The Union of Historians of Cuba (UNHIC) with the collaboration of the José Martí Program Office, the Academy of Cuban History, the Institute of Cuban History and the Office of Historical Affairs, calls on historians and specialists from related disciplines to participate at the III International Colloquium of Historians “History, Culture and National Sovereignty”, as part of the program of the VI International Conference FOR THE WORLD BALANCE, to be held in Havana, from January 28 to 31, 2025, organized by the Project José Martí for World Solidarity.

The Colloquium aims to promote broad and plural exchange and debate on topics related to History, historical research, the teaching of history, the training of historians and history teachers and the contribution of researchers, teachers, activists and promoters of education and culture, in order to contribute to the construction of a better world. The Colloquium will be an opportune space to present new studies and historiographical, educational and methodological results, based on the following thematic axes of exchange:

1. José Martí and Simón Bolívar, the concepts of the balance of the world and Our America.

2. Political and social justice thought in Latin America and the Caribbean.

3. José Martí and history. Universality and transcendence of Martí's legacy in Cuba and in the world.

4. Vision on the integration processes in Latin America. Historicity and situation current.

5. Our America: Independence and Revolution.

6. Complexities of contemporary historiography.

7. Historiographic criticism. Paradigms and challenges.

8. The teaching of history. Theoretical and methodological problems.

9. The training of historians. Experiences and challenges.

10. Experiences in the socialization of historical knowledge. History in the publishing world and digital alternatives.

11. Durability of Martí's legacy in the revolutionary struggles of the Cuban people and in particular the thought of Fidel Castro.

12. Value of history and historical memory for the present and future of peoples.

13. The great precursors and thought figures of the Third World; the value of their decolonizing ideas and a culture of peace.

Participants in the Colloquium will be considered delegates to the VI International Conference and will have the right to participate in all the commissions, keynote conferences and other scientific spaces on the program of that conclave, as well as in the planned cultural activities.

The scientific program will be developed through presentations. To make a presentation, the authors will have up to 15 minutes. Participation may take place for those with a research paper and those without. Registration of those interested in taking part in one modality or another can be made directly to the Organizing Committee of this III Colloquium.

Those interested in attending the III International Colloquium “HISTORY, CULTURE AND NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY”, who reside outside Cuba, must submit their request to participate by sending the paper to be presented with their summary of up to 250 words that includes name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s), scientific degree(s), place of work, telephone number and email address. They will be received until November 30, 2024, via email: unhic-cuba@cubarte.cult.cu. A copy of the message will be sent to the following addresses of the Organizing Committee of the VI International Conference: hpardo@cubarte.cult.cu and hpardo2006@yahoo.es

Presentations must be prepared in Word, letter format, with a 2.5 cm margin on each side and 1.5 line spacing. References will appear at the bottom of the page. The maximum length will be 20 pages.

ACCREDITATION: Foreign participants will pay the registration fee established in the Call for the VI International Conference FOR THE WORLD BALANCE.

Delegates ------------- -- 150.00 USD

Undergraduate students --- 80.00 USD (present supporting document)

Companions ---------- -- 60.00 USD

The registration fee includes lunches at the gastronomic facilities of the Convention Palace, a farewell fraternization cocktail and invitations to artistic and cultural activities, such as the gala dedicated to the Conference participants that would be held in an emblematic theater of Havana.

Those interested in participating will be sent the facilities for paying the accreditation fee and their stay in Cuba.

MEMORIES OF THE EVENT: The Union of Historians of Cuba will publish a book of Memories in digital format with the presentations presented. They will also appear in the Memoirs of the VI International Conference FOR THE WORLD BALANCE, which is edited by its Organizing Committee and distributed to universities in various latitudes.

CREDITS: The Union of Historians of Cuba will certify participation in the Colloquium. The VI Conference will also issue an accrediting diploma with the corresponding academic credits, according to international standards.