There is no real limit on the number of letters that Unicode can define and in fact they have gone beyond 65,536 so not every unicode letter can really be squeezed into two bytes, but that was a myth anyway.

The return type is completely dependent on whatever is the type of keys or values in the dictionary, if ensure_ascii=False, but str is returned always if ensure_ascii=True. If you can accidentally set 8-bit strings to dictionaries, you cannot blindly convert this return type to unicode, because you need to set the encoding, presumably UTF-8:

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I am new and do not see how to post a new question, so I will continue from this related topic. I am using Ignition 8.1.24.

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In the Expression Binding I can't enter unicode with a "u" prefix. Instead, I must hunt on the web for the rendered unicode, copy it, and paste into the Expression Binding text area.

#1 How do I enter raw unicode?

I found a degree symbol and it works in my project's Label. However, when I inherit that project into a parent project, the symbol has an "A" with a hat above it before the degree symbol. Why did that happen?

#2 How do I get inherited projects to display the exact same unicode?

On the other hand on Python 2 we have two text types: str which forall intents and purposes is limited to ASCII + some undefined data abovethe 7 bit range, unicode which is equivalent to the Python 3 strtype and one byte type bytearray which it inherited from Python 3.

Aside from the codec system regression there is also the case that alltext operations now are only defined for Unicode strings. In a way thisseems to make sense, but it does not really. Previously the interpreterhad implementations for operations on byte strings and Unicode strings.This was pretty obvious to the programmer as custom objects had toimplement both __str__ and __unicode__ if they wanted to beformatted into either. Again, there was implicit coercion going on whichconfused newcomers, but at least we had the option for both.

I understand that \u can help make unicode characters like "\u00E4" becomes "".

How can I take a variable like "00E4" and convert it to ""? I cannot do "\u#{var}". I ithink first convert from hex to integer maybe?

I also want to know if all the 3 files are the same file or if they were different? I uploaded them to dropbox a long time ago so I don't remember. One has the name unicode encoding conflict and another has the name unicode encoding conflict (1). And one has a normal name.

The String class is expecting UTF-8 characters, but compilers have no idea what type of encoding your text editor was using when you saved the source-file, and they'll make an assumption which is generally going to be wrong. So most likely, the encoding is going to get garbled somewhere between your editor, the compiler, and the library classes. The ONLY cross-platform way to embed a unicode string into C++ source code is by dumbing it down to ASCII + escape characters. That's a pain to write by hand, but luckily if you fire up the Introjucer and use its "UTF-8 String Literal Helper" tool, it'll do all the messy stuff for you, and convert any unicode string into a safe C++ expression that you can paste into your code, e.g.

The unicode-bidi CSS property, together with the direction property, determines how bidirectional text in a document is handled. For example, if a block of content contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text, the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. The unicode-bidi property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.

This unicode is handy and all, but until it work or you have some way to make it work on the menu bar, it fall short of being a real solution for multiple langauge. in the western us we have a host of multi cutural people all looking at the same program. it would be nice if we could change it also on the fly to be a different langauge. or maybe a make a menu bar control that we use in place of it. that we could modifiy.

Having those prepared VIs is great, but I want to know how it's done. I can see that author uses xxx.InterpAsUnicode property but I fail to find it in my environment even after enabling unicode in *.ini file. I don't know how to enable that property

I was working with a csv in Pandas and I didn't save it or anything so idk how this happened, but now it's a unicode file for some reason. Is there any way I can put it back into a csv or am I screwed?

When I am trying to format a cell based on conditions (conditional formatting), there is an option to use customized icons. The prompt indicates it must be a valid unicode glyph. I tried to paste different unicode glyphs and they are all coming up as invalid. Can you tell me the format of what needs to be entered or a list of what is available?

This package provides a comprehensive implementation of unicode maths for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. Unicode maths requires an OpenType mathematics font, of which there are now a number available via CTAN.

Note that integers in the list always represent code points regardless of InEncoding passed. If InEncoding latin1 is passed, only code points < 256 are allowed; otherwise, all valid unicode code points are allowed.

If InEncoding is latin1, parameter Data corresponds to the iodata() type, but for unicode, parameter Data can contain integers > 255 (Unicode characters beyond the ISO Latin-1 range), which makes it invalid as iodata().

Option unicode is an alias for utf8, as this is the preferred encoding for Unicode characters in binaries. utf16 is an alias for {utf16,big} and utf32 is an alias for {utf32,big}. The atoms big and little denote big- or little-endian encoding.

Byte strings and unicode strings each have a method to convert it to the other type of string. Unicode strings have a .encode() method that produces bytes, and byte strings have a .decode() method that produces unicode. Each takes an argument, which is the name of the encoding to use for the operation.

Python 2 tries to be helpful when working with unicode and byte strings. If you try to perform a string operation that combines a unicode string with a byte string, Python 2 will automatically decode the byte string to produce a second unicode string, then will complete the operation with the two unicode strings.

This is the source of those painful UnicodeErrors. Your code inadvertently mixes unicode strings and byte strings, and as long as the data is all ASCII, the implicit conversions silently succeed. Once a non-ASCII character finds its way into your program, an implicit decode will fail, causing a UnicodeDecodeError.

Lastly, we encode an ASCII string to UTF-8, which is silly, encode should be used on unicode string. To make it work, Python performs the same implicit decode to get a unicode string we can encode, but since the string is ASCII, it succeeds, and then goes on to encode it as UTF-8, producing the original byte string, since ASCII is a subset of UTF-8.

The biggest change in the Unicode support in Python 3 is that there is no automatic decoding of byte strings. If you try to combine a byte string with a unicode string, you will get an error all the time, regardless of the data involved!

This drastically changes the nature of Unicode pain in Python 3. In Python 2, mixing unicode and bytes succeeds so long as you only use ASCII data. In Python 3, it fails immediately regardless of the data.

Everything is fine But, I'm still missing 2 shortcuts. One is for unicode input, 'ctrl+shift+u', which I can theoretically live with (but I don't want to), and second is 'ctrl+.', I don't even know what that is.

I might be wrong, but IIRC in last 20 years I needed to quickly enter unicode character ~zero times. Both of these shortcuts are too prestigious to be allocated for something what is close to never used (unicode input), respectively never used and I even don't know what that is. Especially ctrl+. is very nice shortcut, used in many IDEs, and I don't want to loose it just because there is something I will never use.

Some database backends, particularly SQL Server with pyodbc,are known to have undesirable behaviors regarding data that is notedas being of NVARCHAR type as opposed to VARCHAR, includingdatatype mismatch errors and non-use of indexes. See the sectionon DialectEvents.do_setinputsizes() for background on workingaround unicode character issues for backends like SQL Server withpyodbc as well as cx_Oracle. 17dc91bb1f

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