Advent Study with Missionaries

through Scripture and Story

Welcome to the Advent Journey with Missionaries 

through Scripture and Story

We hope this study will strengthen the connections in the global body of Christ by growing the awareness and support of congregations with Christian siblings in other places through incorporating missionaries into worship and small groups in the reading scripture and the sharing of their stories. 

We start this Advent study with Christ the King Sunday, because sometimes when we know where the story ultimately leads, it helps us frame the beginning from another perspective. I imagine reading a book or watching a movie I've already read/seen 20 times - if I remember how it ends, then I notice other things about the beginning I might not have noticed otherwise.

Below you will find links to the weekly video recordings, along with the group study questions (also in PDF format)

You can find more information about each of the missionaries (including contact info) in the Links to Missionary Info page

If you have questions about this study or have difficulty accessing any of the various links,  please email Dan.

Finally, while these scripture readings are based off the Revised Common Lectionary Year A, and these interviews occurred during Advent 2022, the truths of God's love and work in the world found in these stories continue to inspire and connect us as Christians.

Introduction to Advent Journey with Missionaries

In this series we will hear scripture read by missionaries from around the world. After the readings, we will hear a bit more about their missionary journeys and their work, then you can join discussion with others in your group around the questions provided.

other ways to watch this 1 minute video:

download the video (link to Google drive file)

View directly on YouTube

Week 1: Christ the King

Scripture (Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 1:68-79) read by Bill Lovelace (Global Missionary) from USA serving in Norway

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 46

Inhale: Still me, Lord...

Exhale: that I might know your will.

other ways to watch this 25 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


Bill says that his journey as a missionary is “not something I had planned, but God gives us opportunity.” How might you pause during Advent and ask God for an open door of opportunity to serve others?


How can your life “shine light” to those around you who might be experiencing dark times?


How would you want to support Bill as a missionary and/or in his work with migrants and refugees?


Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?

Week 2: Advent I

Scripture (Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 24:36-44) read by Elizabeth Yambasu (Global Mission Fellow) from Sierra Leone serving in Liberia

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 122

Inhale: Bring Peace to Jerusalem...

Exhale: Bring peace to the world.

other ways to watch this 26 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


Elizabeth says, “We are all people of God here to serve?” and mentions using her skills to serve and show God’s love. What skills and abilities could you use to show God’s love to others during Advent and the New Year?


How could you support Elizabeth as a Global Mission Fellow and/or her work with anti-corruption and advocating for youth and women?


Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?

Week 3: Advent II

Scripture (Isaiah 11:1-10; Matthew 3:1-12) read by Edwin Campomanes (Global Missionary) from Mexico and serving in Guatemala

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 72

Inhale: Help us work for Justice...

Exhale: Help us work for peace.

other ways to watch this 25 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


Edwin did not plan to be a missionary, yet he got involved by volunteering one time with a group coming to town. How can you serve as a bridge between God’s love and people in your community this Advent?


How can you pray for Methodists in Guatemala this Advent and New Year? Would you be open to connecting virtually in the New Year with a congregation to learn more about them?


How would you want to support Edwin as a missionary and/or in his work with Methodists in rural areas?


Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?

Week 4: Advent III

Scripture (Isaiah 35:1-10; Matthew 11:2-11) read by Trisha Manns (Church and Community Worker) and Hannah Reasoner (Global Missionary).

Trisha is from Atlanta serving in Arkansas and Hannah is from USA serving in Colombia.

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 146

Inhale: Lift our hearts to you...

Exhale: that we might praise you always.

(Note, while this week's video is longer than normal, it is so, so good! Please make time to see the entire thing - even two sittings, if necessary.)

other ways to watch this 40 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

1. What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


2. Trisha and Hannah offer so many good quotes and challenges – pick two or three of the following to discuss:


* “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” What sets your soul on fire? What might be holding you back from pursuing it?


* “The path towards justice is a long path.” Where do you need patience and perseverance to work for justice?


* “Follow the miracle worker, not just the miracles” challenges us. What would following the miracle worker look like for you this coming year?

* Trisha says that following her call feels like freedom. What feels like freedom to you?


* Hannah says reaching out pokes holes in bubbles of loneliness and isolation. How can your life pokes holes in the loneliness of people in your congregation and community this coming year?


* The Global Missions Fellow program transformed Trisha’s and Hannah’s lives. Do you know of any young adults to whom you could mention this program?


3. How would you want to support Hannah as a missionary and/or in her work with CEPALC and youth and women?


4. How would you want to support Trisha as a missionary and/or in her work with youth and young adults?


5. Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?


Also, can you send cards or care packages to Global Mission Fellows or other missionaries? (If so, email Dan or email Trisha for names and addresses.)

Week 5: Advent IV

Scripture (Isaiah 7:10-16; Matthew 1:18-25) read by Helen de Leon Camarce (Global Missionary) from Philippines serving in Cambodia 

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 80

Inhale: Shine on us, Lord...

Exhale: that we might shine for you.

other ways to watch this 20 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


Helen tells us that she struggled at first with being a missionary, because she was doing finances and not the direct work with people and projects – yet she realizes now that she is using her gifts and skills as a missionary. How can you relate to this story? How can you see your work – whatever and wherever it may be - as ministry?


Helen says, “Hope is calling us to look forward…” In what areas of your life do you need to look forward with hope?


How would you want to support Helen as a missionary and/or the work of the many UM projects in Cambodia?


Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?

Week 6: Christmas Eve

Scripture (Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20) read by John Nday (Global Missionary) from Democratic Republic of Congo serving in Mozambique

Breath Prayer based on Psalm 96

Inhale: Your are great, Lord...

Exhale: Help me sing for you!

other ways to watch this 28 minute video: 

download the video (link to Google Drive file

or View directly on YouTube

link to John's PDF presentation on the work of the Cambine Agricultural Project.

Weekly Study Questions (PDF link here)

What is something from today’s scripture reading that resonates with you or catches your attention?


John tells of hope rising in their community when people came together to share their stories and their farming work. How might you create a space in this New Year to hear someone’s story, and in listening, bring hope?


John’s work in agriculture trains people in cultivating crops, and this helps to cultivate Hope in the community. What skill / training do you have that you might offer to help cultivate hope in people’s lives? (Tutoring kids, helping with taxes, English language assistance for immigrants, etc…)


The Cambine Mission is an example of the Body of Christ joining God’s holy work of healing the world. John talks about being “the hands and feet” of UM congregations on the ground. “It’s the effort of all of us joined in this partnership together.” Two considerations: a) how can you join in this partnership? And b) how can you be “the hands and feet” of Christ in your community this coming 2023?


Is there anything else from today’s readings, interview, or discussion you want to connect to your everyday life?

Thank you for participating with this Advent Missionary Study through Scripture and Stories

We hope you feel more connected to the global Body of Christ.

More information about these missionaries can be found on the Follow-up Links page.

Also, if you would like to have a missionary read a specific portion of scripture or to connect virtually with your congregation or group, please feel free to contact Dan so he can connect you with one of these missionaries or other missionaries serving around the world.