Windows Script Host Download

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The Microsoft ___________________ (1___) (formerly named 2______________________) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features. This tool was first provided on Windows 95 after Build 950a on the installation discs as an optional installation configurable and installable by means of the Control Panel, and then a standard component of Windows 98 (Build 1111) and subsequent and Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 and by means of Service Pack 4. The WSH is also a means of automation for Internet Explorer via the installed WSH engines from IE Version 3.0 onwards; at this time VBScript became means of automation for Microsoft Outlook 97.[1] The WSH is also an optional install provided with a VBScript and JScript engine for Windows CE 3.0 and following and some third-party engines including Rexx and other forms of Basic are also available.[2][3][4]

Users can install different scripting engines to enable them to script in other languages, for instance PerlScript. The language independent filename extension WSF can also be used. The advantage of the Windows Script File (.WSF) is that it allows multiple scripts ("jobs") as well as a combination of scripting languages within a single file.

Windows Script Host is distributed and installed by default on Windows 98 and later versions of Windows. It is also installed if Internet Explorer 5 (or a later version) is installed. Beginning with Windows 2000, the Windows Script Host became available for use with user login scripts.

The WSH, the engines, and related functionality are also listed as objects which can be accessed and scripted and queried by means of the VBA and Visual Studio object explorers and those for similar tools like the various script debuggers, e.g. Microsoft Script Debugger, and editors.

WSH implements an object model which exposes a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces.[7] So in addition to ASP, IIS, Internet Explorer, CScript and WScript, the WSH can be used to automate and communicate with any Windows application with COM and other exposed objects, such as using PerlScript to query Microsoft Access by various means including various ODBC engines and SQL, ooRexxScript to create what are in effect Rexx macros in Microsoft Excel, Quattro Pro, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes and any of the like, the XLNT script to get environment variables and print them in a new TextPad document, and so on.

VBScript, JScript, and some third-party engines have the ability to create and execute scripts in an encoded format which prevents editing with a text editor; the file extensions for these encoded scripts is .vbe and .jse and others of that type.

WinWrap Basic, SaxBasic and others are similar to Visual Basic for Applications, These tools are used to add scripting and macro abilities to software being developed and can be found in earlier versions of Host Explorer for example. Many other languages can also be used in this fashion. Other languages used for scripting of programmes include Rexx, Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, and others which come with methods to control objects in the operating system and the spreadsheet and database programmes.[16] One exception is that the Zoc terminal emulator is controlled by a Rexx interpreter supplied with the package or another interpreter specified by the user; this is also the case with the Passport emulator.

Any scripting language installed under Windows can be accessed by external means of PerlScript, PythonScript, VBScript and the other engines available can be used to access databases (Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Oracle Database, Paradox) and spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro) and other tools like word processors, terminal emulators, command shells and so on. This can be accomplished by means of the WSH, so any language can be used if there is an installed engine.

In recent versions of the Take Command enhanced command prompt and tools, the "script" command typed at the shell prompt will produce a list of the currently installed engines, one to a line and therefore CR-LF delimited.[17][18][19]

The first example is very simple; it shows some VBScript which uses the root WSH COM object "WScript" to display a message with an 'OK' button. Upon launching this script the CScript or WScript engine would be called and the runtime environment provided.

Windows applications and processes may be automated using a script in Windows Script Host. Viruses and malware could be written to exploit this ability. Thus, some suggest disabling it for security reasons.[20] Alternatively, antivirus programs may offer features to control .vbs and other scripts which run in the WSH environment.

Since version 5.6 of WSH, scripts can be digitally signed programmatically using the 4________________ object in a script itself, provided a valid certificate is present on the system. Alternatively, the signcode tool from the Platform SDK, which has been extended to support WSH filetypes, may be used at the command line.[21]

By using 5_____________________________ introduced with Windows XP, a system may be configured to execute only those scripts which are stored in trusted locations, have a known MD5 hash, or have been digitally signed by a trusted publisher, thus preventing the execution of untrusted scripts.[22]

3____: By definition, all of these scripting engines can be utilised in CGI programming under Windows with any number of programmes and set up, meaning that the source code files for a script used on a server for CGI purposes could bear other file extensions such as .cgi and so on. The aforementioned ability of the Windows Script Host to run a script with multiple languages in it in files with a .wsh extension. Extended Html and XML also add to the additional possibilities when working with scripts for network use, as do Active Server Pages and so forth. Moreover, Windows shell scripts and scripts written in shells with enhanced capabilities like TCC, 4NT, etc. and Unix shells under interoperability software like the MKS Toolkit can have scripts embedded in them as well.

When a server implementing CGI such as the Windows Internet Information Server, ports of Apache and others, all or most of the engines can be used; the most commonly used are VBScript, JScript, PythonScript, PerlScript, ActivePHPScript, and ooRexxScript. The MKS Toolkit PScript program also runs Perl. Command shells like cmd.exe, 4NT, ksh, and scripting languages with string processing and preferably socket functionality are also able to be used for CGI scripting; compiled languages like C++, Visual Basic, and Java can also be used like this. All Perl interpreters, ooRexx, PHP, and more recent versions of VBScript and JScript can use sockets for TCP/IP and usually UDP and other protocols for this.

From many websites you can find that making a file named: ["Enabled"] of "DWORD value 32 bit" in theregistry location: [Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings]will solve the issue. Here Changing / setting the value "0" means "Windows Script host is disabled."and "1" indicated to "enable" it.

If you keep the Windows Script Host disabled, then you cannot see the error message. If any particular script file is causing the error to be triggered, you cannot see except the message "Windows Script Host is Disabled on this machine!".

Following along with your code, you could create an instance of IE using Windows Script Host, load your html file in to the instance, append jQuery dynamically to the loaded page, then script from that.

On Windows, you've got the Windows Script Host (WSH). You can use JScript or VBScript for example, to create scripts that perform a variety of tasks. You can save these scripts as .js or .vbs or .wsh files and double-click these files to execute their code.

basicly BASH scripts provides all you would need with full fledged loops and conditions, variables and system calls, so that you can affect all the aspects of the system and automate tasks, and i think GNU/Linux in general is the master,in this kind of stuff, so VBS or JS, you have it in the form of Shell scripts, like i mentioned BASH is the famous amongs almost all the distributions, but it is not the only one out there, CSH, SH (bourne shell) KSH,TcSH and many many more.good luck

When attempting to call a Visual Basic Script from a Web server in the context of a CGI script, the script may fail to run properly. The most likely reason for this is that the scripting engine is typically executed in the security context of the IUSR_Machine created by IIS when it is installed.

Unfortunately, the Cscript.exe (the scripting engine) requires the presence of certain registry entries for IUSR_Machine user. Since a HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive is not available for the IUSR_Machine, IIS will load the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT hive in its place. However, the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT hive does not contain the neccessary keys and entries for the scripting engine. 

In these cases, a CGI error will occur, without any additional information. Or if the Cscript.exe file was launched in batch mode, an error will appear indicating it was unable to load the settings for the specified user. This document will show how to configure the IIS machine to allow Visual Basic Scripts to be executed as a CGI script.

Configure the .vbs extension to be mapped to the Cscript.exe located in the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 directory. Do this through the Microsoft Management Console. Specifically, the configuration steps for IIS4 are as follows:

NOTE: Similar limitations apply to all situation where a Cscript.exe script is launched from the security context of a local system or a local system impersonating a user. The above changes to the Registry should remedy these situations.

Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) is a language-independent scripting host for Windows Script compatible scripting engines. It brings simple, powerful, and flexible scripting to the Windows 32-bit platform, allowing you to run scripts from both the Windows desktop and the command prompt. 5376163bf9

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