Ucon Elementary

Accelerated Reading


  1. Student AR goals are developed quarterly. The goals are based on points and comprehension percentage. Both must be met per quarter to achieve the goal. K-1st comprehension percentage 70%; 2nd-6th 80%. AR performance may count up to 25% of a student’s reading grade.

  1. AR daily reading time and comprehension percentage must be consistent across grade levels.

  1. Only books that fall in the student’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) will count toward the student’s goal. After students meet their goal, they may read books outside their ZPD.

  1. Students may take AR tests only under the supervision of the classroom teacher.

  1. AR tests may be taken during summer library under the supervision of the librarian.

  1. Ucon PTO awards AR T-shirts at the year-end Awards Assembly. T-shirt awards are based on students having met their quarterly AR goals.

  1. Students who achieve AR quarterly goals will be recognized via the AR Wall of Fame and announcements.