Prompt Styles and Weights


Baseline Images

Lets start with a baseline. For this writeup, we’ll be using the following prompt format:

/imagine <prompt> --ar 16:9 --seed 1

/imagine Utah Teapot --ar 16:9 --seed 1

*Note: I should have used --sameseed 1 instead of seed 1 to have consistent images across the 2x2 grids

/imagine Utah Teapot --ar 16:9 --seed 1
/imagine Utah Teapot Wood --ar 16:9 --seed 1
/imagine Wood --ar 16:9 --seed 1
Note: The above images are not using an image prompt, going forward, all images will be using the prompt format specified above.
<No Prompt>
Utah Teapot
Utah Teapot Wood

We’ll be relying on the seed to produce consistent images for comparison, so let’s see what happens if we run the same prompt three times

Utah Teapot Wood
Utah Teapot Wood
Utah Teapot Wood

Very minor Differences! Looks like we can reliably use this for our experiment!

Prompt Separators

First, let's look at how separators could affect a simple prompt (We wont get into how NLP parses lists and grammar, or how to trick it into creating pseudo words / compound words)

Utah Teapot Wood

Utah teapot wood


Utah Teapot Wood!

Utah Teapot? Wood

UtAh TeApOt WoOd

Utah Teapot, Wood

Utah Teapot + Wood

Utah Teapot - Wood

Utah Teapot | Wood

Utah Teapot || Wood

Utah Teapot : Wood

Utah Teapot. Wood

Utah Teapot < Wood

Utah Teapot > Wood

Utah Teapot & Wood

Utah Teapot && Wood

Utah Teapot or Wood

Utah Teapot and Wood

Utah Teapot xor Wood

Utah Teapot in the form of wood

Utah Teapot made of Wood

Utah Teapot made by Wood

Utah Teapot in the style of wood


Welp, that convinces me, separator doesn't do much of anything in this context!

Prompt Weights

Regular Weight Variation

Next, let's look at weights. We're using an image prompt, so that image gets a default weight of .25, unspecified weights get a default value of 1.

Utah Teapot Baseline Image

Utah Teapot::1 Wood::.1

Utah Teapot::9 Wood::.2

Utah Teapot::8 Wood::.3

Utah Teapot::7 Wood::.4

Utah Teapot::6 Wood::.5

Utah Teapot::5 Wood::.5

Utah Teapot:: Wood::

Utah Teapot::5 Wood::.6

Utah Teapot::4 Wood::.7

Utah Teapot::3 Wood::.8

Utah Teapot::2 Wood::.9

Utah Teapot::.1 Wood::1

Negative Weights

Next let's examine a few interesting weights! Note: The total of all weights needs to be non negative or you will get an error.

Utah Teapot::-1 Wood::1

Utah Teapot::0 Wood::0

Utah Teapot::-.125 Wood::-.125

*--iw defaults to .25

Utah Teapot::0 Wood::-.125

Utah Teapot::-.25

Utah Teapot Wood:: Wood::-1

*Yes I know I messed up the initial prompt, but the interesting result remains :)

Image Weights

Image Examples

Aspect Ratios

Uplight And Stop

If you’ve ever upscaled your image, you may find it super grainy, full of noise, or drastically different. Some people use external upscalers, but you can also attempt playing with the –uplight and –stop parameters. Let’s take a look! We’ll use the prompt /imagine Utah Teapot --ar 16:9 --seed 1 play with various stop and uplight combinations. We’ll specifically look at variation #2 (The top right image on the grid).


// TODO: Simple example showing how simply incrementing the result doesn't create simple variations, but sameseed does

Default Prompt Weights

/imagine <URL> Prompt

Is the same as

/imagine <URL> Prompt::1/imagine <URL> Prompt --iw .25/imagine <URL> Prompt::1 --iw .25/imagine <URL> Prompt::4 --iw 1

Colors with Weights

// TODO: You can use smaller prompts with low weights to influence the color such as `A girl with black hair and a red streak:: girl with black hair::.2 hair with red streak::.1

Guiding Through Variations

// TODO: You can use the variation buttons to fix the composition, anatomy, position, color, etc.. think of it like blood lines, if a child doesn't improve on the parent image, reroll

Pseudo Compound Words

So what does MJ think of random words we make up? Can it interpret custom compound words such as blightwood or terratron? Maybe! Lets see how words can be smooshed together and how MJ might interpret them. For this, we wont be using the image prompt.

// TODO: UtahTeapot vs Utah Teapot vs Utah-Teapot vs Utah+Teapot (notice the lack of space - makes a big difference in MJs understanding)