Extremely Large Telescope:

UK Community Day

An RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting

Friday 12th January 2018 10:30-15:30

Lecture Theatre, The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG

Important Dates


With a primary mirror of 39 m in diameter, ESO's Extremely Large Telescope will be the world's largest telescope in the visible to infrared wavelength range. The ELT will open a new regime in sensitivity and resolution revealing unparalleled insights into our Universe and has strong synergies with other existing and forthcoming complementary facilities including JWST, ALMA, LSST, SKA, EUCLID, Athena among others. Construction of the ELT is well underway with first light foreseen for 2024. The UK ELT Community Day brings together the community with instrument and project experts to review the status of the ELT and its instrument suite, in which UK scientists have prominent roles. This SD meeting will provide an overview of the capabilities of the ELT and key science cases to encourage preparation of early science programmes and to stimulate precursor studies. There will be opportunity for discussion and Q&A with the ELT Programme Scientist and instrument experts.


Aprajita Verma (Oxford), Chris Evans (UK ATC), Sandi Wilson (UK ATC), Isobel Hook (Lancaster)

Invited Speakers

Michele Cirasuolo (ESO), Niranjan Thatte (Oxford), Ric Davies (MPE), Alistair Glasse (UK ATC), Roberto Maiolino (Cambridge), Simon Morris (Durham), Matthias Tecza (Oxford), Tim Morris (Durham)

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for short science highlight talks and posters are invited. Please register and submit your abstracts by the end of 19th December 2017.

Registration & Travel Support

The meeting is free to RAS members and £15 to non-members (£5 to students) which will be collected on the door.

We also encourage participation by Early Career Researchers (graduate students and post-docs) and can provide travel cost grants (by application at the time of registration). Preference will be given to those presenting a poster, but all are encouraged to apply. We anticipate approximately 10 to 15 grants will be available.

Lunch will be provided at the Geological Society to those who have pre-booked through the registration form on presentation of a named ticket. Participants must register by 9th January 2018 in order to pre-book lunch.

Attendees are kindly requested to adhere to the RAS' code of conduct.

Image credit: ESO/L. Calçada