UFO Secret Meetings at The United Nations


the US produces aircraft. Germany produces cars. Greece produces saints and the braintumorguy … BRAIN TUMOR, HOMELESS, in Athens, GREECE, please make a small Donation, my Brain Tumor is Growing, for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page ...



Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



[ ITALIANO ] -  TUMORE AL CERVELLO, ad Atene, GRECIA, Si prega di fare una piccola donazione, nella mia lotta contro il mio tumore al cervello, che è in crescita, per ulteriori informazioni su di me, si prega di visitare la mia pagina web MEDICA …







-   1.- Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting February 12, 2008 - February/13/2008


-   2.- Confirmation & Update on Secret United Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life - Feb/20/08


-   3.- UFO Digest Editor Replies to Updates and Comments - Regarding Purported "UN UFO Meeting" - Feb/25/2008


-   4.- French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's - March/01/2008


-   5.- Secret UN Meetings Discussing UFOs Chaired by President of The General Assembly - March/05/2008


-   6.- Timeline and Chart On Secret UN UFO Meeting - March/06/2008


-   7.  Dissecting U.N. UFO Rumors - March/07/2008



-   8.- Clarifications on Sources Revealing UN Secret Meetings on UFO’s & Extraterrestrial Life - March/07/2008


-   9.- Briefing Richard Hoagland on U.N. UFO Meetings - March/10/2008


- 10.- Interview on Kevin Smith Show Regarding United Nations UFO Meeting - March/23/2008


- 11.- Anonymous Source Revealing Secret United Nations Meeting on ETs/UFOs Becomes... - Mar/26/2008


- 12.- On Current U.N. UFOs Meetings - How "Cover" Works - June/01/2008


- 13.- Further Secret UN Meetings on UFOs/ETs Life are Occurring According to Credible Mil... - Jun/03/2008


- 14.- Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life Continue - Threats Used to Prevent... - Oct/12/08


- 15.- Latest on UFO United Nations Meetings - Open Letter to Michael Salla - October/13/2008


Additional Information



2010 Extraterrestrial Disclosure Wave Surges Around UN, Nuclear Shutdowns, Denver ET/UFO Vote


Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO



As UFOs Overfly New York, UN's Dr. Othman States, 'ET Life Is a Possibility'


ET Council - "We Will Increase UFOs, Address U.N. in 2014, Renew Ecology in 2015"


Exposing Galactic COINTELPRO



Exposure of US Navy Source on UFO U.N. Discussions Omits Retired Navy Scientist Testimony


Glimpses of Disclosure



Mystery Behind Initial Report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact


Navy Officer Faces Arrest if He Doesn’t Disavow Secret United Nations Talks on UFOs


Navy UFO Group



Recommendation to Establish United Nations Agency for UFO Research - UN G.A. decision 33/426, 1978


Ronald Reagan - Speech to the United Nations General Assembly, 42nd General Assembly on Sept 21, 1987

Source Reveals Secret UFO Meeting at U.N.



The MJ-12 Committee is Becoming Obsolete



The Unbelievable Connection Between the Pentagon, Aliens and The United Nations


The UN Is to Appoint An Astrophysicist to Be The First Contact For Any Aliens


The United Nations and Other Governances are Preparing for An Alien Invasion


UFOs and The United Nations



United Nations Panel Discusses Extraterrestrial War And Peace


United Nations to Appoint Official For First Contact With Extraterrestrial Life


U.N. to Debate Contact With Extraterrestrial Civilizations



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ETs & United Nations - Meme or Reality? - How the 1978 UN General Assembly Decision Can Make World....

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