Robin Wright

Curriculum Vitae

Robin Wright

267 19th Ave S 971-777-0164

Minneapolis, MN 55455


2015-. Ph.D. Candidate, Geography, Environment, and Society, University of Minnesota

Advisor: Kate Derickson

Dissertation Title : This is our Land: Viral Constitutionalism in the American West

2010. B.A. in History, Willamette University


Edited Volume

2018. Wright R, Goldfischer E, Mallory A, and Derickson K. The spatial technologies of racialized knowing: on visuality, measurement and the law. In M. Coleman and J. Agnew (eds) Handbook on the Geographies of Power. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar

Book Review

2017. Wright R. [Review of Geontologies: A Requiem for Late Liberalism, by E. Povinelli]. Society and Space.

Manuscripts Under Review

Under review. Wright, R. Whiteness, nationalism, and the U.S. Constitution: Constructing the white nation through legal discourse.

Under review. Wright, R. The racialized properties of territory in settler colonial states.

Under review. McFadden, K. and Wright, R. Growth as a Public Good: Tax Increment Financing and Education in California and Chicago.

Wed-based Publications

2020. Wright, R. Give me Liberty or Give me COVID-19. Age of Revolutions.

Awards and Honors

2019. Denis Cosgrove PhD Research Award, Cultural Geography, $1,000

2019. University of Minnesota Graduate Research Partnership Project, $5,000

2018. Geography, Environment, and Society Summer Travel Fellowship, $3,500

2017. SSRC Interdisciplinary Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, $5,000

2017. Geography Environment, and Society Summer Travel Fellowship, $2,236

2016. Geography, Environment, and Society Summer Travel Fellowship, $1,000

2015. College of Liberal Arts Graduate Fellowship, University of Minnesota, $25,000

Conference Presentations

2020. Wright, R. Liberty State: Territorializing Whiteness in the Northwest. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Virtual.

2019. Wright, R. Constitutional claims, constituting subjects. Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

2019. Wright, R. Cows, guns, and pocket Constitutions: Producing a white right to public lands in the west. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

2018. Wright, R. Settler colonial frontiers of the global color line: Ranchers, race, and the struggle over land in the U.S. West. Royal Geographers Society-IBG International Conference. Cardiff, Wales.

2018. Wright, R. The Constitution and its publics: ranchers, rangeland, and law in the American west. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.

2018. Wright, R. “This statement may be read as an acknowledgement!”: conservation, commodification, and contested environments in the American West. Dimensions of Political Ecology. Lexington, Kentucky.

2017. Wright, R. Driving while undocumented: policing illegal subjects in the liberal state.

American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.

2017. Wright, R. This land is our land: ranchers, race, and settler politics in the west. Dimensions of Political Ecology. Lexington, Kentucky

Workshops and Panels

2018. Wright, R. Law and Society Junior Scholars Workshop. Toronto, Canada.

2017. Wright, R. Demographic Fantasies, Fever Dreams, and the Unbearable Whiteness of Contemporary Politics. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts.

2016. Wright, R. Driving while undocumented: policing illegal subjects in the liberal state. Critical Geography Conference. Lexington, Kentucky.

Teaching Experience

2020. Teaching Assistant, Cities, Citizens, and Communities

2020. Teaching Assistant, Theories of Culture

2019. Instructor, Geographic Modes of Inquiry

2018. Instructor, Political Ecology of North America

2016-2017. Teaching Assistant, Our Globalizing World

Professional Experience

2017-2018. Administrative Fellow, Winton Chair Committee, College of Liberal Arts

Service to the Department

2019-.Graduate Representative, Graduate Education Policy Committee

2017-.Officer, Supporting Women in Geography

2016-2018. Graduate Representative, Coffee Hour Committee

Service to the Profession

Peer Reviewer, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Relevant Work Experience

2015. Legislative Assistant, Speaker of the House, Oregon

2013-2014. Program Director, St. Johns Center for Opportunity, Oregon

2012-2013. AmeriCorps VISTA, St. Johns Center for Opportunity, Oregon

2011-2012/ Policy Analyst, Causa, Oregon