Leigh's story


It’s beginning.

Stations set, goodie bags filled,

Clinking of teaspoons with the smell of tasty breakfast treats.

Excited chatter.

Hello, how was your journey? Nice to see you.

People meet and greet.

A happy welcome.

Seats are occupied.

The room filled with optimism and enthusiasm.

Pens in hands, poised ready to gather notes.

Here we go!

Concentrated faces

Listening with interest.

Hands up, questions, keen to soak it in.


A few more questions…

They learn, they are empowered.

Every day’s a school day.


It’s finishing.

Exhiliarated blathering of next steps.

Full tummies and minds.


A happy smile.


See you next time.

Let’s do it all again!

Written by Leigh Meechan, EIS