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created by  Japanese poet  Kikusui Yamano

I am checking malicious visitors to defend my own site. I have not collected any other information. And I'm also refusing for advertisement to be attendant in this site. This site is not commercial use, it is open to the public in order to make a statement of the opinion of the Japanese poet.

Bilayer Century α


◎アヘンノミクス(Overeating Mantou )◎おろしあ各命(◎Revolution of each life in Russia )◎満愁嘆(Manchurian lament)●満愁嘆人(Manchurian lament  in people )○後答心配Worry about future answers(Shinpei Goto)>1857~1929<○ニ短調音蔵A warehouse of sounds in D minors(Otozo Nitancho)>1875~1951<■満愁嘆団(Manchurian lament  in organization )□ 星干し製薬Drug company selling the dried stars(Hoshi Seiyaku

Before───Atomic bomb───────After────
◎天案悶絶(◎Gate of heavenly agonie)

Bilayer Century β


🔷To the whole world🔷🔷Mesopotamia β

🔷Japan β

Bilayer Century ɤ



🔷壺る──動詞態◎壺国会◎壺憲法◎壺放送◎壺星人◎壺勲章◎壺インフ ェルノ◎壺インボイス

History of " Angry uMe " 2024

240704◎小池渡世 ≒ Projection to make small ponds look bigger ≒240627◎小たんま≒ Small show-time out ≒240618◎うそ脱皮≒ False molting ≒
 240530◎画に描いたポチ≒ Watchdog in paintings ≒240530🔷美しい虚国──形容詞画態≒Beautiful Void Country-Adjective Visual Form≒ 

240311 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  , (倒)  
240228◎壺系団体連合会≒ Japan K-danren in the jar ≒240204◎秘書秘書離し=Isolation of whispers between secretaries =
240121Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 五考 Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅴ (友)240121◎懲りないめんめ ≒ Damn the undiscipline ≒240117◎ボツる倒置大 ≒ Large jar with upside down top ≒240108◎壺ソウル度 ≒ Sold out souls in the jar ≒

History of " Angry uMe " 2023

231202 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 五考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅴ, (倒)  231202◎壺インボイス ≒ Taxes disappearing in jars ≒
230902◎美サイレン島 ≒ Be silent Jap ≒230902🔷カルト国教──副詞餓態≒ Cult State Religion– Adverb starvation state ≒
230806 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 四考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅳ, (倒)  230806◎壺インフ ェルノ≒ Tsubo Inferno ≒
230727◎天宙殺論≒ Heavenly punishment theory ≒230722🔷をにとはかなむぞこそ──助詞臥態≒ Being fleeting with the devil – Recumbent postpositional particles≒230704◎壺勲章≒ Magical Medals that make people the nonresistant jar ≒
230624◎壺星人≒ Alien imperialists with the jar ≒
230529◎壺放送≒ Broadcasting within the jar ≒230518◎壺憲法≒ Dotsubo Constitution ≒230515◎壺国会≒ the Diet in the evil jar ≒230512🔷壺る──動詞態≒ Tsuboru – verb form (assimilating with the jar) ≒ 
230418 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 参考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅲ, (倒)  230418◎勝ち勝ち山師連合≒ Fraudsters Union on Kachkachi Mountain ≒230415Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 五考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅴ, (靖)
230326◎斜文字サミット≒ Summit written obliquely as a must win ≒230319◎笹顔世界平和財団≒ The World Peace Unification Foundation with faces like bamboo grass ≒230314◎大陸早苗≒ Continental Contikshow ≒
230226◎倒立痴呆染≒ Demented local elections steeped by Unification Church ≒230203 Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り 五考  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt Ⅴ ,(惨)230203◎晋だ資本主義≒ Dead Abe's Capitalism ≒230201Anger 26吽告解の怒り 八考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅷ,(吽)
230124◎USO国会≒ The Diet in the crucible of lies ≒230122 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 弐考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅱ, (倒)  230121◎聖瓦解 ≒ Holy collapse ≒230116◎防霊費贈強≒ Ghosts that pile up defense spending ≒230115◎贋三省≒Three fake introspections a day
History of " Angry uMe " 2022

221203◎トンネルおじさん ≒ Uncle Tunnel ≒221202◎下村チャレンジ ≒ Shimomura tricky challenge ≒221201◎夢の間にマニ≒ Mani events between many dreams ≒
221129 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り Anger of the headstand boundaries, (倒)  221126 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 八考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅷ, (証)  221111   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 八考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅷ ,(蓮)221106Anger 1 蛍の怒り 五考 Anger of the firefly Ⅴ(蛍)221105◎サイ坊主≒ The cyborg monk ≒
221023◎カンツル講≒ Rally to consider Korean cranes ≒221018 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 四考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅳ, (奏)221014◎マヨイナカード≒My non-me card ≒221005◎酷度公通省 ≒ Government offices with no sense of responsibility for the national land ≒221004Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 四考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅳ, (靖)
220916◎安ゲート ≒ A facile questionnaire reminiscent of Abe's gate ≒
220829◎マリオリパラピック ≒ Parallel world disguised as Tokyo Olympics≒220821◎光一教会 ≒ Religion illuminating Antisocial Forces≒220820Anger 1 蛍の怒り 四考 Anger of the firefly Ⅳ(蛍)220807◎放置賞状 ≒ Award for abandonment of duties in public authority ≒220806 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 五考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation Ⅴ, (帝)
220731◎カルト共学 ≒ Coeducation with Cults ≒220726Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 拾考 Anger to Demonic politicians  X(姦)220724◎統一自民教 ≒Unification Church Political Party LDP≒220716◎残黒葬 ≒Funeral to bury the dark side of the country≒220711◎安倍同一境涯 ≒Religion in the same situation as the Abe family≒220706Anger 26吽告解の怒り 七考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅶ,(吽)
220626Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties ,(判)220620◎新資困主義 ≒Speculative-grade New Capitalism≒220614◎六月いつか ≒Bygone day of June≒220613  Anger 15 日銀融の怒り 参考  Anger of the melting Bank of Japan Ⅲ ,(融)220607◎万事持続化休す金≒Public allowances that completely end sustainability≒220605◎オーラスプーチン≒Putin like Rasputin who reached all-last≒
220529 Anger 42 刻災連合の怒り 弐考 Anger at UN organization that engraves incompetence that cannot prevent war  Ⅱ, (刻) 220522◎羞院議長≒ Shameful symbol of the House of Representatives≒220518◎棘バラエティ≒Thorn variety show≒220508 Anger 11 安倍加計闇憲法の怒り 弐考 Anger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan  Ⅱ , (憲)
220430◎ロシア型小人(マトリョーシカ風小人)≒Matryoshka style COVID-19≒220424◎プーチン・テロ≒Putin terrorism≒220420◎ボルトNATO≒NATO's bolts≒220404◎教科書ダンク≒Dunk cue: Coercion into history textbooks that benefit the regime≒220402◎徳低少年法≒Low Moral Amended Juvenile Law≒

220326◎非情人理事国≒Inhuman permanent member≒220321 Anger 42 刻災連合の怒り Anger at UN organization that engraves incompetence that cannot prevent war, (刻) 220316◎アベ伝パー≒Abe propagative radio waves≒
220217◎◎鬱トーチ≒Depressing Olympic torch≒220212◎貧困切手≒Stamps to identify poor≒220207◎コロ生省≒Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare whose neck was cut off by the corona virus≒220205 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り 参考 Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continents Ⅲ, (小) 
220105◎認 濁≒An excuse that you can't eat even if you boil or bake≒

History of " Angry uMe " 2021

211215◎なかったこと政権≒Government pretending nothing illegal≒211205◎御身クローン寡聞≒Medical condition in which one is unaware of his clone≒
211129◎Dabbe≒Damaged Abe App≒211128Anger 26吽告解の怒り 六考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅵ,(吽)211127◎深窓報道非番記者≒The Off-duty reporters hiding the truth behind a deep window≒211122   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good ,(蓮)211120◎田園都市小僧≒Boys in Rural City Conception≒211117◎平和NO党≒Anti-Peace Party≒211111◎立証暗国ローン≒Loans to prove a dark country≒211108◎闇名アベ派≒Abe faction eating hot pot dishes in the dark≒
211026◎寧ろ真湖≒Be the lake that reflects the moonlight rather≒211018◎自公助共助≒The ruling party that freely subsidising only itself≒211015Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 参考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅲ, (靖)211013◎イバラ撒き≒Painful trickle-down≒211010サクラの検察審査害≒The harm of a fake prosecution panel≒211005◎岸田葉隠≒Kishida faction incorporated into another color faction≒ 211003 Anger 22 骨化公闇委員会の怒り 弐考 Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton Ⅱ,(骨)211002◎和姦内警察≒Sex crime arrest eradication police≒
210928Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors (賊)210919◎ノコノコの後輪 ≒Koopa Troopa after the Olympics≒
210824 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り 弐考 Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continentsⅡ, (小) 210822Anger 26吽告解の怒り 五考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅴ,(吽)210817◎アベノマスクマン ≒The substitute of Abe's mask≒
210720Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒り 参考 Anger of a false accusation by the government  Ⅲ, (虚)210720◎強制社会人 ≒Members of coercive society≒210708◎誤射競技 ≒ IOC's mis-shot competition≒
210626◎天ノート≒Heaven nought≒210622◎無いムーチョ≒Home Ministry with much nihilism≒210620◎オリパラ学徒動員クラスター≒Student mobilization cluster at the Olympic and Paralympic Games≒210613◎GGセブン≒Elderly G7≒210609Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 五考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅴ, (輪)210609◎弔ひオリンピック≒Mourning Olympics≒210605◎復古挑≒Nuclear Power Reconstruction Agency≒210604◎万全の暗算≒Perfect stillbirth of mental calculation,
210531◎スガサミー(カ)≒Suga Sammy≒210530◎菅アーウー答(帝)≒Suga lawless cooing≒210526◎IOCジェノサイド(輪)≒IOC genocide≒210523◎トリプルA苦(屑)≒The pain of Triple-A evil≒210519Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り 参考 Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster Ⅲ, (暴)210518 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 七考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅶ, (証)  210512◎UN国会(吽)≒Anti-Unch poop National Assembly≒210509 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 四考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nationⅣ, (帝)210502◎中国型小人(ファーストネーム小人)(小)≒The first kingdom of the dwarf named covid-19≒
210428◎来るってル-チン(帝)≒Crazy routine's coming≒210417◎謀叛維新(賊)≒Japan Restoration Rebel Party≒210412◎日本型小人(神風型小人)(小)≒Kamikaze COVID-19≒210406◎アメリカ型小人(カウボーイ風小人)(小) ≒Cowboy style COVID-19≒210404◎どうもこうも庁(非) ≒A government agency that decides what to do with one or the other≒
210321 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 参考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅲ, (奏)210321◎軽体オジサン(奏) ≒Uncle lighter than the value of a mobile phone≒2010320Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 四考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅳ, (輪)
210227◎学会腐人部(蓮) ≒Soka Gakkai Cabaret Lady's Club≒210222◎爆沈担当大臣(奏) ≒Minister sinking into vague vaccine program≒210207◎コロナでも暮らし(小) ≒Democracy that must be protected even if Corona goes viral≒210206◎ドCOCOA (生) ≒Where is COCOA?≒
210128◎コロナ毒措法 (奏) ≒Bad law to hide the failure of coronavirus measures≒210123◎TOKYOトチリ (小) ≒Many failures of politicians in Tokyo≒210110 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continentsⅠ, (小) 210108◎嘘つくC日本(非) ≒Lies of Beautiful Japan≒

History of " Angry uMe " 2020

201229◎バツハぢやないの (輪) ≒Isn't Bach a Idiot?≒201223◎嘲笑人(虚) ≒People in Choshu who do not realize that they are being ridiculed≒201220◎ガース抜き (帝) ≒Considerationess to relieve Prime Minister Suga's frustration≒201208◎某若無人(帝) ≒People with little presence201206 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation, (帝)
2011215つのGO() ≒GO 's mistakes≒201114すがかかし() ≒Defects of Suga's scarecrows≒
201025◎掃除職(骨) ≒Cabinet Research Office that must be cleaned≒201011◎時事通信のホコリ (堕) ≒The dust that Jiji Press is proud of≒
200929◎デジタラメ庁 (帝) ≒Sloppy Digital Ministry without preplanning≒200927◎大阪賭構想(カ) ≒Concept to make Osaka the capital of casinos≒200925 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 弐考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation Ⅱ, (帝)200924◎公助凌辱 (帝) ≒Public Aid Abuse≒200922◎仮層国民 (笑) ≒People who are exploited and abandoned by the state≒200919◎安倍化問う官房長 (帝) ≒The Chief Cabinet Secretary as Abe's Lower organisms≒200915◎素ガ菅C (帝) ≒Mr. Suga with intelligence level C≒200913◎衆院改竄 (帝) ≒Dissolution to tamper with the House of Representatives≒200911◎低国の逆愁 (帝) ≒The melancholy of the empire counterattacked by the weak≒200909◎大帝懸賞 (帝) ≒Great Empire full of verification with prizes≒200908◎自防次期 (帝) ≒Self-help of self-abandonment≒200907◎菅全コピー (帝) ≒Suga's misgovernment that is a complete copy of the Abe administration≒200906 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation Ⅰ, (帝)
200818 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 四考 Anger of  Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅳ, (生)200810◎Aマイナーポイント (奏) ≒Point system of my number card that is monotonous and has a sweet outlook≒200810◎素敵基地イージー攻撃能力200810◎素敵基地イージー攻撃能力 (防) ≒Nice ability to attack the enemy base easily≒200808◎内角義理ギリ記捨会 (靖) ≒Immoral Journalist meeting to throw away articles that expose the cabinet's inner curtain to the last minute≒
200731Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 九考 Anger to Demonic politicians  Ⅸ(姦)200729◎日蓮托症(蓮) ≒The Illness that anyone think is on the same ship as Nichiren≒
200620Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 参考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅲ, (輪)200619   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 六考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅵ ,(蓮)200614 Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り 四考  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt Ⅳ ,(惨)200613Anger 2 盛り土の怒り 弐考 Anger of the mounding Ⅱ,(盛)200613◎緑の小美都200613◎緑の小美都(盛) ≒Green hand COVID capital city≒200608◎電電無痛(惨) ≒Japan telegram news agency with no pain at all≒200601◎凍京地検  (暴) ≒The frozen Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office≒
200528◎上空国民 (決) ≒People coming and going in the upper sky≒200527 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 五考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅴ, (堕)200524◎黒川雀事案  (暴) ≒The case of Kurokawa Sparrow gambling in mahjong≒200512◎新しいオレオレ様式 (吽) ≒The new "It's me, me" fraud advocated by the Prime Minister≒200509 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 参考 Anger of  Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅲ, (生)200507◎強盗GoToカンベーン(惨) ≒Robbery Travel Campaign≒200504 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 弐考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅱ, (奏)200503Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 四考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors Ⅳ(賊)
200423Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り 八考 Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅷ,(印)200420◎ニッポンノ木乃伊ミライ  (外) ≒The mummy of Japan's future≒200418◎プロンブター(印) ≒ Less than a prompter≒200417Anger 26吽告解の怒り 四考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet  Ⅳ,(吽)200417◎告難改見 (吽) ≒Sophistry about the constitutional reform that comes out when the Prime Minister's lies are exposed≒200416◎妻 乱(賊) ≒Petty rebellion in which someone's wife ran≒200414◎密のお願い (屑) ≒Three secret requests≒200411◎アベノ真似餌(惨) ≒Abe's imitation bait≒
200324Anger 25 未決神の怒り 四考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅳ,(決)200323◎TBSウスの川船 (決) ≒TBS within Ship of Theseus≒200321◎エンゼルマーク共謀 (虚) ≒Conspiracy of Angel Mark≒200318◎緊急辞退宣言 (奏) ≒An excuse to evade arrest≒200309◎お手公文書 (判) ≒Documents created by a public servant who is nothing more than a dog≒200305Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 六考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅵ (証) 200302◎A 団 (虚) ≒Group A of a without wise decision≒
200229 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 弐考 Anger of  Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅱ, (生)200228◎加計未囚200228◎加計未囚 (決) ≒Unconvicted prisoners around Kake≒200226◎根クラスター (生) ≒Cluster of introverted idols≒200223Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り 参考  Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan Ⅲ,(非)200223◎ワル匠 (非) ≒The Master of Evil Who Thinks about intrigue≒200222◎総霧症 (奏) ≒The Ministry of Home Affairs where everything disappears like mist≒200220 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅰ, (奏)200218◎加計未囚 (決) ≒Unconvicted prisoners around Kake≒200216◎鯛祭りたい (決) ≒Sea bream that wants to worship itself≒200215◎強酸糖 (吽) ≒Strong sour sugar presented to Mr Abe by Japanese Communist Party≒200215Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 四考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino Ⅳ (カ)200202◎アベコロリ菌 (生) ≒Abe bacteria that everyone dies when approached≒200202 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り Anger of  Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅰ, (生)
200130◎KUZUの学校 (狂) ≒UZU school full of scum≒200129Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒り 弐考 Anger of a false accusation by the government , Ⅱ, (虚)200129◎アメ念仏 (虚) ≒Abe's prayer for American Amida Buddha≒200110◎幻頭写 (狂) ≒Dangerous company in which only illusions come to mind≒200108◎YAMI-1 (笑) ≒M-1 of shady business≒200105◎不正心臓 (吽) ≒Shinzo with the heart of injustice≒200102Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 八考 Anger to Demonic politicians  Ⅷ(姦)200102◎首相姦邸(姦) ≒Prime Minister's Office drawn by the rape criminal≒

ひHistory of " Angry uMe " 2019

191229◎報道毒註 (笑) ≒Special news report on the News that Doesn't Report≒191229◎サクラ才閣府 (判) ≒Cabinet in full bloom of fraudster talent≒191224◎和泉洋心棒(賊) ≒The bodyguard is Hiroto Izumi≒191213 ◎アベマルチ(惨) ≒Pyramid scheme of Abenomics≒191212 ◎下BS (堕) ≒Lower‐grade broadcast content system under the satellite≒191211 ◎邪兄ZOO(印) ≒Evil brother's zoo≒191209 ◎日弊次位強定 (防) ≒Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement that nullifies Japan's status≒191207 ◎GYOSOMIA191207 ◎GYOSOMIA (防) ≒GSOMIA looking away≒191207 ◎なんぼ花月 (笑) ≒Kagetsu not worth laughing≒191207 Anger 37 防英霊省の怒り Anger at the ministry defending the spirits of war dead more than the living people Ⅰ, (防)191202 ◎アベダウンダウン (笑) ≒Downtown where Abe's supporters went down≒
191130 ◎サクラ害 (非) ≒The harm that Abe's vanity bloomed≒191130 ◎総理の万罪賛頌(蛍) ≒Praise for All Sins of the Prime Minister ≒191122 ◎税制普請 (税) ≒Suspicious tax system that Prime Minister Abe built≒191120Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 五考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅴ (証) 191119 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 四考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅳ, (堕)191119 ◎アベ化TV(堕) ≒The TV that has projected the illusion that Abe is righteous≒191117Anger 35 死脳哄笑の怒り Anger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery Ⅱ(笑)191117 ◎あベタベタ (笑) ≒Abe sticky≒191112 □ 星干し製薬 (重) ≒Drug company selling the dried stars≒191110Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅶ,(印)191106 ◎嵐荒し(印) ≒Storm damage in Arashi ≒191103 ■満愁嘆団 (重) ≒Manchurian lament in organization≒
191030 ◎中央教育審ドローム(屑) ≒Central Education Council Syndrome≒191030Anger 1 蛍の怒り 参考 Anger of the firefly Ⅲ(蛍)191022 〇ニ短調音蔵 (重) ≒A warehouse of sounds in D minors≒191020 ◎森友引内閣(蛍) ≒Cabinet who died as a friend of Moritomo ≒191019Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 弐考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅱ, (輪)191019 〇後答心配 (重) ≒Worry about future answers≒191014 ●満愁嘆人 (重) ≒Manchurian lament in people≒191012 ◎マルチ司法  (暴) ≒Judicial authorities similar to multilevel marketing≒191008 ◎文字化け庁(喝) ≒Agency for Cultural Affairs where characters appear garbled≒191007 ◎ジャパン棄民ライフ (非) ≒Lifestyle of Japanese Politicians being to Exploit the People≒191006 ◎君の那覇 (沖) ≒Unforgettable your name is Naha≒191002 ◎なんでん関電(錆) ≒Regardless of what anyone says, Kansai Electric Power Co. is villainous≒191001 ◎アベガー餅 (税) ≒Getting a bigger cake than the one you gave away is an Abeggur's rice cake≒

190925 ◎教育勅故 (屑) ≒Cause of the accident in the Imperial Rescript on Education  ≒ 190923 ◎満愁嘆 (重) ≒Manchurian lament≒190922 ◎TRY謀反 (笑) ≒Trial of rebellion against the people of your own nation≒190915 ◎あかんぽ保険 (パ) ≒Japan Post's vicious insurance≒190914 ◎アヘンノミクス (重) ≒Overeating Manto (opium economics)≒190914   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 四考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅴ ,(蓮)190914Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅵ,(印)190911 ◎轢死教科書 (狂) ≒Japanese history textbook that was killed by runaway train≒190908Anger 25 未決神の怒り 弐考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅲ,(決)190906 ◎ヘイトビート軍団 (笑) ≒Corps giving hate speech with eight beats≒190905Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster Ⅱ, (暴)190903 ◎TBゲS(堕) ≒TBS with the vulgarity≒
190831 ◎天案悶絶 (重) ≒Gate of heavenly agonie≒190831 ◎最高災 (暴) ≒The Supreme Court which may be the worst disaster≒190827Anger 36 二重世紀の怒り Anger of another century hidden behind the conveyed facts Ⅰ(重)190826 ◎おろしあ各命 (重) ≒Revolution of each life in Russia≒190826 ◎悲喜笑ひ (笑) ≒Laughably pathetique≒190825 ◎ヤギ奉戴 (笑) ≒Obedience to someone who can do anything in the dark society≒190821 ◎よこしま市(カ) ≒Wicked Yokohama City≒190818  Anger 13 錆びたアトムの怒り  Anger of a dream-broken Astro Boy Ⅱ,(錆)190818 ◎核不拡散防止常薬 (錆) ≒The household medicine to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons≒190817 ◎害務省(亡) ≒Ministry of Foreign Affairs harmful to national interest≒190815 ◎三等昭子(吽) ≒Akiko of the third prize≒190812 ◎矜持の不自由展 (喝) ≒An exhibition that tramples on the pride of artists≒190811 ◎盛り足りん具 (堕) ≒Monitoring of lack of assorted ingredients≒190811 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 参考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅲ, (堕)190802 ◎日韓同感  (外) ≒Japanese and Korean politics that dislike each other≒190802 ◎紅白歌枕 (笑) ≒Business using pillows to participate in the red and white song battle≒
190728 ◎クルクル・ジャパン (笑) ≒The Japanese organization that looks smart but is actually an idiot≒190728Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅴ(印)190727 ◎東大堕胎王 (堕) ≒Abortion King of the Tokyo University≒190725 ◎よしもと1円芸人 (笑) ≒Yoshimoto Kogyo that pays its comedians only one yen≒190725Anger 35 死脳哄笑の怒り Anger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery Ⅰ(笑)190721Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 七考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅶ(姦)190721 ◎靖国ハラスメント (靖) ≒Harassment by Yasukuni Shrine≒190719 ◎ヤジキタ警察 (骨) ≒The police who come if we hoot the government≒190713Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet  Ⅲ,(吽)190710 ◎日本切開 (吽) ≒Will to incise tomorrow of Japan≒190709 ◎安倍一直線(証) ≒To Abe in straight line≒190705 ◎自衛隊の名器 (靖) ≒Excellent tools engraved with the phantom signature of the Self-Defense Forces≒190702 ◎異次元金 (パ) ≒Money coming from another dimension? ≒
190629    Anger 17 国亡論外交の怒り Anger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country Ⅱ ,(亡)190628 ◎大阪トラック野郎(亡) ≒A truck driver named Osaka Trick≒190628 ◎問責サミット(亡) ≒Summit of those who are held politically responsible≒190622Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅳ(印)190621 ◎集団座禅(融) ≒Zazen after being demoted in a group≒190618 ◎吉本闇業(印) ≒Yoshimoto Dark Tax Industry≒190616 ◎もう無い閣(友) ≒ No More Cabinet≒190614 ◎日伊蘭絨端  (外) ≒Exchanges between Japan and Iran unfolding on the Persian carpet≒190611 ◎日本酷記 (靖) ≒Cruel history of modern Japan≒190607 ◎ソサエテ号令 (判) ≒A command that we don't need this kind of society≒190605 ◎スーパーグーチョキパー構想(惨) ≒The special 'stone-paper-scissors' concept of the government pastime:(The Super Goochkeeper Initiative)≒
190525Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 四考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅳ (証) 190524 ◎ノー想 (断) ≒Thoughts without no more≒190517 ◎シー想 (断) ≒Seesaw Thoughts≒190513 ◎大作の栞 (蓮) ≒Bookmarks for a large work by ghostwriter≒190512 ◎フー想 (断) ≒Sighing Thoughts≒190511 ◎嘘吹文明 (友) ≒ A civilization in which lies spew out≒190507 ◎モー想 (断) ≒Delusional thoughts like the mooing of cows≒190504Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 弐考  Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅱ, (靖)190504 ◎靖国改憲 (靖) ≒Yasukuni Political Group Pretending to Be a Religious Corporation Seeking Constitutional Revision≒
190425 ◎カー想 (断) ≒Virtual Thoughts≒190424 ◎ター想 (断) ≒Multilayered thoughts≒190416 ◎アー想 (断) ≒Ah Thoughts≒190415  Anger 15 日銀融の怒り 弐考  Anger of the melting Bank of Japan Ⅱ ,(融)190415 ◎晋死幣 (融) ≒New banknotes to be issued after Shinzo dies≒190413 ◎ワー想 (断) ≒Wild thoughts that are valid only in Japanese society≒190410 ◎仰げばとうとう死 (蛍) ≒When I respect you, I am dead ≒190410 ◎レー想 (断) ≒Thoughts similar to a military command≒190407 ◎セー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that are likely to be made a political dispute≒190406 ◎イー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that look good at first glance≒190403 ◎へー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that ran parallel to the times≒190403Anger 34 平令の断簡の怒り Anger of facts thrown away between Heisei and Reiwa, (断)
190328 ◎カジノ祈祷依存(カ) ≒ A prayer for dependence on casinos≒190325Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet  Ⅱ,(吽)190315 ◎日銀クロー(融) ≒The Crow of BOJ≒190315 ◎国会オペラ (吽) ≒Japan Diet opera that rejects speeches≒190313 ◎低寧な絶命 (靖) ≒Rough explanation that kills the public opinion≒190311◎不興五倫 (輪) ≒The Olympics which are unknown whom you do it for≒190310◎安弁照大御黴 (靖) ≒The large mold fungus that illuminates the corrupt politics of Abe≒
190221◎閣疑決定 (靖) ≒Suspicious cabinet decision≒190217Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 参考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties Ⅲ,(判)190217◎長州征論 (靖) ≒Choshu going to attack the truth≒ 190209◎ウ総理売り(蛍) ≒Prime Minister selling lies ≒190208◎功労省 (判) ≒Ministry that considers deceiving the people to be an achievement≒190203◎事故標語 (吽) ≒Accident-inducing slogans between the LDP and the Komeito≒190202◎未来の国亡 (非) ≒Security of a country that dies in the future≒
190131◎国民空疎の巻 (輪) ≒The Olympics that have made the will of the people sparse≒190124 ◎あかん安倍(賊) ≒Abe's defective products≒190119◎組織無風の巻 (輪) ≒Olympic Organizing Committee without the Wind of Justice≒190111 ◎サンゴの委嘱 (非) ≒Excuse for trampling on a coral transplant≒190109 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 弐考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅱ, (堕)190108 不治産刑グル (堕) ≒The Fujisankei Group which cooperates with politicians who cause incidents without doing proper politics≒190103 ◎毒売り死文(毒) ≒Newspapers selling poison by lame duck articles≒

History of " Angry uMe "2018

181231 ◎アベとムチ (靖) ≒The carrot and the stick policy called Abenomics≒181227 ◎不倫サミット (判) ≒Adulterous trip to accompany the summit≒181221 ◎浪花武士道シュール(惨) ≒Bushido in Naniwa is surrealism≒181210 ◎ややこ死入管庁 (暴) ≒Immigration Agency that let a baby die in a complicated procedure≒181208 ◎創価瓦解(蓮) ≒The collapse of a group that creates value≒
181129 ◎ペテン師万告白(賊) ≒World Expo where the swindler confessed many advantages≒181129  ◎合姦検察審査会 (姦) ≒Prosecutor's Review Board in order to Legalize Rape≒181103  ◎聖教育 (姦) ≒Sex education that should be holy education≒181103  Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 参考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅲ , (姦)181103Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 参考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors Ⅲ(賊)181102   Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt1Ⅲ ,(惨)181101 ◎A部リーク (堕) ≒A, B & E-League leaked Abe≒
181030 ◎日印造錯 (外) ≒The illusion of peace in both Japan and India≒181030 ◎南無妙法蓮下郎(蓮) ≒Swines who is not qualified to chant ' Lotus Sutra '≒181030 ◎長幼考 (靖) ≒Consideration about the age of forced workers≒181029 ◎NH卦盛事部(友) ≒NHK's Gossip Fortune-telling Political Department≒181028 ◎◎裁可どう?(暴) ≒Can we allow the restart of nuclear power plants?≒181027 ◎異次原人考課(融) ≒Personnel evaluation of primitive man in Different dimension≒181026 ◎ペーパー劣化 (吽) ≒Degraded politics that scrapping official documents≒181025Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 六考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅵ(姦)181019 ◎ダメノタマグシ (靖) ≒The branch of a sacred tree that is no longer useful≒181018 ◎片口殺気(判) ≒The bigmouth of Slit-Mouthed Woman≒181013 ◎零大祭 (靖) ≒Zero Festival that is held regularly without meaning≒181008Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 四考 Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅳ (友)181006 ◎性和解 (姦) ≒Political group aimed at sexual reconciliation for rape≒181004 ◎不起訴で不義ブギ (暴) ≒Boogie-woogie danceof people with no prosecution against the unjustice≒181003 ◎全員クサ!野球内閣(友) ≒Everyone is dubious sandlot baseball Cabinet≒181003 ◎琉球遷宮 (靖) ≒A shrine that should be relocated to Ryukyu≒181001Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful, (靖)

180924Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 参考 Anger of not summoning witnessⅢ (証) 180922 ◎新しい苦肉つり(憲) ≒New nation-building policy as a last resort≒180920Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り 弐考  Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan Ⅱ,(非)180918 ◎NH系余論調査 (堕) ≒NHK-style public opinion induction≒180918   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 四考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅳ ,(蓮)180917 ◎プッチン外交(亡) ≒Russian diplomacy that has been cut off with Putin≒180915 ◎惑う聖火の巻 (輪) ≒A relay that goes around in circles wondering it is a sacred torch or not≒180914 ◎カジノ万博(カ) ≒Expo to open a casino≒180914Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 参考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino Ⅲ (カ)180910Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 弐考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties Ⅱ,(判)180908 ◎ズルガ金融庁(融) ≒Financial Services Agency that has been tolerating cunning banks≒180907 ◎マスコゴミ (堕) ≒Mass media succumbing to the power≒180907 ◎安倍宰害視殺(賊) ≒Visit to the disaster area of Prime Minister Abe whose existence became a disaster≒180906 ◎惨状三乗大臣(惨) ≒A minister whose misery is multiplied by the third power≒180905 ◎汚れた水の巻 (輪) ≒Water rights secretly targeted behind the Tokyo Olympics≒180904 ◎喚問海峡(証) ≒The Summoning Strait≒
180830 ◎聖教リゾートIRanti(カ) ≒Soka Gakkai Resort IR is not needed≒180829 ◎ミス増し省害庁 (判) ≒Ministry that harms a country by inflating its achievements to hide mistakes≒180829 ◎消えた地の巻 (輪) ≒Ownership of public land that disappeared under the good name of the Olympics≒180826 ◎ブレ五輪 (輪) ≒Tokyo Pre-Olympic that keep shaking even before the start≒180824Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 五考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅴ(姦)180824 ◎準強姦揉み消し隊長州(姦) ≒Quasi-rape crime erasure squad leader in Choshu≒180820Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic, (輪)180819 ◎大阪腐計(骨) ≒Osaka's rotten police ploy≒180808 ◎博徒人間革命(蓮) ≒The human revolution for gamblers≒180804 ◎安倍水脈(賊) ≒Abe's water vein≒180803 ◎難聴法蓮華経(カ) ≒Inaudible Lotus Sutra≒180802 ◎報捨て道捨てた (堕) ≒How did you abandon the news report at the news station?≒
180729 ◎総賽銭選 (非) ≒A presidential election decided by the total amount of donations≒180724 ◎創価ジノ学会(カ) ≒Soka Casino Gakkai≒180717 ◎公明盗(蓮) ≒Political party that explicitly steals public justice≒180715 ◎官亭劇人災害 (非) ≒Severe disaster drama performed at the Prime Minister's Office≒180715 ◎3P官棒副長官(姦) ≒Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary who likes to play with three women at the same time≒180711 ◎アベトナム買春政権(姦) ≒A Vietnam's Abe's Prostitution promotion≒180710 ◎真層NEWS (堕) ≒News programs where the truth is deeply hidden≒
180623 ◎Abe級戦犯 (非) ≒Genealogy of Class-A war criminals≒180619 加計変脳 (友) ≒Refunding the bizarre brain to Mr. Kake≒180615 ◎カカ様カジノ様カ(カ) ≒Is the casino Maria or the devil?≒180615 ◎自公自得維新(カ) ≒The selfish ruling party is the accident itself≒180614Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan(非)180610 ◎毒売り死文 (毒) ≒Newspapers selling poison by lame duck articles≒180610 ◎ハッタリーポッター(狂) ≒Hatterly Porter living as a bluffer≒180609 ◎銭形平蔵(友) ≒Personal Heizo with a coin face≒180609 ◎脳減るショー (外) ≒Nobel Prize to reduce brain≒180609 ◎創過大(蓮) ≒A university that creates up the mistakes≒180608 ◎蓮日カジノ(カ) ≒Day after day at the casino on the lotus leaf≒180607 ◎パソ難(惨) ≒Catastrophe that Pasona brings≒180606 ◎効能多労(亡) ≒Symptomatic therapy that does not have much effect even if a lot of effort is spent≒180601 ◎大逆さ地検 (暴) ≒Oh! upside-down prosecutor's office in Osaka≒
180528 ◎伝聞の電文(暴) ≒Documents that do not come out as a hearsay≒180527  ◎スポイル庁 (狂) ≒Sported by Spoil Agency≒180526 ◎独眼竜王戦(毒) ≒Single-eyed Dragon King Battle≒180520 ◎法無省(暴) ≒Ministry of Justice complying without the law≒180518 ◎詐川さん(暴) ≒Ministry of Finance fraudster Sagawa≒180518 ◎骨太の放心(暴) ≒Big-boned laziness≒180516 ◎岸井のアルバム (堕) ≒Kishii's album forgotten on the shore≒180516 ◎アウト・レンジ(印) ≒Outrage of out range≒180515 ◎日英虚空 (外) ≒The Empires of Japan and Britain existing in the Void≒180515 ◎日中寇旧 (外) ≒The foreign enemy of Japan and China is an old view of history≒180514 ◎日露哭 (外) ≒Lamentations between Japan and Russia≒180514 ◎日米コーク (外) ≒Japan-US relations like being in a coke≒180513 ◎経財ロンダリング (判) ≒Illegal laundering by METI & MOF≒180513 ◎廃軍の省(惨) ≒The defeated METI will not complain if it is abolished≒180512Anger 15 経済惨状省の怒り 弐考 Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt( Ⅱ(惨)180512  ◎ア切れた(賊) ≒Finished support for A≒180507 ◎ア姦 (姦) ≒The inexcusable rape of initial A≒180507 ◎僕ディラン (外) ≒I don't need me≒180506 ◎蚊帳の外国  (外) ≒Japan isolated from foreign countrie≒180506Anger 30 外国の日本の怒り Anger of Japan which became a foreign country in Japanese people,(外)180505 ◎山口之事件 (堕) ≒A politician in the Yamaguchi constituency who defended the crime of Mr. Yamaguchi who insulted Yamaguchi Prefecture≒180505Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses, (堕)180504 ◎不可逆的逆説(証) ≒Irreversible paradox≒
180429 ◎内閣休符 (判) ≒Cabinet with whole rests≒180428  ◎不起訴控除 (税) ≒Tax deductions that can prevent prosecution of crimes≒180426  ◎立件見送り党(賊) ≒Political party that sees off a lawsuit of case≒180425  ◎怪しの林 (狂) ≒Disreputable education in the dense forest≒180424   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 参考  Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅲ ,(蓮)180422 ◎売読新聞 (毒) ≒Toxic newspaper full of crimes being sold and crimes to make you read≒180421 ◎膿みの親方衆議員 (虚) ≒The boss of the House of Representatives who produce pus≒180421 ◎罪無省(蛍) ≒Sinful Ministry that screams innocence≒180419  ◎アベノチクビ(賊) ≒Abe's bloody nipple≒180419Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 弐考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino (カ)180418 ◎ア葬 (判) ≒The funeral of those A≒180416  ◎記憶の鍵吏 (惨) ≒A functionary who is the key to the case as far as I can remember≒180414 ◎犯ナチュラル (暴)Natural attitude crime180414Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster, (暴)180414  Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 弐考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitorsⅡ  , (賊)180414 ◎アベイラナイ (判) ≒Refreshing future for the Diet without Abe≒180414  ◎由々しき麻とさ(賊) ≒Aso's cunning that cannot be overlooked≒180412 ◎国家全略特区 (惨) ≒A special district that has abandoned own nation and all laws≒180411  ◎苦い幹事長(賊) ≒A bitter secretary general who is harmful≒180410  ◎首相案件番犬 (惨)180410    ◎言葉と異義テク(蓮) ≒Techniques to deceive with words that should live with words≒180407 ◎おや惟ふ似 (語) ≒Oh, think at what's going on with your parents?≒180406 ◎チビリアン・コントロール (判) ≒Civilian control wetting your pants≒180406Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り Anger of the government office not wearing panties,(判)
180331 ◎晋劇の拒人(証) ≒Giants refusing Shinzo's drama≒180328    ◎妄想価学会(蓮) ≒A study group that finds value in delusion≒180328Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephantⅢ(印)180323  ◎アベノスクミ(賊) ≒Abe's strong pressure≒180321 ◎B道だけ志(印) ≒The ambition of Road B only≒180318    ◎虚仮国荒省(蓮) ≒A ministry that neglects its people and turns the country into a wasteland≒180317Anger 25 未決神の怒り 弐考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅱ,(決)180317  Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 四考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅳ , (姦)180321 ◎消えた大蔵省問題(吽) ≒The problem of the former Ministry of Finance that disappeared≒180317 ◎消えた通産省問題(吽) ≒Ministry of International Trade and Industry which disappeared by bribery scandals≒180310 ◎消えた厚生省問題(吽) ≒Bloodied Ministry of Health and Welfare that has disappeared≒180308 ◎消えた運輸省問題(吽) ≒Department of Transportation that took himself to the afterlife with problems≒180306  ◎アの方(決) ≒That person called A≒180303   ◎消えた労働省問題 (吽) ≒Ministry of Labor which disappeared because it lost its will to serve the people≒
180223  ◎消えた総務省問題 (吽) ≒Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications whose autonomy ability has vanished≒180223Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet,(吽)180219  ◎描けない池(決) ≒Black Kake who cannot be drawn≒180217   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 弐考  Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅱ ,(蓮)180217   ◎現代妖語(蓮) ≒Creepy modern term≒180216 ◎スカの器 (姦) ≒Empty treasure chest≒180213   ◎しにものがかり(蓮) ≒oney-hungry people who flock to the dead≒180209   ◎安倍心象疑念開明小学校附属李下大学 (友) ≒The university under a plum-tree attached to an elementary school that reveals the suspicions of Abe's mental image≒180208   ◎烏賊様宗教法人(蓮) ≒Religious corporation that seems to be run by Mr. squid≒180205   ◎糊塗罵倒と友にいきていく(蓮) ≒Such people live with deception and swearing≒
180129  ◎栽培員精度(決) ≒Lay judge system with lower accuracy of rulings≒180128  ◎マルチ・ビットコイン商(融) ≒Bitcoin merchants in the multilevel marketing≒180127   ◎塩崎やすひ税 (税) ≒One of the Liberal Democratic Party's Tax Commission member who only lowers his own taxes≒180124   ◎適材適当 (税) ≒The qualified person who is groundless≒180123  ◎逝こうではありませんか(憲) ≒Let us go to the battlefield to die≒180122 ◎非国民栄誉賞 (友) ≒Non national honor award≒180121  ◎濃霧事件(決) ≒Parrot in the fog≒180121Anger 25未決神の怒り Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday,(決)180120  ◎網かけ憲法(憲) ≒Constitution wrapped in a deep shadow≒180120Anger 5 似非教育硬直語の怒りAnger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education Ⅱ, (語)180119    ◎安米軍ヘリ(沖) ≒Abe helicopter dedicated to U.S. forces that crashed into the ground≒180117 ◎メガ・ハング (パ) ≒Hanged Mega Bank≒180116 ◎ブヨンセ (カ) ≒Fat trying for Beyoncé≒180115 ◎電源三方損 (錆) ≒National losses arising from the Three Power Supply Development Tax laws≒180115  ◎苦条改憲(憲) ≒Deceptive proposals to amend Article 9 of the Constitution≒180114 ◎国家性略特区 (姦) ≒Seiwa sexual policy study group≒180114 ◎今バレ代参者 (友) ≒The exposed outsiders in Imabari≒180111 ◎性和性策研究会 (姦) ≒Seiwa sexual policy study group≒180108 ◎後裔ギャンブル (カ) ≒Privately inherited public gambling≒180104 ◎政府捕縄 (パ) ≒Prison with the name of government guarantees≒180104 ◎根が鈑金 (パ) ≒Banks that exist only to make gold bars≒180103 ◎濁天カード (パ) ≒Card that condensed the darkness of Japan≒180103Anger 24 メガ・パンクの怒り Anger of the negative bank that is fundamentally bankrupt ,(パ)180102  ◎教育調狂 (狂) ≒Mind Control in Incorrect Education≒180101 ◎実行の一念(証) ≒Single-minded determination for downward action≒

History of " Angry uMe "2017

171231 ◎レコード代償 (喝) ≒Indemnity to the Japan Record Award≒171230  ◎加計愛漫歳 (狂) ≒A comedy in which two fast-talking person talking about love for Kake Gakuen≒171229 ◎記憶慰産 (喝) ≒A legacy that has become a political comfort≒171229 ◎ジスラック (喝) ≒JAS-RACK who tortured JIS's trust≒171229    Anger 23 文喝上庁の怒り Anger of the Agency for Cultural Affairs which blackmail culture ,(喝)171226  ◎鳥獣疑加 (賊) ≒Birds and animals that suspect KAKE incident≒171223  ◎原発極道 (錆) ≒Yakuza exploiting on nuclear power plants≒171218 ◎公然の闇 (骨) ≒The darkness that the Emperor has no choice but to admit≒171216 ◎石川it (骨) ≒It's Ishikawa IT≒171216 ◎物騒自民(亡) ≒Violent Liberal Democratic Party≒171211 ◎辺のへ野もへ古(沖) ≒​Henoko's Claim Emojis≒171210    ◎唖に学ぶ (骨) ≒Learn from the silent Oshio≒171210    Anger 22 骨化公闇委員会の怒り Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton ,(骨)171210 ◎下働き方革命(惨) ≒Reforms to shift to low-wage workers≒171209 ◎永遠のデロ(証) ≒Eternal summons to terrorists≒171208 ◎忖度法師 (税) ≒A public servant who looks only at the complexion of a person in power≒171208 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 弐考Anger of not summoning witness Ⅱ , (証)171207 ◎収監読切 (毒) ≒Weekly magazine Yomiuri which was imprisoned≒171206 ◎罠常沈文 (毒) ≒Newspapers that are always setting traps≒171206 ◎無体鎮分 (毒) ≒The innate lawlessness to quell consideration≒171206 ◎消力親聞 (毒) ≒Newspaper that erases the right power≒171206    Anger 21 毒読新聞の怒り Anger of the poisonous newspaper ,(毒)171202   ◎立食餡子論(蓮) ≒The theory of wishing the country peace by eating red bean paste while standing up≒171202 ◎融識者 (語) ≒The people whose knowledge has melted away≒
171130 ◎沖縄望遠局(沖) ≒Departments looking at Okinawa from a distance≒171129    Anger 20 狂育直後の怒り Anger of the wounds made between Japan and the US after the war ,(沖)171129 ◎谷査定エコ(亡) ≒Eco-friendly assessments against Saeko Tani≒171128 ◎夫っと妻づく(証) ≒OOPS! Husband stumbles over wife≒171128 Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 参考Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅲ, (友)171124 ◎劣等一等Be (狂) ≒Trying for being the most inferior≒171123Anger 4 安倍乃美屑の怒り 弐考Anger of Abenomics which became the garbageⅡ, (屑)171123 ◎会計検査出禁 (屑) ≒The Board of Audit where comings and goings were prohibited≒171123 ◎安倍疑念学校 (狂) ≒School to commemorate Abe's doubts≒171123 ◎大学雪隠審 (狂) ≒Council to set up a university in the toilet≒171120    Anger 19 狂育直後の怒り Anger of the result of crazy educational administration ,(狂)171119 ◎ダマルサの痛み (税) ≒The anguish of the inspection department of the National Tax Agency which has been silent≒171118  ◎経済断崖連行会 (惨) ≒An economic organization that leads the economy to a cliff≒171111 ◎脱税調 (税) ≒Tax evasion of the tax system research commission≒171118 ◎罪霧消 (税) ≒Ministry of Finance where state-owned property disappears like fog≒171111 ◎佐川国税庁腸管 (税) ≒Secretary of the National Tax Agency Sagawa which was clogged up in the intestines of Prime Minister Abe≒171111    Anger 18 色即税空の怒り Anger of which all taxes are empty ,(税)171108 ◎論外交(亡) ≒Diplomacy out of the question≒171108   ◎退散文明(蓮) ≒Retreat to the Third Civilization≒171108  ◎細田派芸(賊) ≒The Hosoda faction's talking skills about making fun of baldness≒171107 ◎日米の傷縄(亡) ≒​Japan-U.S. ties that hurt Okinawa≒171105 ◎逃避公(亡) ≒Japanese Prime Minister who runs away abroad≒171105 ◎言わんか補佐官(亡) ≒The presidential aide who should say what to be said≒171105    Anger 17 国亡論外交の怒り Anger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country ,(亡)171103 ◎金縛庁(融) ≒Financial Services Agency in bondage≒171102  ◎代用事アメ制憲(賊) ≒The Constitution that the United States is substituting for≒171101 ◎小さい秋へ (証) ≒To the small autumn≒
171028  ◎自動運転興業界 (惨) ≒Self-driving show business world≒171028  ◎神ABE製巧 (惨) ≒The steel company that worships Abe as a god≒171024 ◎十字加刑 (友) ≒Crucified Kake on the cross≒171022  ◎消費私用税(賊) ≒Consumption tax that can be used for private use≒171017 ◎声枯らし進次郎(印) ≒Shinjiro becoming a wintry wind because his voice is hoarse≒171014  ◎商工中禁 (惨) ≒Central Bank for Commercial and Industrial Associations that has been prohibited from sloppy trades≒171012 ◎銀融庁(融) ≒A bank where money melts≒171011 ◎凍 証(融) ≒The frozen Tokyo Stock Exchange≒171009 ◎朝き夢みじ(蓮) ≒Deep darkness that puts the shallow dreams of the morning to sleep≒171009 ◎高名党(蓮) ≒Notorious party advocating fairness and integrity≒171004 ◎新奇基準 (錆) ≒Bizarre new standards≒171009   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り  Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅰ ,(蓮)
170930 ◎聖教育(姦) ≒Sex education that should be holy education≒170930 ◎消えた都憂地 (盛)170928 ◎トンデモ東電 (錆) ≒Outrageous TEPCO which hasn't been fired≒170927 ◎毎日銀(融) ≒Banks where every day is Sunday≒170926 ◎国難銀行(融) ≒Banks that became a national crisis≒170926 ◎四電字の如く(錆) ≒Shikoku Electric Power like someone read it≒170924  Anger 15 日銀融の怒り  Anger of the melting Bank of Japan ,(融)170923 ◎合姦検察審査会 (姦) ≒Prosecutor's Review Board in order to Legalize Rape≒170921  ◎1月20日の経産書 (惨) ≒METI documents that disappeared on January 20≒170918 ◎象でもいい象(印) ≒An elephant that doesn't matter if it's an elephant≒170917  ◎計算省略省 (惨) ≒Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that omits calculations≒170917  Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debtⅠ ,(惨)170916 ◎ハゲ派真由子 (友) ≒Mayuko of the Hosoda faction with a barren heart≒170915 ◎中風電力 (錆) ≒Chubu Electric Power causing gout≒170912 ◎原子力犠牲委員会 (錆) ≒Commission that sacrificed one's lifetime on nuclear policy≒170912 ◎ひとりづくり革命(印) ≒Revolution to isolate people≒170912Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り 弐考Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅱ (印)170911 ◎外遊内患 (証) ≒Foreign travel to flee from difficult domestic problems≒170910 ◎性論大賞 (姦) ≒Sex Theory Award that is mistaken for Fair Argument Award≒170910 ◎A円の財布省 (屑) ≒The Ministry of Wallets with A yen in it≒170908 ◎当代病 (錆) ≒University of Tokyo disease as a modern disease≒170907 ◎ラブホ国会 (姦) ≒Love hotel in the Diet Building≒170907 ◎お茶の湯博士 (錆) ≒Dr. Ochanokosaisai who is cinch to develop nuclear power≒170907  Anger 13 錆びたアトムの怒り  Anger of a dream-broken Astro Boy,(錆)170906 ◎可か大将 (カ) ≒Big laughter admiral is forgiven ?≒170905 ◎フリタチさん(印) ≒Mr. Disadvantage≒170903 ◎NHKの最期ドン(印) ≒NHK's final Don Quixote≒170903 ◎税アラート (屑) ≒Tax Revenue J-Alert≒170902  ◎日本奇々怪議((賊) ≒Japanese Bizarre Conference≒
170823 ◎教育再底会議 (語) ≒Education regeneration conference that became the lowest level again≒170819 ◎腹心の矢舞ひ (屑) ≒A reliable subordinate's illness that looks like three arrows are dancing≒170816 ◎24時間IRは地球を救うか(カ) ≒Will 24-hour IR save the planet?≒170815 ◎消える魔宮(賊) ≒A palace like a disappearing magic ball≒170814Anger 1 蛍の怒り Anger of the firefly Ⅱ(蛍)170813 ◎籠の鳥友 (証) ≒Birds friends in a basket≒170812 ◎誠意対象群 (友) ≒The target group that emerged with barbaric integrity≒170812 ◎存残な土地事(盛)170811 ◎虚人の図星(賊) ≒A vacuous giant with bull's-eye≒170810  Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒りAnger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors  , (賊)170802 ◎純強姦改装内閣 (姦) ≒The cabinet that changed the name of the crime to cover up quasi-rape≒170802 ◎海の非(カ) ≒Naval misconduct≒
170730 ◎丁寧な低施政(憲) ≒Polite low-level politics≒170730 Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 弐考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅱ , (姦)170727◎性務活動秘 (姦) ≒Confidential expenses for politicians' sexual activities≒170727 ◎記憶にない奇特 (友) ≒A strange praise that is not in my memory≒170727 ◎サラバ記念日(蛍) ≒Prime Minister selling lies ≒170723◎槍放題 (姦) ≒All-you-can-spear≒170721 ◎◎糟糠のワシら(蛍) ≒Double-headed eagle companion with two mouths saying a truth and a lie ≒170720◎性剣与党 (姦) ≒The ruling party that raises the sword of the sex symbol≒170717 ◎特定秘密テロ等閣議 (虚) ≒Cabinet meeting that has become a specific secret terrorism≒170717 ◎ドレミソラヒバリシド (印) ≒Doremisora Hibarist≒170716 ◎渡邉スネオ (印) ≒Watanabe Snake for Asahi≒170716 ◎潮時愛媛県連会長(蛍) ≒Ehime Prefectural Federation Chairman who cannot read the tide 170712 ◎カエレの楽園 (友) ≒The paradise of "Get out"≒170712 ◎加戸バイオハザード(友) ≒Inferior Kato Biohazard≒170711 ◎カジノロワイヤリ手 (カ) ≒The shrewd casino king≒170711 ◎永遠のデロ (証) ≒Eternal summons to terrorists≒170706 Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 弐考Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅱ , (友)170702 ◎アベチル奴隷 (虚) ≒Abe's slave children≒170702◎最後のお願ひ (姦) ≒Last wish≒170702 ◎安倍加減 (屑) ≒Abe non good adjustments≒
170630  ◎加計算違い(憲) ≒Multiplication error of Mr. Kake≒170630 ◎アベにだけ孝だろう(語) ≒Being filial to Abe only≒170630 ◎バカセ号売買 (友) ≒Stupid trading of doctorates≒170626 ◎プロセスレス諮問委員 (友) ≒Processless Advisory Committee170625  ◎欠けんプロセス(憲) ≒Lack of evidence of a perfectly deliberated process≒170623 ◎長縞茂る病 (印) ≒Long-term disease with long stripes≒170622 ◎印象操作死捜査 (印) ≒Investigation for Death by making the Impression Manipulation≒170622 ◎ファウスト党 (盛)170620 Anger 11 安倍加計闇憲法の怒りAnger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan  , (憲)170620 ◎移転案移転 (盛)170618 ◎内閣怪房 (印) ≒Doubtful Cabinet Secretariat≒170615 ◎どうせ同名党 (姦) ≒The Party of the same name anyway≒170613◎日本醜聞紙協会 (姦) ≒Japan Scandal Newspaper Association≒170611 ◎アベシンソーリー (証) ≒Abe sin sorry≒170611 ◎アベハキエ(証) ≒Abe disappears with Akie≒170610 Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒りAnger to Demonic politicians Ⅰ , (姦)170607 ◎良識欠け学園(語) ≒Kake-Gakuen school lacking in common sense≒170606◎大阪日本慰芯 (姦) ≒The political party of Osaka which comforts the core of Japan≒170606◎交迷党 (姦) ≒The Party that mixes delusions and illusions≒170606◎自慰民党 (姦) ≒Liberal Masturbation Democratic Party≒170606 ◎内閣腐 (証) ≒The rotten cabinet≒170606 Anger 9 証人come onの怒りAnger of not summoning witness Ⅰ , (証)170605 ◎共同性犯 (虚) ≒Sex offender≒170605 ◎モリンピック (盛) ≒Olympics exaggerating the forest ≒170604 ◎首謀補佐官 (友) ≒An aide to the criminal mastermind≒170601 ◎あそこのぼかし (虚) ≒Gradations over there≒170601 ◎AI・R (カ) ≒IR in love with casinos≒
170531 ◎消えた下村事件 (語) ≒The Lost Shimomura Incident≒170531 ◎文部少(語) ≒The less educated Ministry of Education≒170531 ◎文部省略省 (友) ≒Ministry to omit the Ministry of Education≒170528◎◎新しいバカらし方(語) ≒New ludicrous way of working≒170527 ◎無害無効化 (盛) ≒Invalidated harmlessness≒170523 ◎調査無い蝶さ (虚)≒Butterflies of Public Security Intelligence Agency that don't investigate themselves≒170523Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒りAnger of a false accusation by the government , (虚)170514 ◎怒った原発燃料坊ちゃん (友) ≒A boy as angry as a nuclear fuel rod≒170514 ◎出たらメディア (友) ≒Bullshit mass media≒170514 ◎支法滅裂 (友) ≒Destruction of the law≒170514 ◎事件爆弾 (友) ≒Incident bomb≒170514 ◎前友後楽 (友) ≒Pleasure to put off the Moritomo problem in front of you≒170514Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒りAnger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather , (友)
170430◎カジノ道義国家 (カ) ≒A nation where casinos are morals≒170430◎火事のカジノ(カ) ≒Casino under the Fire≒170430Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒りAnger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino , (カ)170420 ◎輝く除性 (屑) ≒The brilliant exclusion for a shining woman≒170420 ◎アベノミクズ (屑) ≒Abenomics' scum≒170420 ◎軽罪学者 (屑) ≒An economist who can't call it a misdemeanor≒170420◎日金銀銅 (屑) ≒Bank of Japan monopolizing gold, silver and bronze medals≒170420◎マズゴミ (屑) ≒Mass communication full of turbidity points≒170420Anger 4 安倍乃美屑の怒りAnger of Abenomics which became the garbage, (屑)170410◎教育無償勅語(語) ≒Imperial Rescript on Education without Atonement≒170410◎どう解く (語) ≒Do you know how to solve morality?≒170410Anger 5 似非教育硬直語の怒りAnger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education, (語)

170328 ◎奇々怪憲 (印) ≒Bizarre Constitutional Changes≒170328 ◎悪支持率(印) ≒Approval rate for vices≒170328Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant (印)170320 ◎盛り殿(盛) ≒A forest with too much heaped soil≒170320 ◎つみだ茂(盛) ≒Mr. Shigeru with his sin inside≒170320 ◎自民土連(盛) ≒Liberal Democratic Party of Mud dolls≒170320 ◎橋下盛徹(盛) ≒ Lies heaped up under the bridge≒170320 ◎浜に渦潮(盛) ≒Whirlpools near the beach in Tokyo Bay≒170320 ◎石原しんだ老(盛) ≒Ishihara sinful Taro≒170320 ◎地面党(盛) ≒Land speculator Liberal Party≒170320Anger 2 盛り土の怒り Anger of the mounding(盛)170310 ◎罪無省 (蛍) ≒Sinful Ministry that screams innocence 170310 ◎軽算省(蛍) ≒Ministry of Economy that does only light calculations 170310 ◎総無常省(蛍) ≒Ministry that controls government offices that are not eternal 170310 ◎Ta卦下亘(蛍) ≒Suspiciousness spreading under the bamboo of divination 170310 ◎高村正非ko(蛍) ≒Masahiko Komura's delinquency≒170310 ◎安倍昭e(蛍) ≒Akie Abe e…≒170310 ◎金田勝徒shi(蛍) ≒Kanedashi Katsuto shi(Money out and death) ≒170310 ◎否Da朋美(蛍) ≒Нет или да Томоми(No or Yes's Tomomi) ≒170310 ◎A素行大老(蛍) ≒Bad behaved Asoko no Tairo ≒170310 ◎あへsin造(蛍) ≒Ahe! Abe sin construction ≒170310Anger 1 蛍の怒り Anger of the firefly (蛍)

uMe Hasewo reached ten thousand haikus.(190505) 

Thank you for visiting “Angry uMe” & “Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte” in Poetic justice wind.


(◆The judiciary without the remorse)


(◆Kake school Admission Cabinet)


(◆Remodeling Cabinet to cheat pension falsification)


(◆Small Delusional Party)


(◆The ruling party House of Councillors election campaign "Tongue  which can not became tongue")


(◆The Opposition paty House of Councilors Election Campaign "Aegis Asohore Election")


(◆Competition of a song hiding news of the lost forest)


(◆Constitutional revision only for my purpose)

section166◆サミット De 難民⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ190708-a

(◆Summit to Increase Refugees)


(◆Unsightly summit)


(◆Politicians on a runaway boat)


(◆Golden paratroops into heaven)


(◆Osaka where all residents aim to become a gambler)


(◆Osaka boo-hoo-hoo struggle)


(◆The Japan Conscription Committee for Economic Development)


(◆Five ethics without five circles 2020 )


(◆The thorn of NHK)


(◆Japanese Trade Union Confederation that became government’s slave)


(◆Que Sera, Sera-Moon)


(◆The political party which has a great question at a incident of Kake school)


(◆Co-lunatic communication)


(◆Ultra-falsification incident of the legislature)


(◆The general election that chose bullfinches)


(◆The medal issued by the Cabinet that is being laughed at by citizens)

section150 ◆…だからクジ⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ180407-b

(◆... Therefore it is a lottery)


(◆Sinful Japan Foundation)


(◆Disguised Olympic Games)


(◆Such unreasonable people)


(◆The cabinet full of Abe's blunder) 


(◆Ridiculous Revolution)


(◆The ordinary Diet session of a government that disguised a national crisis)


(◆Induced pluripotent nuclear plant)


(◆Abe Administration with many imitations and crooks)


(◆Wolf wearing a little sheep's clothes)


(◆Oh, absurd Panama) 


(◆Abenomics-Minus law bill)


(◆The plan to make fake cherry blossoms bloom)


(◆Questionable song battle where red team and white team compete)


(◆Awful shame of Akasakas)


(◆Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga with hiding rape sin)


(◆Shameful revolution in Japan)


(◆Death of the cabinet which should work by all means)


(◆The political party without politicians)


(◆Diet member election to decide by rock-paper-scissors)


(◆The whisper of swindlers like an angel)


(◆Desperation measure to defend this country)


(◆lethal pledge)


(◆Own convenience of LDP and Komeito)


(◆Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office with dead virtue)


(◆Dissolution of the National Assembly due to Abe's self-protection)


(◆Is Olympic torch is justice or evil? That is the question)


(◆Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which ignores citizens)


(◆Eternal trouble by slip of tongue)


(◆Collapsed Government)


(◆Law justifying the fraud of Liberal Democrats)


(◆Cabinet like the piece of cake)


(◆Attack of Imperial Rescript on Education)


(◆Osaka fool Expo)


(◆Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the devil lurking)


(◆Deputy Secretary of Cabinet Secretary whom overcoated with the shame more)

section114◆創刊!!!  文ゲス春秋⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170619-b

(◆First issue!!! An anthology of vulgar prose named as “Bunshame”)


(◆Abenomics gambling school)


(◆Newspapers for learning Chinese)


(◆Chief Cabinet Secretary as a bystander who likes Coriander)


(◆Official residence deeply involved in wrongdoing)


(◆Crime of terrorism that Abe and his friends prepared for)


(◆Crime on today's conspiracy)


(◆The future high school student is dutiful to the country)


(◆Japanese restoration for Casino)


(◆Laugh of the Cabinet's genitals)


(◆Constitution that can be amended in between 2/3 minutes)


(◆Region of education who became a victim of Abe)


(◆Nation without the police)

section101◆必殺!! 自民印象操作⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170324-b

(◆An assassination technology of the LDP called impression manipulation)


(◆School made of incontinence)


(◆The Law for tampering the specific secret)


(◆The society in which the people of 100 million are blackmailed)


(◆Lawless government like the enemy of Emperor)


(◆Fake Waseda's dense forest).


(◆ABcdE school which is called suspicious forest)


(◆Liberal Democratic conspiracy)


(◆Unattractive Japan)


(◆Ultimate fool political party)


(◆Eternal No More Olympics)


(◆Nuclear Parasitic Agency)


(◆The artificial elementary school which was made of questionable Abe)


(◆Cabinet upkeep rate)


(◆Different Coming-of-Age Day)


(◆Chief Cabinet Secretary as a bystander who likes Pakuchi)


(◆Chiyoda complaint battle)


(◆Gambling religion without worth of 1 yen)


(◆A be man called vulgar)

section82◆I ノーC⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170205-f

(◆ I know C)

section 81◆自民二回感じちゃう⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170131-d

(◆The LDP will feel twice at a time)

section 80◆土人ファースト⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170130-b

(◆Aborigines first) 

section 79◆赤坂逆さか放送局⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170129-e

(◆Akasaka inverted broadcaster)

section 78◆習刊読売切⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170127-b

(◆Bitter weekly magazine which is published in a custom)

section 77◆アベノミクスキャンダル⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170123-g

(◆Abenomix same as candle before the justice wind)

section 76◆防衛省・沖縄防霊局⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170122-e

(◆The Okinawa Bureau for Exorcism of Ministry of Defense)

section 75◆エセ文殊省⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170121-e

(◆Ministry of Fake Education)

section 74◆下村地検事件⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170111-f

(◆Troublesome political party)

section 73◆公迷党⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170108-l

(◆Troublesome political party)

section 72◆アベノ果実⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170107-d

(◆Fruits of Evil)

section 71◆すめらぎの命ないもの会議⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170106-d

(◆Conference to liquidate Emperor without permission)

section 70◆最高再犯所⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170104-g

(◆Supreme Court repeating a crime)

section 69◆I'm not エイブ⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ170102-e

(◆I'm not ABE)

section 68◆自民党スマップ細胞事件⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161231-e

(◆The Incident of Jiminto Smap Cell)

section 67◆JO恥⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161230-e

(◆JOC no shame)

section 66◆ああ心中湾⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161229-e

(◆Ah, a bay where Japan and the US committed suicide together)

section 65◆森の膿塩水競技場⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161228-h

(◆The pus which floats in the forest of the seaboard stadium)

section 64◆電気イス事業連合会⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161227-c

(◆Electric Chair Business Federation)

section 63◆かけつけ稽古⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161223-j

(◆An excuse for war's preparation)

section 62◆NH刑⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161221-d

(◆NH death penalty)

section 61◆可惜しい年金⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161220-c

(◆New pension fraud)

section 60◆カジノ用心⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161217-e

(◆Be careful the fire at a casino of Abenomics)

section 59◆博徒経済産業省⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161210-a

(◆Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for Gambler) 

section 58◆内閣縫製局⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161210-a

(◆The Cabinet Sewing Bureau ) 

section 57◆行き渡る国⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161204-c

(◆To the country where despair is spread out) 

 section 56◆池の中の五厘⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161204-c

(◆Olympic like five-1000ths yen coins which fell into the pond )

section 55◆次の可惜しい働き方⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161121-a

(◆The future of Miserable working style)

section 54◆甘利な検察庁⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161103-e

(◆The Public Prosecutor's Office which covers up a crime of Abe ) 

section 53 ◆総無省⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161029-b

(◆Ministry of No More Internal Affairs and Communicationsr)

section 52 ◆時事イ通信⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161026-c

(◆Old Geezer Newsletter) 

 section 51 ◆太陽の気絶⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161025-bf

(◆Swoon of the sun)

section 50◆機動隊戦士ガッデム⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161023-b

(◆Riot police soldier”God Damn You”)

section 49◆安倍高村統一教権政治⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161022-d

(◆Dictatorial government by Abe & Komura who are Unification Church devotee)

section 48◆アマリリス事件⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161017-d

(◆Amarillis flower sucked the sweet juice)

section 47 ◆白痴領収証⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161017-d

(◆The idiotic receipy)

section 46 ◆可惜しい働き方⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161016-g

(◆Miserable way of working)

section 45 ◆進撃の朋美ちゃん⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ161015-b

(◆Marching aunt Tomomi)

section 44 ◆黒魔法法務省⇔ぴよぴよウメ160919-e

(◆Ministry of Black Magic Justice)

section 43 ◆大手町兵団連⇔ぴよぴよウメ160912-d

(◆Otemachi army corpses)

section 42 ◆アマリオオリンピアン⇔ぴよぴよウメ160903-a

(◆A marionette Olympian)

section 41 ◆戦前退位⇔ぴよぴよウメ160818-e

(◆Abdication as valid symbols before the war)

section 40 ◆イロハにお江戸選⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160730-c

(◆Oedo election with Japanese ABCs)

section 39 ◆ますぞえ多々利魔戦⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160724-d

(◆The own goal election by the ruling party)

section 38 ◆行列のできる法律僧団⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160724-b

(◆Lawyer monk organization whom people gather for)

section 37 ◆参院選野党キャンペーン「甘利の余り」⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160711-a

(◆Upper House election opposition party campaign<Remainder of Amari>) 

section 36 ◆アべ軽装委員会⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160710-h

(◆A be lightly dressed  Committee) 

section 35 ◆辺野古基地外法権⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160708-e

(◆Extraterritoriality of the Henoko base)

section 34 ◆参院選与党キャンペーン「多い甘利くん」⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160707-d

(◆Upper House election ruling party campaign slogan < many Amari-kun >)

section 33 ◆甘リーマンショック⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160706-e

(◆Abe and Amari who give a shock similar to failure of Lehman Brothers) 

section 32 ◆徴兵制争点隠し⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160705-e

(◆The campaign pledge of hidden conscription)

section 31 ◆安倍打倒罵倒観音⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160704-g

(◆Kannon who forsake Abe ) 

section 30 ◆参議院選争点⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160625-d

(◆An issue on assembly elections of the House of Councilors) 

section 29 ◆人間革命・都知事篇⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160615-b

(◆Brainwashing revolution : The canto of Tokyo governor) 

section 28 ◆新しいパンダ、ん?⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160613-b

(◆Are you a new panda, do?)

section 27 ◆落ちた日本史ね⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160610-b

(◆The ruin history of Japan)

section 26 ◆東京地方ヤメ検地位協定⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160607-f

(◆The Status of Agreement of the person who resigned as a public prosecutor in Tokyo)

section 25 ◆経済犯産業省⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160604-c

(◆The economic criminal Department of Industry)

section 24 ◆伊勢志摩ひサミット⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160529-j

(◆Last summit in Ise-Shima for somebody)

section 23 ◆井の中の五輪⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160525-b

(◆The Olympiad in the well )

section 22 ◆洗脳人間革命⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160508-b

(◆Revolution of brainwashed human beings) 

section 21 ◆新もんじゅの悪知恵⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160501-d

(◆New cunning of Monju) 

section 20 ◆森の中の五輪⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160424-h

(◆The Olympiad in the forest)

section 19 ◆伊方プルサーマル町議会⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160414-d

 (◆Ikata pluthermal town council)

section 18 ◆TPPよびよウメ⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160408-e

 (◆uMe tweets with"TPP")

section 17 ◆もんじゅの猿知恵⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160404-b

 (◆Asinine idea of nuclear power generation Monju) 

section 16 ◆異憲最高裁⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160325-b

 (◆The different constitutional Supreme Court) 

section 15 ◆自民党緊急事態条項⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160317-a

 (◆Liberal Democratic Party emergency clauses)

section 14 ◆進撃のあかねちゃん…巨大化編⑩⇔ぴよぴよウメ160310-c

 (◆Akane of the attack No1.…Becoming gigantic)

section 13 ◆議員特権・不倫育休⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160219-a

 (◆Immoral childcare leave as Diet member’s privilege)

section 12 ◆晋・三本のイヤ⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160214-k

 (◆Three nyet of Shinzo) 

section 11 ◆後ろ指さされ隊大臣⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160204-b

 (◆A minister like the leader who is pointed by a finger of derision) 

section 10 ◆蒼白歌合戦⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ160110-b

 (◆The singing festival by pale national)

section 9 ◆電子赤紙マイナンバー⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151231-c

 (◆Electronic draft card named My number)

section 8 ◆暗法反対基地返せ⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151223-c

 (◆Opposing the dark law, and request to return the base)

section 7 ◆それだめじゃんアベばかりちゃん⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151220-a

(◆Non good, sympathizer of Abe) 

section 6 ◆伊方原発再稼動反対…⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151214-e

(◆Opposing the re-run of Ikata nuclear power plant)

section 5 ◆安保の騙し絵⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151211-a

(◆A Illusion picture of security treaty)

section 4 ◆新・大惨事アヘ内閣⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151204-c

(◆New catastrophe Ape cabinet)

section 3 ◆もうぶれぬ五輪解体エンブレム⑩ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ151130-a

 (◆Olympic Games dismantling emblem not to change)

section 2 ◆まあいいじゃん内閣⑩◆ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ150924-e

 (◆Self-satisfaction cabinet)

section 1 ◆再稼動シンゾウ細動AED…⑩◆ ⇔ぴよぴよウメ150924-a

(◆Operation-resume Shinzo fibrillation AED) 

While editing

already checked : PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte  160~01,


◆天り下り(163), ◆アベソソウ内閣(146), ◆iPSもんじゅ(143),◆アベノミクス-マイナス法案(139),◆浅はかさサカス(136), ◆ABE賭け学園(113),◆安倍等テロ準備罪(109),◆あそこのわらひ(105), ◆安倍記念教育お得区(103), ◆安倍疑念人造小学校(89), ◆I ノーC(82), ◆赤坂逆さか放送局(79), ◆アベノミクスキャンダル(77), ◆アベノ果実(72),◆I'm not エイブ(69),◆ああ心中湾(66), ◆可惜しい年金(61), ◆甘利な検察庁(54), ◆安倍高村統一教権政治(49), ◆アマリリス事件(48), ◆可惜しい働き方(46), ◆アマリオオリンピアン(42), ◆アべ軽装委員会(36), ◆甘リーマンショック(33), ◆安倍打倒罵倒観音(31), ◆新しいパンダ、ん?(28), ◆暗法反対基地返せ(8), ◆安保の騙し絵(5),

◆一億総カツアゲ社会(98), ◆異成人の日(87), ◆行き渡る国(57), ◆池の中の五厘(56), ◆イロハにお江戸選(40), ◆伊勢志摩ひサミット(24), ◆井の中の五輪(23), ◆伊方プルサーマル町議会(19), ◆異憲最高裁(16), ◆伊方原発再稼動反対…(6), 

◆ウ総選挙(152), ◆鬱苦しいニッポン(93), ◆後ろ指さされ隊大臣(11), 

◆NHKの茨(158), ◆永遠の舌禍(122), ◆エセ文殊省(75), ◆NH刑(62), 

◆オレオレ改憲(167),◆オオサカ博都(162),◆大阪トホホ抗争(161),◆お笑い内閣総理大臣杯(151), ◆お茶の子さいさい内閣(119), ◆大阪バカ万博構想(117), ◆お漏らし友学園(100), ◆おもしろて御免党(92), ◆大手町兵団連(43), ◆落ちた日本史ね(27), 


◆加計まんま内閣(173), ◆外務伏魔殿で省(116), ◆かけつけ稽古(63), ◆カジノ用心(60), 

◆狂同通信(154), ◆偽装五輪(148), ◆今日謀議罪(108), ◆機動隊戦士ガッデム(50), ◆行列のできる法律僧団(38), ◆議員特権・不倫育休(13),

◆グーチョキパー選択選挙(131),  ◆黒魔法法務省(44), 

◆ケセラセ-ラムーン(156), ◆原子力寄生庁(90), ◆経済犯産業省(25), 

◆小迷党(171), ◆こんな非道たち(147), ◆国難癖通常国会(144),◆紅白うたがひ合戦(137),◆この苦肉を守り抜く(129), ◆コリャナンダー官傍観長官(111), ◆孝行せえ未来会議(107),  ◆公迷党(73), 


◆サミット De 難民(166), ◆サミットMoai(165),◆サクラ策(138), ◆2/3分でできる改憲(104), ◆最高再犯所(70), ◆参院選野党キャンペーン「甘利の余り」(37), ◆参院選与党キャンペーン「多い甘利くん」(34), ◆参議院選争点(30), ◆再稼動シンゾウ細動AED…(1),

◆新党加計問大党(155), ◆準強姦傍観菅房長官(135), ◆自公都合(127), ◆自民治安維持法(120), ◆進撃の教育勅語(118), ◆自民狂暴罪(94),◆自民二回感じちゃう(81), ◆習刊読売切(78), ◆下村地検事件(74), ◆自民党スマップ細胞事件(68),◆JO恥(67), ◆時事イ通信(52), ◆進撃の朋美ちゃん(45), ◆新もんじゅの悪知恵(21), ◆自民党緊急事態条項(15), ◆進撃のあかねちゃん…巨大化編(14), ◆晋・三本のイヤ(12), ◆新・大惨事アヘ内閣(4), 

◆ズブズブの官邸(110), ◆すめらぎの命ないもの会議(71), 

◆聖火非火(124), ◆戦前退位(41), ◆洗脳人間革命(22), 

◆そんなパナマ(140),◆総無視省(123), ◆創刊!!! 文ゲス春秋(114),◆素読売り新聞(112), 総無省(53), ◆蒼白歌合戦(10), ◆それだめじゃんアベばかりちゃん(7), 


◆…だからクジ(150), ◆太陽の気絶(51), 

◆徴兵経済同友会(160), ◆超法的朝的政権(97), ◆チヨダ苦情選(85), ◆徴兵制争点隠し(32), 


◆death公約(128), ◆低俗とよばれた男(83), ◆電気イス事業連合会(64), ◆TPPよびよウメ(18), ◆電子赤紙マイナンバー(9),

◆東京地検徳死捜部(126), ◆特定秘密改ざん法(99), ◆土人ファースト(80), ◆東京地方ヤメ検地位協定(26), 


◆内閣崩政局(121), ◆内閣維持率(88), ◆内閣縫製局(58), 

◆2020五倫理(159),◆ニッポン罪団(149),◆日本ハジノ維新(134), ◆日本カジノ維新(106), ◆日蓮托生(84),◆人間革命・都知事篇(29),




◆反省なき司法(174),  ◆馬鹿らし方革命(145), ◆ハゲの皮(141), ◆恥生田官房副長官(115), ◆パクチー官傍観長官(86), ◆博徒経済産業省(59), ◆白痴領収証(47),

◆必殺仕事死人内閣(133), ◆必殺!! 自民印象操作(101), 

◆ペ天使たちのささやき(130), ◆辺野古基地外法権(35),

◆暴投維新(164), ◆保晋解散(125), ◆防衛省・沖縄防霊局(76), 


◆紛い物が次々出てくるアベ政権(142), ◆丸の中の五輪(91), ◆ますぞえ多々利魔戦(39), ◆まあいいじゃん内閣(2),


◆森欠け厚薄歌合戦(168), ◆森トモ安倍トモ学園(95), ◆森の膿塩水競技場(65), ◆森の中の五輪(20), ◆もんじゅの猿知恵(17), ◆もうぶれぬ五輪解体エンブレム(3), 








cheked 174~1 

Angry uMe栞Bookmark(1~10)

※(蛍)…蛍の怒りAnger of the firefly,(蛍) ※(盛)…盛り土の怒りAnger of the mounding,(盛) (印)…印度象操作の怒りAnger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant,(印)(屑)…安倍乃美屑の怒りAnger of Abenomics which became the garbage,(屑)

※(語)…似非教育硬直語の怒りAnger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education,(語)

※(カ)…カジノミックスの怒りAnger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino ,(カ)

※(友)…安倍友楽園の怒りAnger of the paradise where Abe's friends  gather,(友)

※(虚)…虚妄罪の怒りAnger of a false accusation by the government,(虚)

※(証)…証人come onの怒りAnger of not summoning witness,(証)

※(姦)…準強姦政権与党の怒りAnger to Demonic politicians,(姦)…初考・弐考・参考

Angry uMe栞Bookmark(11~20)

※(憲)…安倍加計闇憲法の怒りAnger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan,(憲)

※(賊)…不安政の大賊の怒りAnger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors,(賊)

※(錆)…錆びたアトムの怒りAnger of a dream-broken Astro Boy,(錆)

※(惨)…経済惨状省の怒りAnger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt,(惨)

※(融)…日銀融の怒りAnger of the melting Bank of Japan,(融)

※(蓮)…日日是公日蓮の怒りAnger of the constant thorn which  is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good,(蓮)

※(亡)…国亡論外交の怒りAnger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country,(亡)※(税)…色即税空の怒りAnger of which all taxes are empty,(税)※(狂)…狂育直後の怒りAnger of the result of crazy educational administration,(狂)※(沖)…沖の傷縄の怒りAnger of the wounds made between Japan and the US after the war,(沖)

Angry uMe栞Bookmark(21~30)

※(毒)…毒読新聞の怒りAnger of the poisonous newspaper,(毒)※(骨)…骨化公闇委員会の怒りAnger Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton,(骨)※(喝)…文喝上庁の怒りAnger of the Agency for Cultural Affairs which blackmail culture,(喝)※(パ)…メガ・パンクの怒りAnger of the negative bank that is fundamentally bankrupt,(パ)※(決)…未決神の怒りAnger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday,(決)※(吽)…吽告解の怒りAnger of the hmm Confession at the Diet,(吽)※(判)…No判定省庁の怒りAnger of the government office not wearing panties,(判)※(暴)…司亡丸暴の怒りAnger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster,(暴)※(堕)…騙し堕マスコミの怒りAnger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses,(堕)※(外)…外国の日本の怒りAnger of Japan which became a foreign country in Japanese people,(外)

Angry uMe栞Bookmark(31~40)

※(非)…非ノ本一致の怒りAnger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior  in Japan,(非)※(輪)…五輪の諸行の怒りAnger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic,(輪)※(靖)…靖らかならざる国の怒りAnger of a country where public sentiment is not restful,(靖)※(断)…平令の断簡の怒りAnger of facts thrown away between Heisei and Reiwa,(断)※(笑)…死脳哄笑の怒りAnger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery ,(笑)※(重)…二重世紀の怒りAnger of another century hidden behind the conveyed facts ,(重)※(防)…防英霊省の怒りAnger at the ministry defending the spirits of war dead more than the living people ,(防)※(生)…更生Load省の怒りAnger of  Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation ,(生)※(奏)…内奏無省の怒りAnger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports ,(奏)※(帝)…大見本帝国の怒りAnger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation ,(帝)


※(小)…五大陸の小人の怒りAnger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continents ,(小)※(刻)…刻災連合の怒りAnger at UN organization that engraves incompetence that cannot prevent war ,(刻)

 History of " Angry uMe "2017~2024

240627◎小たんま≒ Small show-time out ≒240618◎うそ脱皮≒ False molting ≒
240530◎画に描いたポチ≒ Watchdog in paintings ≒240530🔷美しい虚国──形容詞画態≒Beautiful Void Country-Adjective Visual Form≒ 
240311 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 六考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅵ, (倒)  
240228◎壺系団体連合会≒ Japan K-danren in the jar ≒240204◎秘書秘書離し≒Isolation of whispers between secretaries ≒
240121Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 五考 Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅴ (友)240121◎懲りないめんめ ≒ Damn the undiscipline ≒240117◎ボツる倒置大 ≒ Large jar with upside down top ≒240108◎壺ソウル度 ≒ Sold out souls in the jar ≒
231202 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 五考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅴ, (倒)  231202◎壺インボイス ≒ Taxes disappearing in jars ≒
230902◎美サイレン島 ≒ Be silent Jap ≒230902🔷カルト国教──副詞餓態≒ Cult State Religion– Adverb starvation state ≒
230806 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 四考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅳ, (倒) 230806◎壺インフ ェルノ≒ Tsubo Inferno ≒
230727◎天宙殺論≒ Heavenly punishment theory ≒230722🔷をにとはかなむぞこそ──助詞臥態≒ ≒ Being fleeting with the devil – Recumbent postpositional particles≒230704◎壺勲章≒ Magical Medals that make people the nonresistant jar ≒
230624◎壺星人≒ Alien imperialists with the jar ≒
230529◎壺放送≒ Broadcasting within the jar ≒230518◎壺憲法≒ Dotsubo Constitution ≒230515◎壺国会≒ the Diet in the evil jar ≒230512🔷壺る──動詞態≒ Tsuboru – verb form (assimilating with the jar) ≒ 
230418 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 参考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅲ, (倒)  230418◎勝ち勝ち山師連合≒ Fraudsters Union on Kachkachi Mountain ≒230415Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 五考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅴ, (靖)
230326◎斜文字サミット≒ Summit written obliquely as a must win ≒230319◎笹顔世界平和財団≒ The World Peace Unification Foundation with faces like bamboo grass ≒230314◎大陸早苗≒ Continental Contikshow ≒
230226◎倒立痴呆染≒ Demented local elections steeped by Unification Church ≒230203 Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り 五考  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt Ⅴ ,(惨)230203◎晋だ資本主義≒ Dead Abe's Capitalism ≒230201Anger 26吽告解の怒り 八考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅷ,(吽)
230124◎USO国会≒ The Diet in the crucible of lies ≒230122 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り 弐考 Anger of the headstand boundaries  Ⅱ, (倒)  230121聖瓦解 ≒ Holy collapse ≒230116◎防霊費贈強≒ Ghosts that pile up defense spending ≒230115◎贋三省≒Three fake introspections a day
221203◎トンネルおじさん ≒ Uncle Tunnel ≒221202◎下村チャレンジ ≒ Shimomura tricky challenge ≒221201◎夢の間にマニ≒ Mani events between many dreams ≒
221129 Anger 43 倒立境涯の怒り Anger of the headstand boundaries, (倒)  221126 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 八考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅷ, (証) 221111   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 八考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅷ ,(蓮)221106Anger 1 蛍の怒り 五考 Anger of the firefly Ⅴ(蛍)221105◎サイ坊主≒ The cyborg monk ≒
221023◎カンツル講≒ Rally to consider Korean cranes ≒221018 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 四考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅳ, (奏)221014◎マヨイナカード≒My non-me card ≒221005◎酷度公通省 ≒ Government offices with no sense of responsibility for the national land ≒221004Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 四考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅳ, (靖)
220916◎安ゲート ≒ A facile questionnaire reminiscent of Abe's gate ≒
220829◎マリオリパラピック ≒ Parallel world disguised as Tokyo Olympics≒220821◎光一教会 ≒ Religion illuminating Antisocial Forces≒220820Anger 1 蛍の怒り 四考 Anger of the firefly Ⅳ, (蛍)220807放置賞状Award for abandonment of duties in public authority220806 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 五考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation Ⅴ, (帝)
220731◎カルト共学 ≒ Coeducation with Cults ≒220726Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 拾考 Anger to Demonic politicians  X(姦)220724◎統一自民教 ≒Unification Church Political Party LDP≒220716◎残黒葬 ≒Funeral to bury the dark side of the country≒220711◎安倍同一境涯 ≒Religion in the same situation as the Abe family≒220706Anger 26吽告解の怒り 七考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅶ,(吽)
220626Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties ,(判)220620◎新資困主義 ≒Speculative-grade New Capitalism≒220614◎六月いつか ≒Bygone day of June≒220613  Anger 15 日銀融の怒り 参考  Anger of the melting Bank of Japan Ⅲ ,(融)220607◎万事持続化休す金≒Public allowances that completely end sustainability≒220605◎オーラスプーチン≒Putin like Rasputin who reached all-last≒
220529 Anger 42 刻災連合の怒り 弐考 Anger at UN organization that engraves incompetence that cannot prevent war  Ⅱ, (刻) 220522◎羞院議長≒ Shameful symbol of the House of Representatives220518◎棘バラエティ≒Thorn variety show≒220508 Anger 11 安倍加計闇憲法の怒り 弐考 Anger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan  Ⅱ , (憲)
220430◎ロシア型小人(マトリョーシカ風小人)≒Matryoshka style COVID-19≒220424◎プーチン・テロ≒Putin terrorism≒220420◎ボルトNATO≒NATO's bolts≒220404◎教科書ダンク≒Dunk cue: Coercion into history textbooks that benefit the regime≒220402◎徳低少年法≒Low Moral Amended Juvenile Law≒
220326◎非情人理事国≒Inhuman permanent member≒220321 Anger 42 刻災連合の怒り Anger at UN organization that engraves incompetence that cannot prevent war, (刻) 220316◎アベ伝パー≒Abe propagative radio waves≒
220217◎◎鬱トーチ≒Depressing Olympic torch≒220212◎貧困切手≒Stamps to identify poor≒220207◎コロ生省≒Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare whose neck was cut off by the corona virus≒220205 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り 参考 Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continents Ⅲ, (小) 
220105◎認 濁≒An excuse that you can't eat even if you boil or bake≒
211215◎なかったこと政権≒Government pretending nothing illegal≒211205◎御身クローン寡聞≒Medical condition in which one is unaware of his clone≒
211129◎Dabbe≒Damaged Abe App≒211128Anger 26吽告解の怒り 六考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅵ,(吽)211127◎深窓報道非番記者≒The Off-duty reporters hiding the truth behind a deep window≒211122  Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 七考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good 6Ⅶ ,(蓮)211120◎田園都市小僧≒Boys in Rural City Conception≒211117◎平和NO党≒Anti-Peace Party ≒211111◎立証暗国ローン≒Loans to prove a dark country≒211108◎闇名アベ派≒Abe faction eating hot pot dishes in the dark≒
211026◎寧ろ真湖≒Be the lake that reflects the moonlight rather≒211018◎自公助共助≒The ruling party that freely subsidising only itself≒211015Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 参考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅲ, (靖)211013◎イバラ撒き≒Painful trickle-down≒211010◎サクラの検察審査害≒The harm of a fake prosecution panel≒211005◎岸田葉隠≒Kishida faction incorporated into another color faction≒ 211003 Anger 22 骨化公闇委員会の怒り 弐考 Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton Ⅱ,(骨)211002◎和姦内警察≒Sex crime arrest eradication police≒
210928Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors Ⅴ(賊)210919◎ノコノコの後輪 ≒Koopa Troopa after the Olympics≒
210824 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り 弐考 Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continentsⅡ, (小) 210822Anger 26吽告解の怒り 五考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅴ,(吽)210817◎アベノマスクマン ≒The substitute of Abe's mask≒
210720Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒り 参考 Anger of a false accusation by the government  Ⅲ, (虚)210720◎強制社会人 ≒Members of coercive society≒210708◎誤射競技 ≒ IOC's mis-shot competition≒
210626◎天ノート≒Heaven nought≒210622◎無いムーチョ≒Home Ministry with much nihilism≒210620◎オリパラ学徒動員クラスター≒Student mobilization cluster at the Olympic and Paralympic Games≒210613◎GGセブン≒Elderly G7≒210609Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 五考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅴ, (輪)210609◎弔ひオリンピック≒Mourning Olympics≒210605◎復古挑≒Nuclear Power Reconstruction Agency≒210604◎万全の暗算≒Perfect stillbirth of mental calculation,
210531◎スガサミー(カ)≒Suga Sammy≒210530◎菅アーウー答(帝)≒Suga lawless cooing≒210526◎IOCジェノサイド(輪)≒IOC genocide≒210523◎トリプルA苦(屑)≒The pain of Triple-A evil≒210519Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り 参考 Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster Ⅲ, (暴)210518 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 七考 Anger of not summoning witness  Ⅶ, (証)  210512◎UN国会(吽)≒Anti-Unch poop National Assembly≒210509 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 四考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nationⅣ, (帝)210502◎中国型小人(ファーストネーム小人)(小)≒The first kingdom of the dwarf named covid-19≒
210428◎来るってル-チン(帝)≒Crazy routine's coming≒210417◎謀叛維新(賊)≒Japan Restoration Rebel Party≒210412◎日本型小人(神風型小人)(小)≒Kamikaze COVID-19≒210406◎アメリカ型小人(カウボーイ風小人)(小) ≒C0wboy style COVID-19≒210404◎どうもこうも庁(非) ≒A government agency that decides what to do with one or the other≒
210321 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 参考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅲ, (奏)210321◎軽体オジサン(奏) ≒Uncle lighter than the value of a mobile phone≒2010320Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 四考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅳ, (輪)
210227◎学会腐人部(蓮) ≒Soka Gakkai Cabaret Lady's Club≒210222◎爆沈担当大臣(奏) ≒Minister sinking into vague vaccine program≒210207◎コロナでも暮らし(小) ≒Democracy that must be protected even if Corona goes viral≒210206◎ドCOCOA (生) ≒Where is COCOA?≒
210128◎コロナ毒措法 (奏) ≒Bad law to hide the failure of coronavirus measures≒210123◎TOKYOトチリ (小) ≒Many failures of politicians in Tokyo≒210110 Anger 41 五大陸の小人の怒り Anger of the dwarfs named COVID-19 on five continentsⅠ, (小) 210108◎嘘つくC日本(非) ≒Lies of Beautiful Japan≒
201229◎バツハぢやないの (輪) ≒Isn't Bach a Idiot?≒201223◎嘲笑人(虚) ≒People in Choshu who do not realize that they are being ridiculed≒201220◎ガース抜き (帝) ≒Considerationess to relieve Prime Minister Suga's frustration≒201208◎某若無人(帝) ≒People with little presence201206 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nation, (帝)

2011215つのGO() ≒GO 's mistakes≒201114すがかかし() ≒Defects of Suga's scarecrows≒
201025◎掃除職(骨) ≒Cabinet Research Office that must be cleaned≒201011◎時事通信のホコリ (堕) ≒The dust that Jiji Press is proud of≒
200929◎デジタラメ庁 (帝) ≒Sloppy Digital Ministry without preplanning≒200927◎大阪賭構想(カ) ≒Concept to make Osaka the capital of casinos≒200925 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り 弐考 Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nationⅡ, (帝)200924◎公助凌辱 (帝) ≒Public Aid Abuse≒200922◎仮層国民 (笑) ≒People who are exploited and abandoned by the state≒200919◎安倍化問う官房長 (帝) ≒The Chief Cabinet Secretary as Abe's Lower organisms≒200915◎素ガ菅C (帝) ≒Mr. Suga with intelligence level C≒200913◎衆院改竄 (帝) ≒Dissolution to tamper with the House of Representatives≒200911◎低国の逆愁 (帝) ≒The melancholy of the empire counterattacked by the weak≒200909◎大帝懸賞 (帝) ≒Great Empire full of verification with prizes≒200908◎自防次期 (帝) ≒Self-help of self-abandonment≒200907◎菅全コピー (帝) ≒Suga's misgovernment that is a complete copy of the Abe administration≒200906 Anger 40 大見本帝国の怒り Anger over a country like a sample of incompetence trying to show as a great nationⅠ, (帝)
200818 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 四考 Anger of Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅳ, (生)200810◎Aマイナーポイント (奏) ≒Point system of my number card that is monotonous and has a sweet outlook≒200810◎素敵基地イージー攻撃能力 (防) ≒Nice ability to attack the enemy base easily≒200808◎内角義理ギリ記捨会 (靖) ≒Immoral Journalist meeting to throw away articles that expose the cabinet's inner curtain to the last minute≒
200731Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 九考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅸ(姦)200729◎日蓮托症(蓮) ≒The Illness that anyone think is on the same ship as Nichiren≒
200620Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 参考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅲ, (輪)191019 〇後答心配200619 Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 六考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅵ ,(蓮)200614 Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り 四考 Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt Ⅳ ,(惨)200613Anger 2 盛り土の怒り 弐考 Anger of the mounding Ⅱ,(盛)200613◎緑の小美都(盛) ≒Green hand COVID capital city≒200608◎電電無痛200601◎凍京地検  (暴) ≒The frozen Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office≒
200528◎上空国民 (決) ≒People coming and going in the upper sky≒200527 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 五考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅴ, (堕)200524◎黒川雀事案  (暴) ≒The case of Kurokawa Sparrow gambling in mahjong≒200512◎新しいオレオレ様式 (吽) ≒The new "It's me, me" fraud advocated by the Prime Minister≒200509 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 参考 Anger of Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅲ, (生)200507◎強盗GoToカンベーン(惨) ≒Robbery Travel Campaign≒200504 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り 弐考 Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅱ, (奏)200503Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 四考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors Ⅳ(賊)
200423Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り 八考 Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅷ,(印)200420◎ニッポンノ木乃伊ミライ  (外) ≒The mummy of Japan's future≒200418◎プロンブター(印) ≒ Less than a prompter≒200417Anger 26吽告解の怒り 四考 Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅳ,(吽)200417◎告難改見 (吽) ≒Sophistry about the constitutional reform that comes out when the Prime Minister's lies are exposed≒200416◎妻 乱(賊) ≒Petty rebellion in which someone's wife ran≒200414◎密のお願い (屑) ≒Three secret requests≒200411◎アベノ真似餌(惨) ≒Abe's imitation bait≒
200324Anger 25 未決神の怒り 四考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅳ,(決)200323◎TBSウスの川船 (決) ≒TBS within Ship of Theseus≒200321◎エンゼルマーク共謀 (虚) ≒Conspiracy of Angel Mark≒200318◎緊急辞退宣言 (奏) ≒An excuse to evade arrest≒200309◎お手公文書200305Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 六考 Anger of not summoning witness Ⅵ (証)200302◎A 団 (虚) ≒Group A of a without wise decision≒
200229 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り 弐考 Anger of Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅱ, (生)200228◎加計未囚200228◎加計未囚 (決) ≒Unconvicted prisoners around Kake≒200226◎根クラスター (生) ≒Cluster of introverted idols≒200223Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り 参考 Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan Ⅲ,(非)200223◎ワル匠 (非) ≒The Master of Evil Who Thinks about intrigue≒200222◎総霧症 (奏) ≒The Ministry of Home Affairs where everything disappears like mist≒200220 Anger 39 内奏無省の怒り Anger for the Ministry of Home Affairs without reports Ⅰ, (奏)200216◎鯛祭りたい200215◎強酸糖200215Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 四考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino Ⅳ (カ)200202◎アベコロリ菌 (生) ≒Abe bacteria that everyone dies when approached≒200202 Anger 38 更生Load省の怒り Anger of Ministry which puts a burden on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's rehabilitation Ⅰ, (生)
200130◎KUZUの学校 (狂) ≒UZU school full of scum≒200129Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒り 弐考 Anger of a false accusation by the government , Ⅱ, (虚)200129◎アメ念仏 (虚) ≒Abe's prayer for American Amida Buddha≒200110◎幻頭写 (狂) ≒Dangerous company in which only illusions come to mind≒200108◎YAMI-1 (笑) ≒M-1 of shady business≒200105◎不正心臓 (吽) ≒Shinzo with the heart of injustice≒200102Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 八考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅷ(姦)200102◎首相姦邸(姦) ≒Prime Minister's Office drawn by the rape criminal≒
191229◎報道毒註 (笑) ≒Special news report on the News that Doesn't Report≒191229◎サクラ才閣府 (判) ≒Cabinet in full bloom of fraudster talent≒191224◎和泉洋心棒(賊) ≒The bodyguard is Hiroto Izumi≒191213 ◎アベマルチ(惨) ≒Pyramid scheme of Abenomics≒191212 ◎下BS191211 ◎邪兄ZOO(印) ≒Evil brother's zoo≒191209 ◎日弊次位強定 (防) ≒Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement that nullifies Japan's status≒191207 ◎GYOSOMIA (防) ≒GSOMIA looking away≒191207 ◎なんぼ花月 (笑) ≒Kagetsu not worth laughing≒191207 Anger 37 防英霊省の怒り Anger at the ministry defending the spirits of war dead more than the living people Ⅰ, (防)191202 ◎アベダウンダウン (笑) ≒Downtown where Abe's supporters went down≒
191130 ◎サクラ害 (非) ≒The harm that Abe's vanity bloomed≒191130 ◎総理の万罪賛頌(蛍) ≒Praise for All Sins of the Prime Minister ≒191122 ◎税制普請 (税) ≒Suspicious tax system that Prime Minister Abe built≒191120Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 五考 Anger of not summoning witness Ⅴ (証)191119 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 四考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅳ, (堕)191119 ◎アベ化TV191117Anger 35 死脳哄笑の怒り Anger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery Ⅱ(笑)191117 ◎あベタベタ (笑) ≒Abe sticky≒191112 □ 星干し製薬 (重) ≒Drug company selling the dried stars≒191110Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅶ,(印)191106 ◎嵐荒し(印) ≒Storm damage in Arashi ≒191103 ■満愁嘆団 (重) ≒Manchurian lament in organization≒
191030 ◎中央教育審ドローム(屑) ≒Central Education Council Syndrome≒191030Anger 1 蛍の怒 参 Anger of the firefly Ⅲ(蛍)191022 〇ニ短調音蔵 (重) ≒A warehouse of sounds in D minors≒191020 ◎森友引内閣(蛍) ≒Cabinet who died as a friend of Moritomo ≒191019Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り 弐考 Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic Ⅱ, (輪)191019 〇後答心配 (重) ≒Worry about future answers≒191014 ●満愁嘆人 (重) ≒Manchurian lament in people≒191012 ◎マルチ司法  (暴) ≒Judicial authorities similar to multilevel marketing≒191008 ◎文字化け庁(喝) ≒Agency for Cultural Affairs where characters appear garbled≒191007 ◎ジャパン棄民ライフ (非) ≒Lifestyle of Japanese Politicians being to Exploit the People≒191006 ◎君の那覇191002 ◎なんでん関電 (錆) ≒Regardless of what anyone says, Kansai Electric Power Co. is villainous≒191001 ◎アベガー餅 (税) ≒Getting a bigger cake than the one you gave away is an Abeggur's rice cake≒
190925 ◎教育勅故 (屑) ≒Cause of the accident in the Imperial Rescript on Education ≒190923 ◎満愁嘆190922 ◎TRY謀反 (笑) ≒Trial of rebellion against the people of your own nation≒190915 ◎あかんぽ保険 (パ) ≒Japan Post's vicious insurance≒190914 ◎アヘンノミクス190914 Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 五考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅴ ,(蓮)190914Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅵ,(印)190911 ◎轢死教科書 (狂) ≒Japanese history textbook that was killed by runaway train≒190908Anger 25 未決神の怒り 参考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅲ,(決)190906 ◎ヘイトビート軍団 (笑) ≒Corps giving hate speech with eight beats≒190905Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster Ⅱ, (暴)190903 ◎TBゲS
190831 ◎天案悶絶 (重) ≒Gate of heavenly agonie≒190831 ◎最高災 (暴) ≒The Supreme Court which may be the worst disaster≒190827Anger 36 二重世紀の怒り Anger of another century hidden behind the conveyed facts Ⅰ(重)190826 ◎おろしあ各命 (重) ≒Revolution of each life in Russia≒190826 ◎悲喜笑ひ (笑) ≒Laughably pathetique≒190825 ◎ヤギ奉戴 (笑) ≒Obedience to someone who can do anything in the dark society≒190821 ◎よこしま市(カ) ≒Wicked Yokohama City≒190818 Anger 13 錆びたアトムの怒り Anger of a dream-broken Astro Boy Ⅱ,(錆)190818 ◎核不拡散防止常薬 (錆) ≒The household medicine to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons≒190817 ◎害務省(亡) ≒Ministry of Foreign Affairs harmful to national interest≒190815 ◎三等昭子(吽) ≒Akiko of the third prize≒190812 ◎矜持の不自由展 (喝) ≒An exhibition that tramples on the pride of artists≒190811 ◎盛り足りん具190811 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 参考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅲ, (堕)190802 ◎日韓同感  (外) ≒Japanese and Korean politics that dislike each other≒190802 ◎紅白歌枕 (笑) ≒Business using pillows to participate in the red and white song battle≒
190728 ◎クルクル・ジャパン (笑) ≒The Japanese organization that looks smart but is actually an idiot≒190728Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅴ(印)190727 ◎東大堕胎王 (堕) ≒Abortion King of the Tokyo University≒190725 ◎よしもと1円芸人 (笑) ≒Yoshimoto Kogyo that pays its comedians only one yen≒190725Anger 35 死脳哄笑の怒り Anger at the hierarchy of deadly mockery Ⅰ(笑)190721Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 七考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅶ(姦)190721 ◎靖国ハラスメント (靖) ≒Harassment by Yasukuni Shrine≒190719 ◎ヤジキタ警察 (骨) ≒The police who come if we hoot the government≒190713Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅲ,(吽)190710 ◎日本切開 (吽) ≒Will to incise tomorrow of Japan≒190709 ◎安倍一直線(証) ≒To Abe in straight line≒190705 ◎自衛隊の名器 (靖) ≒Excellent tools engraved with the phantom signature of the Self-Defense Forces≒190702 ◎異次元金 (パ) ≒Money coming from another dimension? ≒
190629 Anger 17 国亡論外交の怒り Anger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country Ⅱ ,(亡)190628 ◎大阪トラック野郎190628 ◎問責サミット190622Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅳ(印)190621 ◎集団座禅(融) ≒≒190618 ◎吉本闇業(印) ≒Yoshimoto Dark Tax Industry≒190616 ◎もう無い閣(友) ≒ No More Cabinet≒190614 ◎日伊蘭絨端  (外) ≒Exchanges between Japan and Iran unfolding on the Persian carpet≒190611 ◎日本酷記 (靖) ≒Cruel history of modern Japan≒190607 ◎ソサエテ号令 (判) ≒A command that we don't need this kind of society≒190605 ◎スーパーグーチョキパー構想(惨) ≒The special 'stone-paper-scissors' concept of the government pastime:(The Super Goochkeeper Initiative)≒
190525Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 四考 Anger of not summoning witness Ⅳ (証)190524 ◎ノー想190517 ◎シー想190513 ◎大作の栞190512 ◎フー想190511 ◎嘘吹文明(友) ≒ A civilization in which lies spew out≒190507 ◎モー想190504Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り 弐考 Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful Ⅱ, (靖)190504 ◎靖国改憲 (靖) ≒Yasukuni Political Group Pretending to Be a Religious Corporation Seeking Constitutional Revision≒
190425 ◎カー想 (断) ≒Virtual Thoughts≒190424 ◎ター想 (断) ≒Multilayered thoughts≒190416 ◎アー想 (断) ≒Ah Thoughts≒190415 Anger 15 日銀融の怒り 弐考 Anger of the melting Bank of Japan Ⅱ ,(融)190415 ◎晋死幣 (融) ≒New banknotes to be issued after Shinzo dies≒190413 ◎ワー想 (断) ≒Wild thoughts that are valid only in Japanese society≒190410 ◎仰げばとうとう死 (蛍) ≒When I respect you, I am dead ≒190410 ◎レー想 (断) ≒Thoughts similar to a military command≒190407 ◎セー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that are likely to be made a political dispute≒190406 ◎イー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that look good at first glance≒190403 ◎へー想 (断) ≒Thoughts that ran parallel to the times≒190403Anger 34 平令の断簡の怒り Anger of facts thrown away between Heisei and Reiwa, (断)
190328 ◎カジノ祈祷依存(カ) ≒ A prayer for dependence on casinos≒190325Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet Ⅱ,(吽)190315 ◎日銀クロー(融) ≒The Crow of BOJ≒190315 ◎国会オペラ (吽) ≒Japan Diet opera that rejects speeches≒190313 ◎低寧な絶命 (靖) ≒Rough explanation that kills the public opinion≒190311◎不興五倫 (輪) ≒The Olympics which are unknown whom you do it for≒190310◎安弁照大御黴(靖) ≒≒
190221◎閣疑決定(靖)190217Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 参考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties Ⅲ,(判)190217◎長州征論 (靖) ≒Choshu going to attack the truth≒ 190209◎ウ総理売り(蛍) ≒Prime Minister selling lies ≒190208◎功労省(判) ≒Ministry that considers deceiving the people to be an achievement≒190203◎事故標語 (吽) ≒Accident-inducing slogans between the LDP and the Komeito≒190202◎未来の国亡 (非) ≒Security of a country that dies in the future≒
190131◎国民空疎の巻 (輪) ≒The Olympics that have made the will of the people sparse≒190124 ◎あかん安倍(賊) ≒Abe's defective products≒190119◎組織無風の巻 (輪) ≒Olympic Organizing Committee without the Wind of Justice≒190111 ◎サンゴの委嘱 (非) ≒Excuse for trampling on a coral transplant≒190109 Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り 弐考 Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses Ⅱ, (堕)190108 不治産刑グル (堕) ≒The Fujisankei Group which cooperates with politicians who cause incidents without doing proper politics≒190103 ◎毒売り死文(毒)

History of " Angry uMe "2017~2018

181231 ◎アベとムチ (靖) ≒The carrot and the stick policy called Abenomics≒181227 ◎不倫サミット (判) ≒Adulterous trip to accompany the summit≒181221 ◎浪花武士道シュール(惨) ≒≒181210 ◎ややこ死入管庁(暴) ≒≒181208 ◎創価瓦解(蓮) ≒≒
181129 ◎ペテン師万告白(賊) ≒World Expo where the swindler confessed many advantages≒181129  ◎合姦検察審査会 (姦) ≒Prosecutor's Review Board in order to Legalize Rape≒181103  ◎聖教育 (姦) ≒Sex education that should be holy education≒181103  Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 参考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅲ , (姦)181103Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 参考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors Ⅲ(賊)181102   Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り  Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt1Ⅲ ,(惨)181101 ◎A部リーク (堕) ≒A, B & E-League leaked Abe≒
181030 ◎日印造錯 (外) ≒The illusion of peace in both Japan and India≒181030 ◎南無妙法蓮下郎(蓮) ≒≒181030 ◎長幼考 (靖) ≒Consideration about the age of forced workers≒181029 ◎NH卦盛事部(友) ≒NHK's Gossip Fortune-telling Political Department≒181028 ◎◎裁可どう?(暴) ≒≒181027 ◎異次原人考課(融) ≒Personnel evaluation of primitive man in Different dimension≒181026 ◎ペーパー劣化 (吽) ≒Degraded politics that scrapping official documents≒181025Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 六考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅵ(姦)181019 ◎ダメノタマグシ (靖) ≒The branch of a sacred tree that is no longer useful≒181018 ◎片口殺気(判) ≒≒181013 ◎零大祭 (靖) ≒Zero Festival that is held regularly without meaning≒181008Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 四考 Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅳ (友)181006 ◎性和解 (姦) ≒Political group aimed at sexual reconciliation for rape≒181004 ◎不起訴で不義ブギ(暴)181003 ◎全員クサ!野球内閣(友) ≒Everyone is dubious sandlot baseball Cabinet≒181003 ◎琉球遷宮 (靖) ≒A shrine that should be relocated to Ryukyu≒181001Anger 33 靖らかならざる国の怒り Anger of a country where public sentiment is not restful, (靖)

180924Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 参考 Anger of not summoning witnessⅢ (証) 180922 ◎新しい苦肉つり(憲) ≒New nation-building policy as a last resort≒180920Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り 弐考  Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan Ⅱ,(非)180918 ◎NH系余論調査 (堕) ≒NHK-style public opinion induction≒180918   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 四考 Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅳ ,(蓮)180917 ◎プッチン外交(亡) ≒Russian diplomacy that has been cut off with Putin≒180915 ◎惑う聖火の巻(輪) ≒≒180914 ◎カジノ万博(カ) ≒Expo to open a casino≒180914Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 参考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino Ⅲ (カ)180910Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り 弐考 Anger of the government office not wearing panties Ⅱ,(判)180908 ◎ズルガ金融庁(融) ≒Financial Services Agency that has been tolerating cunning banks≒180907 ◎マスコゴミ (堕) ≒Mass media succumbing to the power≒180907 ◎安倍宰害視殺(賊) ≒Visit to the disaster area of Prime Minister Abe whose existence became a disaster≒180906 ◎惨状三乗大臣(惨) ≒A minister whose misery is multiplied by the third power≒180905 ◎汚れた水の巻 (輪) ≒Water rights secretly targeted behind the Tokyo Olympics≒180904 ◎喚問海峡(証) ≒The Summoning Strait≒
180830 ◎聖教リゾートIRanti(カ) ≒Soka Gakkai Resort IR is not needed≒180829 ◎ミス増し省害庁(判) ≒≒180829 ◎消えた地の巻(輪) ≒≒180826 ◎ブレ五輪 (輪) ≒Tokyo Pre-Olympic that keep shaking even before the start≒180824Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 五考 Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅴ(姦)180824 ◎準強姦揉み消し隊長州(姦) ≒Quasi-rape crime erasure squad leader in Choshu≒180820Anger 32 五輪の諸行の怒り Anger of the transient impermanence of all things in Olympic, (輪)180819 ◎大阪腐計(骨) ≒Osaka's rotten police ploy≒180808 ◎博徒人間革命(蓮) ≒≒180804 ◎安倍水脈(賊) ≒Abe's water vein≒180803 ◎難聴法蓮華経(カ) ≒Inaudible Lotus Sutra≒180802 ◎報捨て道捨てた (堕) ≒How did you abandon the news report at the news station?≒
180729 ◎総賽銭選 (非) ≒A presidential election decided by the total amount of donations≒180724 ◎創価ジノ学会(カ) ≒Soka Casino Gakkai≒180717 ◎公明盗(蓮) ≒≒180715 ◎官亭劇人災害 (非) ≒Severe disaster drama performed at the Prime Minister's Office≒180715 ◎3P官棒副長官(姦) ≒Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary who likes to play with three women at the same time≒180711 ◎アベトナム買春政権(姦) ≒A Vietnam's Abe's Prostitution promotion≒180710 ◎真層NEWS (堕) ≒News programs where the truth is deeply hidden≒
180623 ◎Abe級戦犯 (非) ≒Genealogy of Class-A war criminals≒180619 加計変脳 (友) ≒Refunding the bizarre brain to Mr. Kake≒180615 ◎カカ様カジノ様カ(カ) ≒Is the casino Maria or the devil?≒180615 ◎自公自得維新(カ) ≒The selfish ruling party is the accident itself≒180614Anger 31 非ノ本一致の怒り Anger for the consistency of cruel speech and behavior in Japan(非)180610  ◎毒売り死文 (毒) ≒≒180610 ◎ハッタリーポッター(狂) ≒≒180609 ◎銭形平蔵(友) ≒Personal Heizo with a coin face≒180609 ◎脳減るショー (外) ≒Nobel Prize to reduce brain≒180609 ◎創過大(蓮) ≒A university that creates up the mistakes≒180608 ◎蓮日カジノ(カ) ≒Day after day at the casino on the lotus leaf≒180607 ◎パソ難(惨) ≒Catastrophe that Pasona brings≒180606 ◎効能多労(亡) ≒Symptomatic therapy that does not have much effect even if a lot of effort is spent≒180601 ◎大逆さ地検 (暴) ≒Oh! upside-down prosecutor's office in Osaka≒
180528 ◎伝聞の電文(暴) ≒Documents that do not come out as a hearsay≒180527  ◎スポイル庁 (狂) ≒Sported by Spoil Agency≒180526 ◎独眼竜王戦(毒) ≒Single-eyed Dragon King Battle≒180520 ◎法無省(暴) ≒Ministry of Justice complying without the law≒180518 ◎詐川さん(暴) ≒Ministry of Finance fraudster Sagawa≒180518 ◎骨太の放心(暴) ≒Big-boned laziness≒180516 ◎岸井のアルバム (堕) ≒Kishii's album forgotten on the shore≒180516 ◎アウト・レンジ(印) ≒Outrage of out range≒180515 ◎日英虚空 (外) ≒The Empires of Japan and Britain existing in the Void≒180515 ◎日中寇旧 (外) ≒The foreign enemy of Japan and China is an old view of history≒180514 ◎日露哭 (外) ≒Lamentations between Japan and Russia≒180514 ◎日米コーク (外) ≒Japan-US relations like being in a coke≒180513 ◎経財ロンダリング (判) ≒Illegal laundering by METI & MOF≒180513 ◎廃軍の省(惨)180512Anger 15 経済惨状省の怒り 弐考 Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debt( Ⅱ(惨)180512  ◎ア切れた(賊) ≒Finished support for A≒180507 ◎ア姦 (姦) ≒The inexcusable rape of initial A≒180507 ◎僕ディラン (外) ≒I don't need me≒180506 ◎蚊帳の外国  (外) ≒Japan isolated from foreign countrie≒180506Anger 30 外国の日本の怒り Anger of Japan which became a foreign country in Japanese people,(外)180505 ◎山口之事件 (堕) ≒A politician in the Yamaguchi constituency who defended the crime of Mr. Yamaguchi who insulted Yamaguchi Prefecture≒180505Anger 29 騙し堕マスコミの怒り Anger of the depraved media of deceiving the masses, (堕)180504 ◎不可逆的逆説(証) ≒Irreversible paradox≒
180429 ◎内閣休符 (判) ≒Cabinet with whole rests≒180428  ◎不起訴控除 (税) ≒Tax deductions that can prevent prosecution of crimes≒180426  ◎立件見送り党(賊) ≒Political party that sees off a lawsuit of case≒180425  ◎怪しの林 (狂) ≒Disreputable education in the dense forest≒180424   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 参考  Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅲ ,(蓮)180422 ◎売読新聞 (毒) ≒Toxic newspaper full of crimes being sold and crimes to make you read≒180421 ◎膿みの親方衆議員 (虚) ≒The boss of the House of Representatives who produce pus≒180421 ◎罪無省(蛍) ≒Sinful Ministry that screams innocence≒180419  ◎アベノチクビ(賊) ≒Abe's bloody nipple≒180419Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒り 弐考 Anger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino (カ)180418 ◎ア葬 (判) ≒The funeral of those A≒180416  ◎記憶の鍵吏 (惨) ≒A functionary who is the key to the case as far as I can remember≒180414 ◎犯ナチュラル (暴) ≒Natural attitude crime≒180414Anger 28 司亡丸暴の怒り Anger of the Ministry of Justice which is a perfect gangster, (暴)180414  Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒り 弐考 Anger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitorsⅡ  , (賊)180414 ◎アベイラナイ (判) ≒Refreshing future for the Diet without Abe≒180414  ◎由々しき麻とさ(賊) ≒Aso's cunning that cannot be overlooked≒180412 ◎国家全略特区 (惨) ≒A special district that has abandoned own nation and all laws≒180411  ◎苦い幹事長(賊) ≒A bitter secretary general who is harmful≒180410  ◎首相案件番犬 (惨) ≒≒180410    ◎言葉と異義テク(蓮) ≒≒180407 ◎おや惟ふ似 (語) ≒Oh, think at what's going on with your parents?≒180406 ◎チビリアン・コントロール (判) ≒Civilian control wetting your pants≒180406Anger 27 No判定省庁の怒り Anger of the government office not wearing panties,(判)
180331 ◎晋劇の拒人(証) ≒Giants refusing Shinzo's drama≒180328    ◎妄想価学会(蓮) ≒A study group that finds value in delusion≒180328Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephantⅢ(印)180323  ◎アベノスクミ(賊) ≒Abe's strong pressure≒180321 ◎B道だけ志(印) ≒The ambition of Road B only≒180318    ◎虚仮国荒省(蓮) ≒A ministry that neglects its people and turns the country into a wasteland≒180317Anger 25 未決神の怒り 弐考 Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday Ⅱ,(決)180317  Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 四考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅳ , (姦)180321 ◎消えた大蔵省問題(吽) ≒The problem of the former Ministry of Finance that disappeared≒180317 ◎消えた通産省問題(吽) ≒Ministry of International Trade and Industry which disappeared by bribery scandals≒180310 ◎消えた厚生省問題(吽) ≒Bloodied Ministry of Health and Welfare that has disappeared≒180308 ◎消えた運輸省問題(吽) ≒Department of Transportation that took himself to the afterlife with problems≒180306  ◎アの方(決) ≒That person called A≒180303   ◎消えた労働省問題 (吽) ≒Ministry of Labor which disappeared because it lost its will to serve the people≒
180223  ◎消えた総務省問題(吽) ≒Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications whose autonomy ability has vanished≒180223Anger 26吽告解の怒り Anger of the hmm Confession at the Diet,(吽)180219  ◎描けない池(決) ≒Black Kake who cannot be drawn≒180217   Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り 弐考  Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅱ ,(蓮)180217   ◎現代妖語(蓮) ≒Creepy modern term≒180216 ◎スカの器 (姦) ≒Empty treasure chest≒180213   ◎しにものがかり(蓮)180209   ◎安倍心象疑念開明小学校附属李下大学 (友) ≒The university under a plum-tree attached to an elementary school that reveals the suspicions of Abe's mental image≒180208   ◎烏賊様宗教法人(蓮) ≒Religious corporation that seems to be run by Mr. squid≒180205   ◎糊塗罵倒と友にいきていく蓮) ≒≒
180129  ◎栽培員精度(決) ≒≒180128  ◎マルチ・ビットコイン商(融) ≒Bitcoin merchants in the multilevel marketing≒180127   ◎塩崎やすひ税 (税) ≒One of the Liberal Democratic Party's Tax Commission member who only lowers his own taxes≒180124   ◎適材適当 (税) ≒The qualified person who is groundless≒180123  ◎逝こうではありませんか(憲) ≒Let us go to the battlefield to die≒180122 ◎非国民栄誉賞 (友) ≒Non national honor award≒180121  ◎濃霧事件(決) ≒Parrot in the fog≒180121Anger 25未決神の怒り Anger of the decision that needs to be judged by God someday,(決)180120  ◎網かけ憲法(憲) ≒Constitution wrapped in a deep shadow≒180120Anger 5 似非教育硬直語の怒りAnger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education Ⅱ, (語)180119    ◎安米軍ヘリ(沖) ≒Abe helicopter dedicated to U.S. forces that crashed into the ground≒180117 ◎メガ・ハング (パ) ≒≒180116 ◎ブヨンセ (カ) ≒Fat trying for Beyoncé≒180115 ◎電源三方損 (錆) ≒National losses arising from the Three Power Supply Development Tax laws≒180115  ◎苦条改憲(憲) ≒Deceptive proposals to amend Article 9 of the Constitution≒180114 ◎国家性略特区 (姦) ≒Seiwa sexual policy study group≒180114 ◎今バレ代参者 (友) ≒The exposed outsiders in Imabari≒180111 ◎性和性策研究会 (姦) ≒Seiwa sexual policy study group≒180108 ◎後裔ギャンブル (カ) ≒Privately inherited public gambling≒180104 ◎政府捕縄 (パ) ≒Prison with the name of government guarantees≒180104 ◎根が鈑金 (パ) ≒Banks that exist only to make gold bars≒180103 ◎濁天カード (パ) ≒Card that condensed the darkness of Japan≒180103Anger 24 メガ・パンクの怒り Anger of the negative bank that is fundamentally bankrupt ,(パ)180102  ◎教育調狂 (狂) ≒Mind Control in Incorrect Education≒180101 ◎実行の一念(証) ≒Single-minded determination for downward action≒
171231 ◎レコード代償 (喝) ≒Indemnity to the Japan Record Award≒171230 ◎加計愛漫歳 (狂) ≒A comedy in which two fast-talking person talking about love for Kake Gakuen171229 ◎記憶慰産 (喝) ≒A legacy that has become a political comfort≒171229 ◎ジスラック (喝) ≒JAS-RACK who tortured JIS's trust≒171229 Anger 23 文喝上庁の怒り Anger of the Agency for Cultural Affairs which blackmail culture ,(喝)171226 ◎鳥獣疑加 (賊) ≒Birds and animals that suspect KAKE incident≒171223 ◎原発極道 (錆) ≒Yakuza exploiting on nuclear power plants≒171218 ◎公然の闇 (骨) ≒The darkness that the Emperor has no choice but to admit≒171216 ◎石川it (骨) ≒It's Ishikawa IT≒171216 ◎物騒自民(亡) ≒Violent Liberal Democratic Party≒171211 ◎辺のへ野もへ古(沖) ≒​Henoko's Claim Emojis≒171210 ◎唖に学ぶ (骨) ≒Learn from the silent Oshio≒171210 Anger 22 骨化公闇委員会の怒り Anger of the National Public Safety Commission which became a skeleton ,(骨)171210 ◎下働き方革命(惨) ≒Reforms to shift to low-wage workers≒171209 ◎永遠のデロ(証) ≒Eternal summons to terrorists≒171208 ◎忖度法師 (税) ≒A public servant who looks only at the complexion of a person in power≒171208 Anger 9 証人come onの怒り 弐考Anger of not summoning witness Ⅱ , (証)171207 ◎収監読切 (毒) ≒Weekly magazine Yomiuri which was imprisoned≒171206 ◎罠常沈文 (毒) ≒Newspapers that are always setting traps≒171206 ◎無体鎮分 (毒) ≒The innate lawlessness to quell consideration≒171206 ◎消力親聞 (毒) ≒Newspaper that erases the right power≒171206 Anger 21 毒読新聞の怒り Anger of the poisonous newspaper ,(毒)171202 ◎立食餡子論(蓮) ≒The theory of wishing the country peace by eating red bean paste while standing up≒171202 ◎融識者 (語) ≒The people whose knowledge has melted away≒
171130 ◎沖縄望遠局(沖) ≒Departments looking at Okinawa from a distance≒171129 Anger 20 狂育直後の怒り Anger of the wounds made between Japan and the US after the war ,(沖)171129 ◎谷査定エコ(亡) ≒Eco-friendly assessments against Saeko Tani≒171128 ◎夫っと妻づく(証) ≒OOPS! Husband stumbles over wife≒171128 Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 参考Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅲ, (友)171124 ◎劣等一等Be (狂) ≒Trying for being the most inferior≒171123Anger 4 安倍乃美屑の怒り 弐考Anger of Abenomics which became the garbageⅡ, (屑)171123 ◎会計検査出禁 (屑) ≒The Board of Audit where comings and goings were prohibited≒171123 ◎安倍疑念学校 (狂) ≒School to commemorate Abe's doubts≒171123 ◎大学雪隠審 (狂) ≒Council to set up a university in the toilet≒171120 Anger 19 狂育直後の怒り Anger of the result of crazy educational administration ,(狂)171119 ◎ダマルサの痛み (税) ≒The anguish of the inspection department of the National Tax Agency which has been silent≒171118 ◎経済断崖連行会 (惨) ≒≒171111 ◎脱税調 (税) ≒Tax evasion of the tax system research commission≒171118 ◎罪霧消 (税) ≒Ministry of Finance where state-owned property disappears like fog≒171111 ◎佐川国税庁腸管 (税) ≒Secretary of the National Tax Agency Sagawa which was clogged up in the intestines of Prime Minister Abe≒171111 Anger 18 色即税空の怒り Anger of which all taxes are empty ,(税)171108 ◎論外交(亡) ≒Diplomacy out of the question≒171108 ◎退散文明蓮) ≒Retreat to the Third Civilization≒171108 ◎細田派芸(憲) ≒The Hosoda faction's talking skills about making fun of baldness≒171107 ◎日米の傷縄(亡) ≒​Japan-U.S. ties that hurt Okinawa≒171105 ◎逃避公(亡) ≒Japanese Prime Minister who runs away abroad≒171105 ◎言わんか補佐官(亡) ≒The presidential aide who should say what to be said≒171105 Anger 17 国亡論外交の怒り Anger of ridiculous diplomacy of destroying a country ,(亡)171103 ◎金縛庁(融) ≒Financial Services Agency in bondage≒171102 ◎代用事アメ制憲(憲) ≒The Constitution that the United States is substituting for≒171101 ◎小さい秋へ (証) ≒To the small autumn≒
171028 ◎自動運転興業界 (惨) ≒≒171028 ◎神ABE製巧 (惨) ≒≒171024 ◎十字加刑 (友) ≒Crucified Kake on the cross≒171022 ◎消費私用税(憲) ≒Consumption tax that can be used for private use≒171017 ◎声枯らし進次郎(印) ≒Shinjiro becoming a wintry wind because his voice is hoarse≒171014 ◎商工中禁 (惨) ≒≒171012 ◎銀融庁(融) ≒A bank where money melts≒171011 ◎凍 証(融) ≒The frozen Tokyo Stock Exchange≒171009 ◎朝き夢みじ(蓮) ≒Deep darkness that puts the shallow dreams of the morning to sleep≒171009 ◎高名党(蓮) ≒Notorious party advocating fairness and integrity≒171004 ◎新奇基準 (錆) ≒Bizarre new standards≒171009 Anger 16 日日是公日蓮の怒り Anger of the constant thorn which is on the lotus which should be the day when every day is good Ⅰ ,(蓮)
170930 ◎聖教育(姦) ≒Sex education that should be holy education≒170930 ◎消えた都憂地 (盛) ≒Vanishing public land in Tokyo≒170928 ◎トンデモ東電 (錆) ≒Outrageous TEPCO which hasn't been fired≒170927 ◎毎日銀(融) ≒Banks where every day is Sunday≒170926 ◎国難銀行(融) ≒Banks that became a national crisis≒170926 ◎四電字の如く(錆) ≒Shikoku Electric Power like someone read it≒170924 Anger 15 日銀融の怒り Anger of the melting Bank of Japan ,(融)170923 ◎合姦検察審査会 (姦) ≒Prosecutor's Review Board in order to Legalize Rape≒170921  ◎1月20日の経産書 (惨) ≒METI documents that disappeared on January 20≒170918 ◎象でもいい象(印) ≒An elephant that doesn't matter if it's an elephant≒170917 ◎計算省略省 (惨) ≒≒170917 Anger 14 経済惨状省の怒り Anger of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that gave rise to a large debtⅠ ,(惨)170916 ◎ハゲ派真由子 (友) ≒Mayuko of the Hosoda faction with a barren heart≒170915 ◎中風電力 (錆) ≒≒170912 ◎原子力犠牲委員会 (錆) ≒Commission that sacrificed one's lifetime on nuclear policy≒170912 ◎ひとりづくり革命(印) ≒Revolution to isolate people≒170912Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り 弐考Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant Ⅱ (印)170911 ◎外遊内患 (証) ≒Foreign travel to flee from difficult domestic problems≒170910 ◎性論大賞 (姦) ≒Sex Theory Award that is mistaken for Fair Argument Award≒170910 ◎A円の財布省 (屑) ≒The Ministry of Wallets with A yen in it≒170908 ◎当代病 (錆) ≒≒170907 ◎ラブホ国会 (姦) ≒Love hotel in the Diet Building≒170907 ◎お茶の湯博士 (錆) ≒Dr. Ochanokosaisai who is cinch to develop nuclear power≒170907 Anger 13 錆びたアトムの怒り Anger of a dream-broken Astro Boy,(錆)170906 ◎可か大将 (カ) ≒Big laughter admiral is forgiven ?≒170905 ◎フリタチさん(印) ≒Mr. Disadvantage≒170903 ◎NHKの最期ドン(印) ≒NHK's final Don Quixote≒170903 ◎税アラート (屑) ≒Tax Revenue J-Alert≒170902 ◎日本奇々怪議(憲) ≒Japanese Bizarre Conference≒
170823 ◎教育再底会議 (語) ≒Education regeneration conference that became the lowest level again≒170819 ◎腹心の矢舞ひ (屑) ≒A reliable subordinate's illness that looks like three arrows are dancing≒170816 ◎24時間IRは地球を救うか(カ) ≒Will 24-hour IR save the planet?≒170815 ◎消える魔宮(賊) ≒A palace like a disappearing magic ball≒170814Anger 1 蛍の怒り Anger of the firefly Ⅱ(蛍)170813 ◎籠の鳥友 (証) ≒Birds friends in a basket≒170812 ◎誠意対象群 (友) ≒The target group that emerged with barbaric integrity≒170812 ◎存残な土地事(盛) ≒Tokyo governor who treated remaining Tokyo land carelessly≒170811 ◎虚人の図星(憲) ≒A vacuous giant with bull's-eye≒170810 Anger 12 不安政の大賊の怒りAnger of the citizens who do not trust politics that benefits the traitors , (賊)170802 ◎純強姦改装内閣 (姦) ≒The cabinet that changed the name of the crime to cover up quasi-rape≒170802 ◎海の非(カ) ≒Naval misconduct≒
170730 ◎丁寧な低施政(憲) ≒Polite low-level politics≒170730 Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒り 弐考Anger to Demonic politicians Ⅱ , (姦)170727◎性務活動秘 (姦) ≒Confidential expenses for politicians' sexual activities≒170727 ◎記憶にない奇特 (友) ≒A strange praise that is not in my memory≒170727 ◎サラバ記念日(蛍) ≒Prime Minister selling lies ≒170723◎槍放題 (姦) ≒All-you-can-spear≒170721 ◎◎糟糠のワシら(蛍) ≒Double-headed eagle companion with two mouths saying a truth and a lie ≒170720◎性剣与党 (姦) ≒The ruling party that raises the sword of the sex symbol≒170717 ◎特定秘密テロ等閣議 (虚) ≒Cabinet meeting that has become a specific secret terrorism≒170717 ◎ドレミソラヒバリシド (印) ≒Doremisora Hibarist≒170716 ◎渡邉スネオ (印) ≒Watanabe Snake for Asahi≒170716 ◎潮時愛媛県連会長(蛍) ≒Ehime Prefectural Federation Chairman who cannot read the tide ≒170712 ◎カエレの楽園 (友) ≒The paradise of "Get out"≒170712 ◎加戸バイオハザード(友) ≒Inferior Kato Biohazard≒170711 ◎カジノロワイヤリ手 (カ) ≒The shrewd casino king≒170711 ◎永遠のデロ (証) ≒Eternal summons to terrorists≒170706 Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒り 弐考Anger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather Ⅱ , (友)170702 ◎アベチル奴隷 (虚) ≒Abe's slave children≒170702◎最後のお願ひ (姦) ≒Last wish≒170702 ◎安倍加減 (屑) ≒Abe non good adjustments≒
170630 ◎加計算違い(憲) ≒Multiplication error of Mr. Kake≒170630 ◎アベにだけ孝だろう(語) ≒Being filial to Abe only≒170630 ◎バカセ号売買 (友) ≒Stupid trading of doctorates≒170626 ◎プロセスレス諮問委員 (友) ≒Processless Advisory Committee≒170625 ◎欠けんプロセス(憲) ≒Lack of evidence of a perfectly deliberated process≒170623 ◎長縞茂る病 (印) ≒Long-term disease with long stripes≒170622 ◎印象操作死捜査 (印) ≒Investigation for Death by making the Impression Manipulation≒170622 ◎ファウスト党 (盛) ≒The Faustian Party≒170620 Anger 11 安倍加計闇憲法の怒りAnger of Abe-mafia constitution in Japan , (憲)170620 ◎移転案移転 (盛) ≒Relocation plan Relocation≒170618 ◎内閣怪房 (印) ≒Doubtful Cabinet Secretariat≒170615 ◎どうせ同名党 (姦) ≒The Party of the same name anyway≒170613◎日本醜聞紙協会 (姦) ≒Japan Scandal Newspaper Association≒170611 ◎アベシンソーリー (証) ≒Abe sin sorry≒170611 ◎アベハキエ(証) ≒Abe disappears with Akie≒170610 Anger 10 準強姦政権与党の怒りAnger to Demonic politicians Ⅰ , (姦)170607 ◎良識欠け学園(語) ≒Kake-Gakuen school lacking in common sense≒170606◎大阪日本慰芯 (姦) ≒The political party of Osaka which comforts the core of Japan≒170606◎交迷党 (姦) ≒The Party that mixes delusions and illusions≒170606◎自慰民党 (姦) ≒Liberal Masturbation Democratic Party≒170606 ◎内閣腐 (証) ≒The rotten cabinet≒170606 Anger 9 証人come onの怒りAnger of not summoning witness Ⅰ , (証)170605 ◎共同性犯 (虚) ≒Sex offender≒170605 ◎モリンピック (盛) ≒Olympics exaggerating the forest ≒170604 ◎首謀補佐官 (友) ≒An aide to the criminal mastermind≒170601 ◎あそこのぼかし (虚) ≒Gradations over there≒170601 ◎AI・R (カ) ≒IR in love with casinos≒
170531 ◎消えた下村事件 (語) ≒The Lost Shimomura Incident≒170531 ◎文部少(語) ≒The less educated Ministry of Education≒170531 ◎文部省略省 (友) ≒Ministry to omit the Ministry of Education≒170528◎◎新しいバカらし方(語) ≒New ludicrous way of working≒170527 ◎無害無効化 (盛) ≒Invalidated harmlessness≒170523 ◎調査無い蝶さ (虚)≒Butterflies of Public Security Intelligence Agency that don't investigate themselves≒170523Anger 8 虚妄罪の怒りAnger of a false accusation by the government , (虚)170514 ◎怒った原発燃料坊ちゃん (友) ≒A boy as angry as a nuclear fuel rod≒170514 ◎出たらメディア (友)≒Bullshit mass media≒170514 ◎支法滅裂 (友) ≒Destruction of the law≒170514 ◎事件爆弾 (友) ≒Incident bomb≒170514 ◎前友後楽 (友) ≒Pleasure to put off the Moritomo problem in front of you≒170514Anger 7 安倍友楽園の怒りAnger of the paradise where Abe's friends gather , (友)
170430◎カジノ道義国家 (カ) ≒A nation where casinos are morals≒170430◎火事のカジノ(カ) ≒Casino under the Fire≒170430Anger 6 カジノミックスの怒りAnger of the politics which loses Japanese dignity in a casino , (カ)170420 ◎輝く除性 (屑) ≒The brilliant exclusion for a shining woman≒170420 ◎アベノミクズ (屑) ≒Abenomics' scum≒170420 ◎軽罪学者 (屑) ≒An economist who can't call it a misdemeanor≒170420◎日金銀銅 (屑) ≒Bank of Japan monopolizing gold, silver and bronze medals≒170420◎マズゴミ (屑) ≒Mass communication full of turbidity points≒170420Anger 4 安倍乃美屑の怒りAnger of Abenomics which became the garbage, (屑)170410◎教育無償勅語(語) ≒Imperial Rescript on Education without Atonement≒170410◎どう解く (語) ≒Do you know how to solve morality?≒170410Anger 5 似非教育硬直語の怒りAnger of the fake Imperial Rescript on Education, (語)
170328 ◎奇々怪憲 (印) ≒Bizarre Constitutional Changes≒170328 ◎悪支持率(印) ≒Approval rate for vices≒170328Anger 3 印度象操作の怒り Anger of the impression strategy that replaced the Indian elephant (印)170320 ◎盛り殿(盛) ≒A forest with too much heaped soil≒170320 ◎つみだ茂(盛) ≒Mr. Shigeru with his sin inside≒170320 ◎自民土連(盛) ≒Liberal Democratic Party of Mud dolls≒170320 ◎橋下盛徹(盛) ≒ Lies heaped up under the bridge≒170320 ◎浜に渦潮(盛) ≒Whirlpools near the beach in Tokyo Bay≒170320 ◎石原しんだ老(盛) ≒Ishihara sinful Taro≒170320 ◎地面党(盛) ≒Land speculator Liberal Party≒170320Anger 2 盛り土の怒り Anger of the mounding(盛)170310 ◎罪無省 (蛍) ≒Sinful Ministry that screams innocence ≒170310 ◎軽算省(蛍) ≒Ministry of Economy that does only light calculations ≒170310 ◎総無常省(蛍) ≒Ministry that controls government offices that are not eternal ≒170310 ◎Ta卦下亘(蛍) ≒Suspiciousness spreading under the bamboo of divination ≒170310 ◎高村正非ko(蛍) ≒Masahiko Komura's delinquency≒170310 ◎安倍昭e(蛍) ≒Akie Abe e…≒170310 ◎金田勝徒shi(蛍) ≒Kanedashi Katsuto shi(Money out and death) ≒170310 ◎否Da朋美(蛍) ≒Нет или да Томоми(No or Yes's Tomomi) ≒170310 ◎A素行大老(蛍) ≒Bad behaved Asoko no Tairo ≒170310 ◎あへsin造(蛍) ≒Ahe! Abe sin construction ≒170310Anger 1 蛍の怒り Anger of the firefly (蛍)

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