
Random Lake / Adell

United Fund 2025 Drive

Photo of random lake's sunset.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Dear Neighbor:

We are your local Random Lake/Adell United Fund, a group of neighbors helping neighbors collect contributions so that local needs may be addressed.  When we organized in 1978, volunteers went door to door asking for contributions.  Now requests are conducted by this mail campaign or by using Bill Pay or by Zelle.

Contributions may be mailed to P.O. Box 91, Random Lake, WI 53075 or dropped off in the lobbies of our two local banks and savings institutions.  Also for those who contribute to an employee's United Way payroll deduction plan, you can direct your money to be sent to us.  You must stipulate that it be sent to: The Greater Random Lake/Adell United Fund, P.O. Box 91, Random Lake, WI 53075.

It should be pointed out that we have no paid employees nor do we pay any dues to any organization, our only expenses occurred are for printing and postage.  Less than 5 cents of every dollar received is used as campaign costs.

Consider this plan now and think of the importance of each local agency listed here, your money stays and helps enrich the lives of all of us in southern Sheboygan County.

More information can be found on the internet by looking up our website

Contact us at


Frank Peterson, President

Tracey Thompson, Secretary

Scott Risch, Treasurer

Goal Graph

$42,500 Goal

$37,851 reached
