Aaron Mallory

About Aaron

Aaron Mallory is a PhD student in the Department of Geography at the University of Minnesota. A child of Detroit auto workers and Southern raised, he has an inherent commitment to positive social change which led him to pursue a B.A. Political Economy at the Evergreen State College. Prior to pursuing graduate school, Aaron worked as a community organizer for a public health care and prevention organization in Inglewood, California. This experience working to address health disparities in low-income communities of color led Aaron to pursue a PhD in Geography where he combines his research in health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and black LGBTQ communities together in an interdisciplinary setting. His research interests are health geography, feminist knowledge production, black studies, and queer theory.



2019 (in progress) Mallory, A. "No Name in the Street: Black Women and the Spatial Politics of Accounting". In Eaves, L (eds), Unknowable Geography and Black Feminism.

2017 - Wright R, Goldfischer E, Mallory A, and Derickson K. (Forthcoming) The spatial technologies of racialized knowing: on visuality, measurement and the law. In M. Coleman and J. Agnew (eds) Handbook on the Geographies of Power. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar

2015 - Mallory, A. "Book Review: The Physics of Blackness by Michelle Wright." Gender, Place and Culture, Vol 23 (8).