United Nations Association (UNA-USA) Albuquerque Chapter

Peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet

UN Associations Rocky Mountain - Final Cut with CC.mp4

This is our WHY... 

Special thanks to Spy Hop Productions for helping UNA-USA Project Rocky Mountain Region to produce this informational Public Service Announcement about the Sustainable Development Goals and our work to bring broadband internet access to hard-to-connect communities. 



President's Welcome

Welcome to the Albuquerque Chapter of UNA-USA!

The work we are doing to localize the Sustainable Development Goals in New Mexico can only happen through partnerships. I learned about teamwork and winning around the world while I traveled with the Women's Basketball Association. I took what I learned in coaching sports to deliver exceptional professional training programs in diverse communities. With you and UNA-USA, I have no doubt that we can win at creating a better world by 2030 if we work together.

What challenges do you want to solve in your community?

Thank you for visiting UNA-ABQ and let me know how UNA can help you.

In partnership,

Betsy Bailey, President 

Email Me

UNA-ABQ on Facebook

Project Rocky Mountain Region

Project Rocky Mountain Region is a 5-state initiative (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming) that is led by the UNA Albuquerque Chapter to serve as a pilot program and model for localizing the SDGs through a concentrated effort to align stakeholders who can bring reliable and low-cost broadband internet service to marginalized communities. 

Learn more

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)