First Annual UMass Interdisciplinary Neurosciences Conference


Date: Wednesday, May 2nd 2018


Location: Integrated Sciences Building, Room 135 (Auditorium)

  • 12:00 - 12:45 Registration
  • 12:45 - 1:00 Introductions
    • Paul Katz, Director of Neurosciences at UMass
    • Steve Goodwin, Deputy Chancellor and Chief Planning Officer, UMass
  • 1:00 - 1:50 Alumni Speaker: Graeme Davis, UCSF,
      • "The Stable Brain: Homeostatic control of neural function in health and disease"
  • 1:50 - 2:05 Coffee Break
  • 2:05 - 2:15 Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy
  • 2:15 - 2:40 Jacquie Kurland, Department of Communication Disorders, School of Public Health and Health Sciences
      • "Methods of Examining Treatment-Induced Neuroplasticity in Post-Stroke Aphasia "
  • 2:40 - 3:05 Abigail Jensen, Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences,
      • "Identifying mechanisms regulating the renewal of photoreceptor outer segments"
  • 3:05 - 3:30 Joe Pater, Department of Linguistics, College of Humanities and Fine Arts
      • “How is language learned in the lab? Insights from ERPs”
  • 3:30 - 3:55 Jianhua (Joshua) Yang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
      • “Bio-inspired Computing”
  • 3:55 - 4:10 Refreshment Break
  • 4:15 - 5:15 Keynote speaker, Wolfram Schultz, University of Cambridge,
      • "How my brain is getting me the best reward"
      • Introduction by Peter Sterling, University of Pennsylvania.

Poster Session and Reception (Marriott Room, Hotel UMass)

1. GABA Receptor Control of Hyperactive Behavior in Developing Zebrafish

Dorman H.; Barnaby W.; Frolov D.; Trapani J.; Downes G.

UMass Amherst

2. Efficacy of transient RNAi against the largest gene in Drosophila, the titin analog sallimus (a giant sarcomere associated protein)

Dansereau, KT; Bonacker, KL; Kinney, SR; Krans, JK

Western New England University

3. [PIN+]ning down [PSI+] inducibility

Brechtel, T. M., Villali, J., Davis, J., Pei, F., Sindi, S., and Serio, T. R.

University of Arizona

4. Circadian Rhythms of Locomotor Activity in Berghia stephanieae

Bui T.N., Saimire Y., Quinlan P.D., Katz P.S.

UMass Amherst

5. Differential effects of dorsal and ventral mPFC inactivation are driven by reward availability

Caballero, Jessica; Scarpa, Garrett; Remage-Healey, Luke; & Moorman, D. E.

Neuroscience and Behavior

6. Longitudinal Assesment of Cognition, Motor Function, and Stressful Activity in Aging Marmosets

Healey, B; Carlotto, A; Le, A; Workman, K; Lacreuse, A

UMass Amherst

7. How Target/Distractor Disciminability Affects Search Guidance Strategy

Chang, J.; Cave K. R.; Menneer, T.; Kaplan, E. ; Donnelly, N

UMass Amherst

8. Precise control of presynaptic Ca2+ signal is required to maintain phase-locking at the hair cell ribbon synapses

Cuadra A.E., Burt L., Chobany A., Edmonds W. and Li G.-L.

UMass Amherst

9. Effects of mTOR Signaling on Synaptic Remodeling in the Hypothalamus

Cutia C,; Cyr N.

Stonehill College

10. The Interaction Between Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and mTORC1 in the Hypothalamus During Obesity

Daisy C; Cyr N

Stonehill College

11. Single Bubble Cavitation Within Brain Tissue

Dougan C, Galarza S, Kazemi A, Barney C, Meeran H, Peyton S, Lee J, Crosby A

UMass Amherst

12. Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of Memory Formation

T-Ocampo AP; Dziedzic N; Sloutsky R; O'Connell R; Agnello E; Weeks J; Camacho D; West M, Stratton M.

UMass Amherst

13. A Study of the Longterm Effects of Chronic Alcohol Abuse and Stress on the Medial Prefrontal Cortex

Fedorchak, S.; Moorman, D.; Vazey, E.

UMass Amherst

14. Neural dynamics of serial dependence in numerosity perception

Fornaciai M; Park J.

UMass Amherst

15. Thermodynamic Conditions for Physical Intelligence

Natesh Ganesh

UMass Amherst

16. The Role of Norandrenergic Systems in Anxiogenesis following Chronic Stress and Ethanol Exposure

Grampetro M, Moorman D, den Hartog C, Vazey E

UMass Amherst

17. Selective effects of chemogenetic inhibition of orbitofrontal cortex in operant ethanol seeking

Hernandez, J., Binette, A., and Moorman, D.

UMass Amherst

18. Neural habituation, novelty detection, and the visual perception of words: an ERP study

Jacob H, Mehta A, Huber D

UMass Amherst

19. Sleep optimizes reconsolidation of human visuospatial memories

Jones BJ; Simoncini L; Spencer RMC

UMass Amherst

20. Age-related changes in sleep-dependent procedural learning consolidation

Kainec, K; Fitzroy A.B; Spencer, R.M.C

UMass Amherst

21. A direct comparison of passive aversive and passive appetitive conditioning and extinction in the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices of the mPFC

Kaminska-Kordowska, B; Moorman, D

UMass Amherst

22. Firing Patterns of the Locus Coeruleus in Rats during a Two-Alternative Forced Choice Task

Kelberman M; den Hartog C; Baltayan N; Rodberg E; Vazey E

UMass Amherst

23. The effect of Palmitic Acid on PC2 In N43-5 Neuronal Cells

Khalil M; Cyr N

Stonehill College

24. Clock Function is Necessary at Multiple Nodes of a Hypothalamic Neuroendocrine Circuit for an Appropriately Timed Preovulatory LH Surge.

Kumar A; Bittman EL

UMass Amherst

25. The Role of Visual Cortex in Memory: Does Object Recognition Depend upon Brain Regions Housing Conjunction Representations?

Leger K. R.; Blauch N.; Wilson D.M.; Cowell R. A.;

UMass Amherst

26. Neural networks with memristor array

Li C; Belkin, D; Li Y; Yan P; Jiang H; Lin P; Wang Z; Song W; Yang J; Xia Q

UMass Amherst

27. Impaired auditory learning in a novel behavioral task during aromatase inhibition

Macedo-Lima M; Remage-Healey L

UMass Amherst

28. Sonic Hedgehog Drives Proliferation in the Post-Embryonic Hypothalamus

Loring, M; Male, Ira, M; Karlstrom, R.

UMass Amherst



UMass Amherst

30. Distal Speech Rate Influences Early Perception of Ambiguous Function Words

Munoz, M., Dilley, L., Viswanathan, N., & Sanders, L.

UMass Amherst

31. Effects of traffic related particulate matter on behavior, inflammation, and neuronal tract integrity in a developmental rodent model

Nephew, B., Nemeth, A., Poirier, G., Durant, J., Hudda, N., Brugge, D.

Tufts University / UMass Medical School

32. Target-specific effects of orexin neuron activation on seeking-taking behavior in the rat.

Perk, C. G; Moorman, D. E

UMass Amherst

33. New drivable and open-source electrode arrays for awake behaving electrophysiology in the auditory cortex of zebra finches.

Daniel Pollak, Daniel M. Vahaba, Matheus Macedo-Lima, Luke Remage-Healey

UMass Amherst

34. Genomics Resource Lab, UMass Amherst

Ravi Ranjan


35. The Effect of the Octopaminergic Pathway on Tau Toxicity and Phosphorylation in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Tauopathy

Nangia, V; Reppert, C; Colodner, K

Mount Holyoke College

36. Noradrenergic modulation of premotor cortex during decision execution

Rodberg EM; den Hartog CR; Kelberman MA; Vazey EM

UMass Amherst

37. A hierarchical Bayesian model for inferring neural subpopulation tuning functions from fMRI data

Huber, DE; Sadil, P; Cowell, RA

UMass Amherst

38. Corticospinal drive to ankle muscles during split-belt treadmill walking

Sato S., Choi JT.

UMass Amherst

39. Mapping neural circuits important for alcohol reward memories in Drosophila

Scaplen KM; Talay, M; Chieffallo, GV; Barnea G; Kaun KR

Brown University


Scarpa, G.B.; Starrett, J.R.; Li, G.L.; Remage-Healey, L

UMass Amherst

41. Myelination of axons corresponds with faster transmission speed in the prefrontal cortex of developing male rats

Silva-Gotay A; McDougall S; Vargas WM; Tavares ER; Harpalani D; Li G-L; Richardson HN

UMass Amherst

42. Variation in Brain Size is Associated with Spatial Reasoning Ability in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

Smith ML; Bleakley BH

Stonehill College

43. Development of song preferences in female sparrows: is there a female song template?

Strauss, A.V.H.; Podos, J.

UMass Amherst

44. Mathematical Modeling of Neuron-Astrocyte Interactions in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Natthapong Sueviriyapan, Chak Foon Tso, Erik D. Herzog and Michael A. Henson

UMass Amherst

45. Fluctuations in estrogen receptor alpha expression in microglia across the estrous cycle in female rats

Tavares E; Lin A; Silva-Gotay A; Richardson H.N.

UMass Amherst

46. Measurement of Titin Elasticity Changes in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae

Tierney P; Krans J

Western New England University

47. Vocal Communication During Early Mother-Infant Interaction: Studies Using the Wistar-Kyoto Rat Model of Depression

Tuncali, I; Sorial, N; Pereira, M

UMass Amherst

48. Shifts in auditory processing across development and in response to neuromodulatory estrogens in juvenile male songbirds.

Vahaba D, Macedo-Lima, M, Remage-Healey, L

UMass Amherst

49. Recognition Memory Shielded from Semantic but not Perceptual Interference in Normal Aging

Wilson, D. M.; Potter, K.; Cowell, R. A.

UMass Amherst

50. RNAseq analysis reveals significant transcriptome changes in the mPOA of Wistar-Kyoto rat mothers demonstrating depressive phenotype

Winokur SB; Pereira M

UMass Amherst

51. Modeling Neural Plate Development In Vitro Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Tianfa Xie, Yubing Sun

UMass Amherst

52. Gene expression in the primary visual cortex differs amongst phenotypically distinct primates


UMass Amherst

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