Sri Ramana Gita Pdf Download

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How to Download Sri Ramana Gita PDF for Free

Sri Ramana Gita is a collection of teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the most revered sages of modern India. The teachings were recorded by his disciple, Ganapati Muni, who composed them in Sanskrit verses. Sri Ramana Gita covers various topics such as self-enquiry, meditation, devotion, karma, grace, and liberation.

If you are interested in reading Sri Ramana Gita, you can download it for free from various online sources. Here are some of them:

Sri Ramana Gita - Arunachala Ashrama: This website offers three versions of Sri Ramana Gita: one by B.V. Narasimha Swami, one by Kapali Sastriar, and one by Viswanathan Swami and K. Swaminathan. You can download them as PDF files or read them online.

Ramana Maharishi eBooks - Internet Archive: This website offers a large collection of eBooks by or about Sri Ramana Maharshi, including Sri Ramana Gita by Kapali Sastriar. You can download them as PDF files or read them online.

Gita Sara Or The Song Celestial Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi - Internet Archive: This website offers a translation of Sri Ramana Gita by Ishwar Ashram Trust. You can download it as a PDF file or read it online.

We hope you enjoy reading Sri Ramana Gita and benefit from its profound wisdom.

Sri Ramana Gita consists of 18 chapters and 300 verses. The first chapter introduces Sri Ramana Maharshi and his method of self-enquiry. The second chapter describes the nature of the self and the mind. The third chapter explains the practice of self-enquiry and its benefits. The fourth chapter deals with the obstacles and doubts that may arise in self-enquiry. The fifth chapter discusses the role of grace and guru in self-enquiry. The sixth chapter talks about the signs of realization and the state of jivanmukti (liberation while living). The seventh chapter describes the characteristics of a jnani (a realized person) and his attitude towards the world. The eighth chapter expounds on the doctrine of advaita (non-duality) and its implications. The ninth chapter compares self-enquiry with other paths such as yoga, bhakti (devotion), and karma (action). The tenth chapter clarifies some misconceptions about self-enquiry and advaita. The eleventh chapter reveals the secret of creation and dissolution of the world. The twelfth chapter explains the relation between the self and the body. The thirteenth chapter deals with the topics of death, rebirth, and liberation. The fourteenth chapter discusses the nature of maya (illusion) and avidya (ignorance). The fifteenth chapter teaches how to overcome maya and avidya by knowledge and discrimination. The sixteenth chapter describes the supreme state of sahaja samadhi (natural absorption in the self). The seventeenth chapter praises Sri Ramana Maharshi as the embodiment of sahaja samadhi and the bestower of grace. The eighteenth chapter concludes with a prayer to Sri Ramana Maharshi for his blessings. 66dfd1ed39

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