UMN Navigators International Students

We are a global student community on a journey together exploring faith, having fun, and building friendships!  You are welcome!

Hutchinson Lake Weekend- July 20/21 2024

Fill out this form ( with your information for Lake Weekend on July 20th. We will spend the day at Belle lake on Saturday having fun and trying new things like boat rides, paddle boarding, knee boarding and tubing. On shore there will be fun yard games too!

You have 2 options for this trip:

1) Stay Saturday night with a host family and attend an American church service on Sunday morning. We will head back to Mpls/St.Paul after lunch on Sunday to be back around 3pm.

2) Go for a day trip on Saturday, be back to Mpls/St.Paul by 9-10pm.

Both options are FREE, thanks to our hosts!

The lake is approximately one and a half hours from campus. We will be meeting in the parking lot of University Village at 11AM to carpool there. Please show up at that time if you need a ride to the event as well as if you are a driver and are able to take others to the event with you.

There will be a late afternoon barbecue on Saturday, but lunch is on your own. (so you might want to bring something from home with you or maybe your car could stop along the way )

If you stay overnight, you will have breakfast and lunch provided on Sunday.

Bring a towel, swimming attire and sunscreen!

Come enjoy a perfect Minnesota summer weekend! Can't wait to see you there.

questions? call or text Frank at 612-221-0924

Hey everybody my name is Jeremy! One of my favorite parts about the U is the diversity on campus. Being a part of Navigators International has allowed me to tap into that diversity and meet so many people of different backgrounds. It has opened up my view of the world in a life-changing way!