Eric Goldfischer

About Eric

Eric Goldfischer is the Research Manager at Win (formerly Women in Need), New York City's largest provider of transitional and supportive housing. He is also a Visiting Scholar at NYU's Urban Democracy Lab. Working with homeless activists in New York City, his research examines the politics of visuality and homelessness in NYC’s urban ecological projects, such as the High Line. In addition to this broader project, he has written about a photographic anti-homeless campaign run by a union of the NYPD, the geography of "homeless hotspots," and the need to expand the field of urban political ecology to include analysis of housing justice. Eric is also one of the founders and organizers of the Power at the Margins conference, a bi-annual gathering of scholars, practitioners, and activists committed to housing justice. Prior to entering graduate school, Eric worked as a housing organizer in the South Bronx. Originally from New Jersey and Philadelphia, he has a BA in American Studies from Macalester College. You can read more about his work at his personal website.


Goldfischer, E, Rice, J and Black, S. “Obstinate Curiosity and Situated Solidarity in Urban Political Ecology” Geography Compass, pp 1-11. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12479

Goldfischer, E. “From Encampments to Hotspots: The Changing Policing of Homelessness in New York City.” Housing Studies, pp 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2019.1655532

Goldfischer, E. “Diverting Eyes and Bodies: The Management of Homeless Visibility in New York City.” Metropolitics.

Speer, J and Goldfischer, E. “The City Is Not Innocent: Homelessness, Survival, and the Value of Urban Nature” Capitalism Nature Socialism 31(3), pp24-41. DOI: 10.1080/10455752.2019.1640756

Goldfischer, E. “‘Peek-A-Boo, We See You Too:’ Homelessness and Visuality in New York City.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Goldfischer, E, Lucas, C and Walles, M. “Seeing Homelessness in New York City.” Society and Space open site.

Wright, R, Goldfischer, E, Mallory, A and Derickson, K. “Spatial Technologies of Racialized Knowing: On Visuality, Measurement, and the Law.” In Agnew, J and Coleman M (eds), Handbook on the Geographies of Power. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

2016 Goldfischer, E. “Book Review: The Value of Homelessness by Craig Willse.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 40 (4).

Collaborators and Friends

Picture the Homeless

Insurgent Midwest