The Windows dialog opens a list of all open windows, including open files and any duplicate windows. The name and path is shown in two columns for each item. You can access this list via the All windows command in the "List" group of the Window tab.

Although this example only uses columns 1-25 for its sample data, UltraEdit canedit files of unlimited line width without wrapping or splitting the lines.Step 3. Editing your data file Inserting a new line

  Move to the line where the insertion will take place Place the cursor at the beginning of the line by pointing the mouse cursor to the left of the line number and clicking the left mouse button Press the ENTER key to create an opening at that line. Type in the new data.  

 Deleting line(s)

  Single lines

  Move your cursor to the line to be deleted Select Edit / Delete Line, or press CTRL-E. The lines below automatically shift up to fill the gap. 

  Multiple lines

  Go to the beginning of the first line to be deleted. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor straight down the file until every line that is to be deleted is selected. UltraEdit automatically selects the entire line (unless you are in column mode). Press the DELETE key.  


  Choose Search / Find. Enter the string, character or number you wish to search for. Select which direction to search and finish choosing your options. Click on OK. If the program finds your field, it will highlight it and prompt you whether to find the next one, the previous one, or to stop searching. 



  Select Search / Replace. Enter the string, character or number you wish to search for. Type the replacement field. Complete the options on the popup menu

.  Restricted to a column range

  Choose Column / Column Mode. Place the cursor on the first row at the beginning of the first column in the column range. If you only want to search from a row in the middle of the file, position the cursor in that row. Select (highlight) the entire search range  Press the SHIFT key and hold it down. Without letting go of the SHIFT key, use the left mouse button to drag the right window scrollbar until you reach the bottom of the page. Still holding the SHIFT key down, click on the end of the last field in the column range with the left mouse button. You can now let go of the SHIFT key. The entire column range will now be highlighted.  Choose Search / Replace. Complete the options on the popup menu, being sure to choose Selected Text under Replace Where. Note that you can only perform a Replace All in a column-restricted Search and Replace. WARNING: Once column mode is activated, it will remain on until you turn it off. Having column mode turned on affects several aspects of UltraEdit's operation, (e.g., the ability to delete lines). Choose Column / Column Mode to turn off column mode.  Sorting

  Using the ruler, determine the starting column number of the sort range. Choose File / Sort / Advanced Sort/Options.... Complete the popup menu, including the column number of the sort range. You may put the cursor in the desired column, rather than typing its number directly. Press ENTER or click on Sort.NOTE: Under certain circumstances, version 4.40b adds a blank line at the end of your file after a sort has been completed. This happend when the sort selection does not end at the beginning of a line, or the file does not end with a return. 

 Moving aroundUltraEdit does not have as many shortcuts for getting around as many other dataeditors, but supports typical windows cursor movement mechanisms.  Moving up or down in the file

  Scrolling: Move the cursor to the box in the right scroll bar. Press the left mouse button and hold it down. Now drag the box up and down to scroll up and down in the document. You could also use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

 Jumping: Move the cursor to the box in the right scroll bar. Left-click your mouse above the box to move up one screen at a time; click below it to move down. Alternatively, you could use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys. 

 Moving left or right in the file

Same as above, only using the bottom scroll bar. Line movement:

  Press the END key to get to the end of a line. Press the HOME key to get to the beginning of a line. Press CTRL and the left or right arrow key to move backward or forward one word at a time.  

 Undoing changes

  UndoUltraEdit's Undo feature (Edit menu) is not a toggle. It keeps track of every alteration in the order in which it was made. In other words,if you have made five consecutive mistakes, then selecting Undo five timeswill undo the damage. BackupsUltraEdit automatically creates a backup every time you save your file. These fileshave the same name as your file, but with a .BAK extension (e.g., myfile.BAK).

WARNING: If you have two files with identical root names you will not be able todistinguish which file has been backed up. For example, if you had a file namedTEST.DAT and a file named TEST.CPP, UltraEdit would make one backupfile, TEST.BAK, and overwrite it every time you saved one file or the other. UltraEdit Instructions


 Advanced Features Useful for Data EntryAdvanced SearchesUltraEdit is equipped with a number of advanced search abilities, including:

Ultraedit Free Download For Windows

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But I don't know how to do the same when I need to compare similar parts of code *in the same file*. I haven't found a way to open a single file in two different windows yet. I can only vertically split the window to show the two differents parts of code, but in this case there is no option for synchronized scrolling.

UltraEdit is a text editor. But not just any text editor. It's a text editor that has been mutated by gamma rays into a super powerful, ultra flexible, do-everything go-everywhere must-have coding application! 0852c4b9a8

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