
UNIQUE Conference Travel Awards

Winter 2025 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
Application deadline: January 20, 2025

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Awards

Fall 2024 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships

2025-2026 Competition 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships (MSc, PhD and Postdocs)
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Awards

Summer 2024 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

Winter 2024 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

Fall 2023 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships

2024-2025 Competition 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships (MSc, PhD and Postdocs)
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

Summer 2023 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

Fall 2022/Winter 2023 competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships

2023-2024 Competition 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships (MSc, PhD and Postdocs)
[Competition closed] 

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Grants

Summer 2022 Competition

Program for undergraduate, MSc, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
[Competition closed] 

Program details 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships

2022-2023 Competition 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships (MSc, PhD and Postdocs)
[Competition closed] 

Program details

Shanahan Foundation Fellowship at the Interface of Data & Neuro 

The Shanahan Foundation Fellowship at the Interface of Data and Neuroscience is a three-year postdoctoral fellowship opportunity from  AccelNet INBIC/University of Washington/Allen Institute (UNIQUE’s partner).
[Competition closed] 

More information is available HERE

AccelNet (IN-BIC) Scholarships 

Applications are now open for the first round of AccelNet International Network for Biologically-Inspired Computing (IN-BIC) project grants, to support students and postdocs to undertake new collaborative

[Competition closed] 

More information is available HERE

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships

2021-2022 Competition 

UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships (MSc, PhD and Postdocs)
[Competition closed]

Program details

UNIQUE-IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Winter 2021 Competition

UNIQUE-IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship [Competition closed]

Program details

UNIQUE-IVADO Neuro-AI Team Grant

Winter 2021 Competition

UNIQUE-IVADO Neuro-AI Team Grant [Competition closed]

Program details

FRQNT - Mitacs Globalink Research Award

FRQNT - Mitacs Globalink Research Awards (undergraduate, MSc, PhD and Postdocs) - [Competition closed]

Apply for a 12-24 weeks fully funded internship in the field of AI and Neuroscience. This opportunity is open for foreign students looking for opportunities in Quebec and for students from UNIQUE labs who would like to conduct a short-term research abroad. 

Eligible countries : Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, all countries in the European Union, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States.

Program details

UNIQUE Conference Travel Awards

UNIQUE Conference Travel Awards [Competition closed] 

UNIQUE is pleased to offer conference travel awards to its students who will be presenting a paper (oral or poster) at a national or international scientific meeting. A maximum amount of $1,000 is provided to each recipient to cover expenses related to travel, accommodation and registration fees. 

Program details

UNIQUE- Mitacs Globalink Research Awards 

UNIQUE-Globalink Research Award covers a 3-6 months research internship at the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence for incoming and outgoing undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. These awards are available through an agreement between UNIQUE and Mitacs.
[Competition closed] 

Eligible Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, all countries in the European Union, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Lebanon, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.

Program details