I have installed youtube-viewer in my Ubuntu 16.04 minimal desktop. When I am running youtube-viewer, malayalam results are not showing correctly as you can see in the screenshot below. I have tried the same in rxvt-unicode with malayalam fonts installed, but no difference at all. Any help would be appreciated.

Note: To indicate a Chillu, suffix the consonant with the ^ character (eg. ^)

Note: If you have trouble typing Unicode characters (such as ,  or ), try the software called AutoHotkey using this script to easily type those unicode characters with any keyboard.

Unicode Download Malayalam

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You can find some or all of the characters in this range in the Windows Unicode fonts Akshar Unicode, AnjaliOldLipi, Arial Unicode MS, Code2000, Dyuthi, Free Idg Serif, Free Serif, JanaMalayalam, Kalyani, Kartika, Karumbi, Keli, malayalam, MalOtf, Meera, ML-NILA01, ML-NILA02, ML-NILA03, ML-NILA04, Rachana, RaghuMalayalam, Samyak, Samyak Malayalam, Saraswati5, Sun-ExtA, suruma, ThoolikaTraditionalUnicode and ThoolikaUnicode.

Joel Cherney has already answered your solution. I had similar situation while using with old ml which were converted to unicode. The solution to this was enabling harfbuzz in indesign. It'll definitly help.

have been using keyman desktop and mozhi keyboard. recently I found that for malayalam letter  is not correctly displayed while using MS word. It is displayed as  . But the keyboard is working fine with Libreoffice, chrome etc. I have tried using ZWJ, but no change. Kindly help me with this issue.



You also need reasonably good unicode compatible Malayalam fonts. These fonts also comes with GNU/Linux distros. Search for malayalam fonts in your package manager and install if not already installed. Eg fonts: Meera, Rachana etc.

I've heard that people read malayalam () ebooks on kindle. Not the images placed in a PDF file. The file which we can read like normal ebook format (controlling the fontsize mainly).

In case this doesn't work check if the text in the file is in unicode. Earlier there were many fonts around (like the old fonts used in Manorama website) that weren't unicode and not supported by most readers.

Som dei andre dravidiske sprka er malayalam eit agglutinerande sprk. Sprket bruker svrt mange etterfeste og nokre frefeste for  endra tydinga eller grammatisk rolla t ord. Dette gjev malayalam ein srskild ord- og setningsbygnad. Eit dme er tittelen t ei song som vart populr p 1990-talet, som tyder og ein annan dag no, der ingen kjem, og berre er eitt ord p malayalam, varuvnillruminnorunum.

Malayalam str i nr slekt med tamil og folk fr det malayalam-talande landet pla skriva normert tamil i mange hundrer. Statusen t malayalam som eit tskilt sprk var berre etablert p 1500-talet av Thuntsjathu Ezhuthatsjan, ein diktar som ofte vert kalla faderen t malayalam. Ezhuthatsjan si dikting etablerte ein ny ortografi, grammatikk, ordforrd og litterrt idiom for malayalam, som var ganske ulike fr tamil. Ein trur at den moderne malayalam-skrifta ogs var laga av han. Ezhuthatsjan baserte sprkombota si p ei blanding av sprkformar som fanst i manipravlam-diktingstradisjonen, folkeviser og verk som blanda normert tamil med lokale dialektformar. Det er difor vanleg i dag  rekna desse tidlegare verka som dme p tidleg malayalam bokheim. 9af72c28ce

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