Welcome to UNIST Data Intelligence Lab! 

We are looking for self-motivated and passionate graduate students and undergraduate interns to join our lab. We are currently interested in the following four areas. If you are interested, please send your transcript, CV, and research interests to Prof. Yeon-Chang Lee (yeonchang at unist.ac.kr).

Research Summary

1) Graph Representation Learning: signed (SIGIR'20, CIKM'20short, SIGIR'23short, TKDD'24) and directed (WSDM'22b) graphs

2) Dynamics in Graph Mining: temporal knowledge (ICDM'22, Inf. Sci.'24) and dynamic signed (CIKM'23, CIKM'24) graph modeling, and information pathway prediction (KDD'23), and visualization of trajectories on node embeddings

3) Robustness in Graph Mining: out-of-distribution generalization (WWW'23)

4) Fairness in Graph Mining: fair graph anomaly detection (CIKM'24) and fair graph neural networks

5) Graph-based Downstream Tasks: node ranking (SIGIR'21) and community detection (ICDM'21, TKDE'23)

1) Graph-based Collaborative Filtering (AAAI'18, WSDM'22a, SIGWEB Newsletter'23, CSUR'24, IJCAI'24)

2) Multi-modal Recommender Systems (CIKM'22)

3) Domain-specific Recommender Systems: TV shows (ICDE'19, ICDE'23), news articles (ICDE'22industry, CIKM'22short), and related searches