Efficient Use of GGBS

In July 2023, a working group, including several members of the LCCG, published a draft paper on 'The efficient use of GGBS in reducing global emissions'. As noted in the routemap, GGBS has become a common way to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete elements. However, due to the limited supply of GGBS globally, which is already highly utilised, there was anecdotally little to be gained at the global level by increasing GGBS content in one element or project if it was just taking GGBS away from other projects.

This paper has been developed to move the knowledge base forward from anecdotal discussion to quantified evidence, which can be used to inform decision making around where GGBS is really providing benefits and how it can be best used to address global concrete emissions. The final paper, provided below, was published in September 2023, following public consultation.
