses to decide whether to mark a NetworkObject as network-visible to a client. Here the sample explicitly defines a new callback. In this case, network-visibility is determined by whether the server has received an acknowledgement ServerRpc from a client for having loaded the dynamic Prefab.

The Unity Addressable System is a way to replace the traditional "hard-wired" references to assets in a scene with an address system, meaning that you can load an asset in via an "address" (a name) during runtime, instead of having to assign a reference somewhere. Doing so brings various advantages, such as being able to separate your art content from your game logic, downloading art content from a file server during runtime, but also deploying content updates without having to roll out a new client build.

Configuring the addressable system in a project with many assets can be a lot of work if done manually, since you would need to identify the used assets on the terrain and configure them as addressables. Gaia can do the heavy lifting for you by automatically collecting all used assets from the terrains in your scene and marking them as addressable.

5. Do a regular build for your game and publish it. When doing a local build, the addressable bundle files should be included within your build and you would publish them automatically when publishing the entire build directory.

When doing a server build, your client would need to know the location of the catalogue, and would need to be able to open a scene from this catalogue file. We have included a sample client in Gaia that you can use for your first experiments with server builds.

Gaia comes with a demo client that makes it easier for you to experiment with addressable server builds when you are exploring the addressable system. You can find the client in the following unity scene:

If you have configured your scene in the configuration file, you can run the Demo Client scene and the configured scene should be loaded from the catalog when you press the button accordingly. The demo client will cache the files per default, so the second time you press the button, the scene should start instantly since it was already cached. You can disable the cache with the "Use Cached Data" checkbox.

If you do another build of the addressable bundles after changing your scene, and upload the updated files to the server, the addressable system should recognize this and download the changed bundles accordingly.

We recently worked on a Unity WebGL project that used Addressable Assets, and it included a library that required us to load the Addressables from a Remote Load Path. However, we knew we would be hosting the final Addressable Assets at the same location as the WebGL application itself, so they would always have the same base URL. This location could change, though depending whether we were testing on a staging server or a live server, and we didn't want to remake the Unity build for each location we would be deploying to.

So, if malicious downloads are a concern for your use case, you'll need to use server-side solutions. Content distribution networks exist to alleviate the load of file serving from servers, and detect/block denial of service attacks, or you can implement your own customized protections.

Live link refers to tech that allows you to make changes in the editor and see those changes reflected in a running player. It is a handy feature for tweaking object properties for mobile games. Without it, the workflow looks like this: make a change, build addressables, build the player, deploy the player, run the app and finally see the change. This loop can take minutes. A task I worked on required a solution to have a live link solution between unity and a mobile device.

I am pretty sure Unity has a proper live link system in the works, but I needed something quick. Luckily we have a development server, which we use to serve addressables and set up various network conditions for testing downloads, so I decided to add this functionality there. 2351a5e196

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