University of California Faculty and Staff Demand

1. Resignation of UCLA Chancellor Block 

2. All Legal Charges Dropped and Full Amnesty

 3. Full Disclosure of all UCLA Investments and Divestment from Military Weapons Companies

May 6, 2024

Less than one week ago, on May 1, 2024, our group of faculty and staff released a letter to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block decrying the horrific violence perpetrated against our students on April 30, and calling on him to fully protect our students’ safety and security, and to honor their first amendment rights to free speech. Our letter now has more than one thousand signatories.  

Following the violent and aggressive police sweep of the Palestine Solidarity Encampment on May 2, 2024, resulting in more than 200 students, faculty, and staff arrested while peacefully protesting, it has become obvious that Chancellor Block has failed our university.

1. We hereby demand that Chancellor Block resign immediately, and ask the UCLA Academic Senate and UC-AFT to pursue a vote of no confidence. We further demand that the next Chancellor of UCLA commits to upholding the full free speech and assembly rights of students, faculty and staff. 

2. We demand UCLA to recommend all legal charges be dropped and grant full amnesty to all students, staff, and faculty who were involved in the encampment and peaceful protest, as well as subsequent and ongoing arrests of UCLA affiliates. No UCLA persons should face any disciplinary actions or non-renewal of employment for participating in or supporting the protest encampment and subsequent protests.

3. We demand that UCLA issue a report within 30 days to fully disclose all investments so that students may understand how the university prioritizes their finances, and we call on UCLA to divest from all military weapons production companies and supporting systems, in dialogue with the demands of the student protestors.

Our immediate focus is on these three demands. In our May 1 letter signed by more than 990 faculty and staff, we outlined a longer list of demands that we expect UCLA to honor. In addition, we request that California Attorney General Rob Bonta open an independent investigation into the actions undertaken by UCLA leadership, the performance of UCPD and LAPD on Tuesday night, April 30, and CHP during the events of May 1-2. Further, the UC system should establish a fund to provide financial and healthcare assistance to affected students by replacing lost valuables, paying medical bills, and providing trauma-informed mental health care services.

We will not stand by as our students are assaulted and silenced. We are closely following the UAW Graduate Student Academic Worker plans to vote on a strike. Following a vote for a strike, those of us who are senate faculty will not perform any struck labor in Spring 2024. Independently, we are coordinating within our large group the possibility to withhold our own labor until these three demands are met. We remain committed to protecting our students’ safety and their right to protest, assemble, and speak freely.

Les Profesores y Empleados/as/es de la Universidad de California Exigen:

1. La dimisión del Chancellor Gene Block

2. La retirada de todos los cargos legales y una amnistía general

3. Total transparencia sobre las inversiones financieras de UCLA, y la retirada de inversiones de compañías de armamento militar.

6 de mayo del 2024

Hace menos de una semana, el 1 de mayo de 2024, nuestro grupo de profesores y empleados/as/es emitió una carta dirigida al Chancellor de UCLA, Gene Block, denunciando la horrible violencia perpetrada contra nuestres estudiantes el 30 de abril y pidiéndole que ofreciera total seguridad y protección a nuestres estudiantes, respetando así sus derechos de libertad de expresión, protegidos por la primera enmienda. Nuestra carta tiene ya más de mil firmantes.

Después de la violenta y agresiva carga policial contra el Campamento de Solidaridad con Palestina el 2 de mayo de 2024, que resultó en más de 200 estudiantes, profesores, y empleados/as/es detenidos mientras protestaban pacíficamente, es obvio que el Chancellor Block le ha fallado a nuestra universidad.

1.  Por la presente, exigimos que Chancellor Block dimita inmediatamente, y pedimos que el Senado Académico de UCLA y la UC-AFT tramiten un voto de no-confianza.  Además, exigimos que el próximo canciller universitario de UCLA se comprometa a defender los derechos de asamblea y de libertad de expresión de estudiantes, profesores, y empleados/as/es.

2. Exigimos que UCLA recomiende la retirada de todos los cargos legales y otorgue inmunidad total a todes les estudiantes, empleados/as/es, y profesores que estuvieron involucrados en el campamento y otras protestas pacíficas. Esta exigencia se extiende a toda persona afiliada con UCLA que se han visto involucradas en posteriores y continuos arrestos.  Nadie de UCLA debería enfrentarse a medidas disciplinarias o la no-renovación de empleo por participar en o apoyar el campamento y protestas asociadas.

3. Exigimos que UCLA publique un informe en 30 días divulgando todas sus inversiones para que los estudiantes puedan entender como la universidad organiza sus finanzas, y pedimos que UCLA retire todas sus inversiones de compañías que producen armamento militar y sistemas de apoyo logístico, de acuerdo a las demandas de los estudiantes que están protestando.

Nuestro enfoque inmediato se concentra en estas tres exigencias.  En nuestra carta del 1 de mayo, firmada por más de 990 profesores y empleados/as/es, trazamos una lista de exigencias más larga que esperamos que la Universidad cumpla.  Además, pedimos que el Fiscal General de California, Rob Bonta, abra una investigación independiente de las acciones que fueron tomadas por los líderes de UCLA, la actuación del Departamento de Policía de la Universidad de California (UCPD) y del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles (LAPD) la noche del martes 30 de abril, así como del Departamento de la Highway Patrol de California (CHP) durante los acontecimientos del 1 y 2 de mayo.  Además, la Universidad de California debería establecer un fondo para ofrecer asistencia financiera y médica a estudiantes afectados, que les permita reemplazar objetos de valor perdidos, pagar facturas médicas, y obtener servicios de salud mental especializados en trauma.

No nos vamos a quedar de brazos cruzados mientras nuestres estudiantes son asaltados y silenciados.  Estamos siguiendo de cerca los planes del sindicato UAW –que representa a les trabajadores académicos que son estudiantes de postgrado— de someter a votación una propuesta de huelga.  Si la votación fuera a favor de hacer huelga, aquellos de nosotros/as/es que somos profesores del senado académico nos negaremos a hacer el trabajo de nuestros/as/es compañeros/as/es en huelga durante la primavera del 2024.  Independientemente, estamos coordinando con nuestro grupo la posibilidad de negarnos a trabajar hasta que nuestras tres exigencias se cumplan.  Seguimos comprometidos con la seguridad de nuestres estudiantes y sus derechos de asamblea, a la protesta, y a expresarse libremente.


906 total signatories as of 10:53pm, May 11, 2024

Basmah Abdalla, MD, Associate Professor, Medicine, UCLA

Asad Abidi, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCLA

Leisy Abrego, Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Salma Abumeeiz, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Jessica Aceves, Staff, School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA

Can Aciksoz, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

alea adigweme, Staff, Center for Accessible Education, UCLA

Kevan Antonio Aguilar, Assistant Professor, History, UC Irvine

Maria Aguilera Nunez, Clinical faculty, Psychiatry, UCLA

Taner Akçam, Professor, Armenian Genocide Research Program, UCLA

Catherine Akers, Staff, Library, UCLA

Nameera Akhtar, Professor, Psychology, UC Santa Cruz

Haris Mahmood Akram, Alumni, B.A. Sociology, UCLA

Amal Alachkar, Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC Irvine

Beck Alber, Lecturer, Teacher Education, UCLA

Paola Alejandra Murga, Student, UC San Diego

Phoenix Alexander, Staff, SCUA, UC Riverside

Mohsin Ali, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA, UC San Diego

Ibraheem Ali, Staff, UCLA Health IT, UCLA

H. Samy Alim, Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

Karina Alma, Assistant Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Jon Alonso, Assistant Professor, Film and Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz

Courtney Alston, Staff, Imaging, UCLA

Nicole Alvarado, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Oscar Alvarez, Staff, Alumnus, English, UCLA

Eva Amarillas Diaz, Staff, CSW|Streisand Center, UCLA

Eyal Amiran, Professor, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine

Cristobal Amunategui, Assistant Professor, Architecture and Urban Design, UCLA

Mark S. T. Anderson, Professor, Architecture, UC Berkeley

Steve Anderson, Professor, Film, TV & Digital Media, UCLA

Kevin B Anderson, Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Richard Davis Anderson Jr., Professor, Emeritus Professor, Political Science, UCLA

Samone Anderson, Staff, Student Affairs -Campus Life CRC, UCLA

Yadira Anguiano, Psy.D., Staff, CAPS, UCLA

Hannah Appel, Associate Professor, Anthropology, International Institute, UCLA Luskin, UCLA

J.Ed Araiza, Professor, Theater, UCLA

M. Alejandra Arce, Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychology, UCLA

Sean Arenas, Staff, Dean's Office, UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture, UCLA

Araceli Argueta, Staff, Law Library, UCLA

Melissa Arias, Lecturer, Education & Information Studies, UCLA

Amada Armenta, Associate Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA

Josh Armstrong, Associate Professor, Philosophy, UCLA

Anjali Arondekar, Professor, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Ana K. Arreguin Gomez, Gradúate Student, Spanish and Portuguese department, UCLA

Nohora Arrieta, Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

Patricia Arroyo Calderon, Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

Omar Arshad, Staff, Radiology, UC San Francisco

Isabella B Arzeno-Soltero, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCLA

Christina Ashurina Aushana, UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Mona AuYoung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine, UCLA

César J. Ayala, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Vusisizwe Azania, Staff, Community Programs Office, UCLA

Sophia Azeb, Assistant Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Paola Bacchetta, Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, UC Berkeley

Leigh Bagood, Staff, Linguistics, UCLA

Daria Bahtina, Lecturer, Linguistics, UCLA

Sohaib Baig, Librarian, UCLA Library, UCLA

Bryonn Bain, Professor, African American Studies/WACD/Law, UCLA

Amy Bains, Staff, Library, UCLA

Alia Bakr, Staff, Med School deans office, UCLA

Lamia Balafrej, Associate Professor, Art History, UCLA

Diana Balderas Trujillo, Staff, UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity/ UCLA FSPH HPM, UCLA

LaToya Baldwin Clark, Professor, School of Law, UCLA

Stephanie Balkwill, Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Lily Ball, Staff, Student Affairs (FELSS), UCLA

Anurima Banerji, Associate Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Brice Bantegnie, postdoc, Philosophy, UC Riverside

Tiffany Barber, Assistant Professor, Art History, UCLA

Ariatne M Barrera, Staff, Alumni, International Institute, UCLA

Matt A. Barreto, Professor, Political Science and Chicana/o Studies, UCLA

Clark Barrett, Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

Nikki Barry, Assistant Professor, Education, UCLA

Stephanie Batiste, Professor, English, UC Santa Barbara

Jean Beaman, Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Samuel Beckelhymer, Lecturer, Classics, UCLA

Sarah Beckmann, Assistant Professor, Classics, UCLA

Ali Behdad, Professor, English, UCLA

Max Belasco, Staff, School of Law, UCLA

Ruby A. Bell-Gam, Staff, Library, UCLA

Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, UCLA

Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed, Assistant Professor, MELC, UC Berkeley

Nathaniel Bench, Alumnus and Former Staff, Hammer Museum, Art History, UCLA

Houri Berberian, Professor, History, UC Irvine

Joseph Berra, Human Rights in the Americas Project Director, Promise Institute for Human Rights School of Law, UCLA

Lauren Bickell, Doctoral Student, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Alisa Bierria, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA

Tierra Bills, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering and Public Policy, UCLA

Anne Blackstock-Bernstein, Lecturer, Education, UCLA

Maylei Blackwell, Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Graeme Blair, Associate Professor, Political science, UCLA

Felice Blake, Associate Professor, English, UC Santa Barbara

Diana Block, Retired staff, UCSF Pediatrics, UC San Francisco

Amanda Bloom, Alumni, Medicine, UC Davis

Floridalma Boj Lopez, Assistant Professor, Chicanx and Central American Studies, UCLA

Rosemarie Bongers, Assistant Teaching Professor, Applied Mathematics, UC Merced

Zoe Bordes, Staff, Library, UCLA

Eileen Boris, Professor, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Aaron Bornstein, Assistant Professor, Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine

Philippe Bourgois, Professor, Psychiatry, UCLA

Anna Livia Brand, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, UC Berkeley

John Branstetter, Lecturer, Political Science, UCLA

Melanie Brazzell, former PhD, University of California Santa Barbara, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Ciara Brewer, Staff, library, UCLA

Joseph Bristow, Professor, English, UCLA

Kathleen Brown, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Emily Brown, Staff, Alum, California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA

Kristi Brown-Montesano, Lecturer, Musicology, UCLA

Carole H Browner, Professor, Anthropology and Gender Studies and Semel Institute, UCLA

Tara Browner, Professor, Ethnomusicology, UCLA

Matthew Gray Brush, Staff, IRLE LOSH, UCLA

Mark Buchholz, Staff, Library, UC Riverside

Dylan Bumford, Associate Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

Stephanie Bundy, Staff, UCLA Department of English, UCLA

Hayley Burgess, Staff, Law, UCLA

Lucy Burns, Associate Professor, asian American studies, UCLA

Alejandro Caldera, Staff, 2105 - Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), UCLA

Hector Calderon, Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Jonathan Callan, Fellow, Addiction Medicine, UC San Francisco

Mayte Caltzontzin Lopez, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Keith L. Camacho, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Stephanie L. Canizales, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Merced

Clare Cannon, Associate Professor, Human Ecology, UC Davis

John Cao, Staff, Environment, Health & Safety, UCLA

Ivano Caponigro, Professor, UC San Diego

Sergio Carbajo, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Diana Cardenas, Staff, UCLA Library, Film & Television Archive, UCLA

Genevieve Carpio, Associate Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Danielle Carr, Assistant Professor, Institute of Society and Genetics, UCLA

Juliana Carranza, Staff, Student affairs, UCLA

Michelle Liu Carriger, Associate Professor, Theater, UCLA

Annabel Carroll, Staff, Library, UC San Diego

Amy Sara Carroll, Associate Professor, Literature, UC San Diego

Sabina Castillo, Staff, Center X, School of Ed&IS, UC Irvine

Michelle Caswell, Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Alexandra Cauley, Staff, Library, UCLA

Stephanie Centeno, UCLA

J. Mijin Cha, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Talar Chahinian, Lecturer, History, UC Irvine

Kar Wai Chan, Staff, School of Medicine - Student Affairs, UCLA

Aditi Chandra, Associate Professor, Global Arts, Media, and Writing Studies, UC Merced

Jennifer Chanh, Associate Professor, theater, UCLA

Kim Chatham, Staff, School of Law, UCLA

Vinayak Chaturvedi, Professor, History, UC Irvine

Dhruvi Chauhan, Staff, Center for Cancer Prevention & Control Research, Department of Health Policy & Management, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA

Andrea Chavarin, Teacher Assistant, Visual Arts, UC San Diego

Laura Chávez-Moreno, Assistant Professor, Chicana/o & Central American Studies, UCLA

Jolie Chea, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Dawn Childress, Librarian, Library, UCLA

Andrea Chirino, Staff, UCLA Center for Health Equity, UCLA

Christine Chism, Professor, English, UCLA

Ishani Chokshi, Staff, Williams Institute - UCLA Law, UCLA

Zirwat Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Art history, UCLA

Jennifer Jihye Chun, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Rosa Chung, Staff, Center for the Study of Women, UCLA

Maile Chung, Staff, Library, Preservation & Conservation, UCLA

Ga Young Chung, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian American Studies, UC Davis

Michael Chwe, Professor, Political Science, UCLA

Julia Hansell Clark, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

John Clayton, Lecturer, Program in Indo-European Studies, UCLA

Emily Clem, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, UC San Diego

Brooke Clemmensen, Resident, GME, UCLA

Joshua Clover, Professor, English and Comparative Lierature, UC Davis

Gracelynn Whyte Coad, Lecturer, WAC/D, UCLA

Meredith Cohen, Associate Professor, Art History, UCLA

Lawrence Cohen, Professor, Anthropology/SSEAS, UC Berkeley

Sara E. Cole, Lecturer, Classics, UCLA

Kevin Connor, Staff, SIOC, UCLA

Kathlyn (Kara) Cooney, Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Ani Cooney, Alumnus (English Department), English Department, UCLA

Michael Cooperson, Professor, NELC, UCLA

Rachelle Cruz, Lecturer, Creative Writing, UC Riverside

Gabriela Cruz, Graduate student and Teaching Assistant, Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA

Alysa Cua, Staff, Library, UC Riverside

Cristina Cubelos, Demo Teacher, UCLA Lab School, UCLA

Ivanna Cuellar, Alumni, Political Science, UCLA

Dana Cuff, Professor, Architecture and Urban Design, UCLA

Hannah Čulík-Baird, Associate Professor, Classics, UCLA

Elizabeth Cunningham, Lecturer, Writing, UC Merced

Meg Cychosz, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, UCLA


Alexandra Dalferro, Staff, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, UC Berkeley

Ivana Dama, Staff, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Perry Daniel, Lecturer, Department of Theater, UCLA

Doug Daniels, Librarian, UCLA Library, UCLA

Ashley Dao, Staff, School of Music Dean's Office, UCLA

Muriam Haleh Davis, Associate Professor, History, UC Santa Cruz

Jane Davis, Staff, Student Affairs CAPS, UCLA

Mia Dawson, Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow, History, UCLA

Caleb E. Dawson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology, UC Merced

Vian De La Torre, Staff, Kaplan North Administrative Group, UCLA

Izul de la Vega, Lecturer, Political Science, UCLA

Jason De Leon, Professor, Anthropology, Chicina, Chicano, and Central American Studies, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA

Erin Debenport, Associate Professor, Anthropology & American Indian Studies, UCLA

Claudia Defaz, Staff, UCLA

Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Professor, English, UCLA

Mario Deng, Professor, Medicine, UCLA

Tim Dennis, Staff, Library Data Science Center, UCLA

Robin Derby, Professor, History, UCLA

Yasmin Dessem, Staff, Library, UCLA

Haley Di Pressi, Former Staff and Alumna, Hammer Museum and Art History, UCLA

Juan Manuel Diaz Leguizamon, Ph.D. Student, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

Olivia Dickerson, UCLA Health Staff, UCLA Health, Clinical Social Work

Emily DiPressi, Staff, Library, UCLA

Ricardo Dominguez, Professor, Visual Arts, UC San Diego

Jason Dorio, Education, UCLA

Sapana Doshi, Associate Professor, History and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced

Daniela Dover, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, UCLA

Veena Dubal, Professor, Law, UC Irvine

Christian Duran, Teaching Fellow, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

George Dutton, Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Andrew Edwards, PhD Student, Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA

David Eifler, Librarian, The Library, UC Berkeley

Marjorie Elaine, Professor, UCLA

Alexandra Eleazar, Graduate student, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Samaa Elimam, Assistant Professor, Architecture and Urban Design, UCLA

Helen Burgos-Ellis, Lecturer, CCAS, UCLA

Richard Ellis, Lecturer, Classics, UCLA

Rebecca Jean Emigh, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Sandy Enriquez, Staff, Special Collections & University Archives, UC Riverside

Virginia Espino, Lecturer, CCAS and Labor Studies, UCLA

Ramon Espinosa, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Elizbeth Espinoza Arceo, Staff, Labor Studies, UCLA

María L Espio, Staff, EDIS, UCLA

Yen Le Espiritu, Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Yahya Fahimuddin, Alumni, UCLA

Stacy Fahrenthold, Associate Professor, History, UC Davis

Christopher Fan, Associate Professor, English, UC Irvine

Yijie Fang, PhD student, sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Thea Faridani, Teaching Fellow, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Abigail Farison, Graduate Student, Political Science, UCLA

Lisa Felipe, Staff, Humanities, UCLA

Nicholas Ferraro, Teaching Fellow, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Cayetano Ferrer, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

María Regina Firmino-Castillo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dance, UC Riverside

Matthew Fisher, Associate Professor, English, UCLA

Rebecca Foote, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA

Alessandro Fornazzari, Associate Professor, Hispanic Studies, UC Riverside

Susan L. Foster, Distingished Research Professor, World Arts and Cultes/Dance, UCLA

Emily Fox, Graduate student and ASE, sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Dana Frank, Professor, Professor Emerita, History, UC Santa Cruz

Andrea Fraser, Professor, Art, UCLA

Rizwati Freeman, Staff, English, UCLA

Rebecca French, Lecturer, Education, UCLA

Dan Froot, Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Jonathan Furner, Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Nicholas Gaby, Staff, Art, UCLA

Deborah Gallego, Graduate Student, ED&IS, UCLA

Diane Jung Gallo, Staff, CAPS, UCLA

Simran Gambhir, Clinical Instructor, Medical School, UCLA

Evyn Le Espiritu Gandhi, Associate Professor, UCLA

Kathryn Garcia, Graduate Student, Latin American Studies, UC San Diego

Amanda García, Student, Social science, UCLA

Inmaculada M. García-Sánchez, Professor, Education, UCLA

Nanibaa’ Garrison, Associate Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA

Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Professor, Cesar Chaves Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Katie Gaydos, Staff, Counseling and Psychological Services, UCLA

Jessica Geiser, Staff, Library, UC Riverside

James L Gelvin, Professor, History, UCLA

Sylvia Gentile, Demonstration Teacher, Ed&IS, UCLA

Evan George, Staff, UCLA Law, UCLA

Alexandra Geurts, Graduate Student Instructor + UCLA Alumni, Writing/English, UC Irvine, UCLA

Yazmin G Gil de Leon, Staff, UCLA IRlE Labor center, UCLA

Mia Giordano, Teaching Assistant, UCLA

Dr. Adriana Giuliani, Staff, Infectious Disease, UC San Diego

Juliana Góes, Postdoc, Black Studies Project, UC San Diego

Kian Goh, Associate Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA

Andrea S. Goldman, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Lane Goldszer, Staff, Library, UCLA

Lizbeth Gomez, Staff, Community Programs Office, UCLA

Carlos Gomez, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

Laura Gomez, Professor, Law, UCLA

Gabriela Gonzalez, Staff, UCLA

Ana Luz Gonzalez-Vasquez, Staff, UCLA Labor Center, UCLA

Vernadette Gonzalez, Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

Amber Gonzalez, Staff, Education - CenterX, UCLA

Dr. Sonia Gonzalez, Alumna, UCLA

Alejandra Gonzalez Quiroz, Staff, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, UCLA

Avery Gordon, Professor Emerita, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Yogita Goyal, Professor, English and African American Studies, UCLA

Erin Gray, Assistant Professor, American Studies, UC Davis

Shelleen Greene, Associate Professor, FTVDM, UCLA

Maha Grissom, Staff, Nursing, UCLA

Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, Professor, FTVDM, UCLA

Lorena Guillén, Assistant Professor, Education, UCLA

Mitchel Gundrum, Staff, Library, UCLA

Akhil Gupta, Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

Atreyee Gupta, Assistant Professor, History of Art, UC Berkeley

Miguel Gutierrez, Associate Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Jesus Gutierrez, Associate Professor, Family medicine, UCLA

Michael Gutperle, Professor, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Alysa Guzman, Staff, Latino Policy & Politics Institute, UCLA

Sondra Dungan Hale, Professor, Professor Emerita, Anthropology and Gender Studies, UCLA

Sherine Hamdy, Professor, Anthropology, UC Irvine

Anum Hamiduzzaman, Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine, UCLA

Tom Hamouzas, Graduate Student, DMA, UCLA

Zoé Hamstead, Assistant Professor, City & Regional Planning, UC Berkeley

Abeer Hamza, Lecturer, NELC, UCLA

Ju Hui Judy Han, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA

Joseph Hankins, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC San Diego

Christopher Paul Harris, Assistant Professor, Global and International Studies, UC Irvine

Thomas Harrison, Professor, Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies, European Languages & Transcultural Studies, UCLA

Laurie Kain Hart, Professor, Anthropology and Global Studies, UCLA

Laura Hartenberger, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

Ella Haselswerdt, Assistant Professor, Classics, UCLA

Jan David Hauck, Lecturer, Anthropology, UCLA

Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Professor, Creative Writing, UC Riverside

Annemarie Heineman, Alumni - Law School, Law, UC Berkeley

Ursula K. Heise, Professor, English and Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, UCLA

Madicyn Herbst, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Barbara Herman, Professor, Philosophy, UCLA

Adriana Hernandez, Staff, CPO/ SIOC, UCLA

Nayeli Hernandez, Community member, N/A

Daniela Hernandez, Alumni, Dept of Physiology, UC Irvine, UCLA

Ruben Hernandez-Leon, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Catherine Hernandez-Shibata, Staff, School of Theater, Film and Television, UCLA

Jessika Herrera, Staff, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA

Chris Herring, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Patrick Heuveline, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Edmond R. Hewlett, Professor, Dentistry, UCLA

Tobias Higbie, Professor, History and Labor Studies, UCLA

Cecelia Higgins, Graduate student instructor, Mathematics, UCLA

Jasmine Hill, Assistant Professor, Public Policy, UCLA

James D. Hillmer, Lecturer, ALC, UCLA

Katsuya Hirano, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Lily Hoang, Professor, Literature, UC San Diego

Andrea Hoff, Staff, Library, UCLA

Ginger Holguin, Staff, Lecturer, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Maxwell Holland, Staff, American Indian Studies, UCLA

Grace Kyungwon Hong, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Louise Hornby, Associate Professor, English, UCLA

Claudia Horning, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Franka Horvat, Lecturer, Art History, UCLA

Haley Hrncir, Staff, IBP, UCLA

Christopher Hsieh, Staff, UCLA Law, UCLA

Hsuan hsu, Professor, English, UC Davis

Peter James Hudson, Associate Professor, African American Studies and History, UCLA

Anneeth Kaur Hundle, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC Irvine

Mohammed U Hussain, Parent, N/A, UCLA

Loanie Huynh, PhD, Staff, CAPS, UCLA

Yeon Jae Hwang, Staff, Ph.D. Student, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA

Nina Hyams, Professor Emerita, Linguistics, UCLA

Emilio Infante Casiano, Graduate Student, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Domenico Ingenito, Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Lilly Irani, Associate Professor, Communication, UC San Diego

Alicia Izquierdo, Professor, Psychology, UCLA

Courtney "Jet" Jacobs, Staff, Library, UCLA

Chris Jadallah, Assistant Professor, Education, UCLA

Beenash Jafri, Assistant Professor, Gender, sexuality and women’s studies, UC Davis

Andrew Jandres, Staff, Registrar's Office, UCLA

Ozan Jaquette, Associate Professor, Education, UCLA

Jose Jarquin, Teaching Assistant, Hispanic Studies, UC Riverside

Marcelo Jatoba, Staff, Latin American Institute, UCLA

Uma Jayakumar, Associate Professor, School of Education, UC Riverside

Robyn Jensen, Assistant Teaching Professor, Slavic Department, UC Berkeley

Mark Jerng, Professor, English, UC Davis

Gaye Theresa Johnson, Associate Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA

Douglas Johnson, Staff, Library Special Collections, UCLA

Rindon Johnson, Lecturer, Art, New Genres, UCLA

Sara E. Johnson, Professor, Literature, UC San Diego

Jenny Olivia Johnson, Associate Professor, Musicology, UCLA

Nour Joudah, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Miloš Jovanović, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Vishal Jugdeo, Assistant Professor, Art, UCLA

Logan Juliano, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

AJ Julius, Associate Professor, philosophy, UCLA

Jennifer Jung-Kim, Lecturer, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Khalid Kadir, Lecturer, ISSP/CEE, UC Berkeley

Stanya Kahn, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

Hannah Kahng, Lecturer, Art History, UCLA

Timothy Kaiser, Staff, Library, UCLA

Ippolytos Kalofonos, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, UCLA

Shuchang Kang, Staff, Caps, UCLA

Laura Kang, Professor, Gender & Sexuality Studies, UC Irvine

Isabel Donghi Kang, community activist

Katherine Kapsidelis, Staff, Powell Library, UCLA

Sarah Tindal Kareem, Associate Professor, English, UCLA

Nathaniel Kauffman, Lecturer, IURD, UC Berkeley

Alice Kaufman, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Kelly Kay, Associate Professor, Geography, UCLA

Anusha Kedhar, Associate Professor, Dance, UC Riverside

Eileen Keegan, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Robin D. G. Kelley, Professor, History, UCLA

John Kennedy Jr, Staff, Case Management Services, UCLA

Grant Kester, Professor, Visual Arts, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco

Sonia Fareeda Khan, MD, Alumni, Medicine/Pediatrics, UCLA

Nathalie Khankan, Lecturer, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley

Rana Khankan, Academic admin, Life Sciences Core, UCLA

Micah Khater, Assistant Professor, African American Studies, UC Berkeley

Roshanak Kheshti, Associate Professor, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley

Anna Khimasia, Lecturer, Art History, UCLA

Nour Khouzam, Clinical instructor, Medicine, UCLA

Amanda Kibiloski, Staff, School of Theater, Film and Television, UCLA

Alejandra Killekar, Staff, UCLA Extension Human Resources, UCLA

Hea-Mi Kim, alumni, fine arts, UCLA

Kevin Kim, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Christine Kim, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Hyung-Wook Kim, Staff, Center for Korean Studies (CKS), UCLA

John Namjun Kim, Associate Professor, Comparative Literature and Languages, UC Riverside

Summer Kim Lee, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA

Leigh Kimberg, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, UC San Francisco

Andie Kimura, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Katherine Callen King, Professor, Comparative Literature and Classics, UCLA

Ian Kinzler, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Bryant Kirkland, Associate Professor, Classics, UCLA

Inès Kivimaki, UCR student, UC Riverside

Raymond Knapp, Professor, Musicology, UCLA

Julie Ko, Lecturer, Life Sciences Core Education, UCLA

Albert Kochaphum, Lecturer, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Choon Hwee Koh, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Jasleen Kohli, Academic Administrator, Law School, UCLA

Rita Kohli, Associate Professor, School of Education, UC Riverside

zeynep korkman, Associate Professor, gender studies, UCLA

Liz Koslov, Assistant Professor, Urban Planning and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA

Emiko Kranz, Staff, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Anthea Kraut, Professor, Dance, UC Riverside

Randall Kuhn, Professor, Community Health Sciences, UCLA

Annapurna Kumar, Lecturer, Art & Architecture, UCLA

André Keiji, Assistant Professor, Film and Media Studies, UC Irvine

Dr. Asako Kurosaka-Jost, Alumna, ELP Program, UCLA

Leona Kwon, Lecturer, Education, UCLA

Jade Lacy, Staff, English, UCLA

Jennifer Lainez, Staff, School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA

Vinay Lal, History, UCLA

Laila Lalami, Professor, Creative Writing, UC Riverside

Samuel Lamontagne, Staff, History, UCLA

Yader Lanuza, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Susan Lares-Nakaoka, Academic Administrator, Social Welfare, UCLA

Wesley Larios, Lecturer, Art, UCLA, UC Riverside

Kate Laskowski, Assistant Professor, Evolution & Ecology, UC Davis

Anna Lau, Professor, Psychology, UCLA

Claire Lavagnino, Lecturer, ELTS, UCLA

T.K. Le, Staff, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Aleca Le Blanc, Assistant Professor, Art history, UC Riverside

Jorge N. Leal, Assistant Professor, History, UC Riverside

Keenan Leary, Alumni, Social Welfare, UCLA

Gregory H. Leazer, Associate Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Darlene Lee, Lecturer, Education, UCLA

Rachel Lee, Professor, English, UCLA

Namhee Lee, Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Christine Lee, Staff, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Ching Kwan Lee, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

James Kyung-Jin Lee, Professor, Asian American Studies, UC Irvine

Andrew Lee, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Simon Lee, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Kaitlin Lee, Staff, Office of Innovation and Commercialization, UC San Diego

Geoffrey Lee, Associate Professor, Philosophy, UC Berkeley

Julia Lee, Professor, Asian American Studies, UC Irvine

Amy Lee, Staff, UCLA

Bellette Lee, Lecturer, Political Science, UCLA

Lauren Lee McCarthy, Professor, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Fernando Leiva, Professor, Latin American and Latino Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Marisa Lemorande, Staff, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA

Anneka Lenssen, Associate Professor, History of Art, UC Berkeley

Colby Lenz, Staff, Center for the Study of Women, UCLA

Faithy Leong, Staff, UCLA Alumni '02, UCLA Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Audrey Leshay, Staff, Art, UCLA

Simon Leung, Professor, Art, UC Irvine

Briley L. Lewis, Teaching Fellow, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Michelle Li, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Jianan Li, Staff, Ph.D. Student, Social Welfare, UCLA Library, UCLA

Jiajun Liang, Assistant Professor, Global Arts, Media and Writing Studies, UC Merced

Axa Mei Liauw, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Pei-te Lien, Professor, Political Science, UC Santa Barbara

Phylice Lim, Staff, Student Affairs, UCLA

Candice Lin, Associate Professor, Art, UCLA

Alison Lipman, Lecturer, EEB, UCLA

Matt Lipps, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

Tatiana Londoño, Assistant Professor, Social Welfare, UCLA

Stacy Pike Long, Staff, CDPH, UC San Francisco

Katherine Long, Staff, SSIEO, UCLA

Christopher Looby, Professor, English, UCLA

Jessica Lopez Espino, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Sofia Lopez Franco, Staff, Center for Immigration Law and Policy, UCLA

Kristy Lovich, Manager of Community Programs and Research, UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, UC Irvine, UCLA, MFA, UCI 2019

Nicholas Robert Lowe, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

José Loya, Assistant Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA

Olivia Lozano, Lecturer, School of Education, UCLA

Maya Lu, Staff, Asian American Studies Center, UCLA

Caroline Luce, Staff, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, Labor Studies, UCLA

Adonia Lugo, Staff, Lecturer, Institute of Transportation Studies, Urban Planning, UCLA

Caleb Luna, Assistant Professor, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Nancy Lupo, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

Ghislaine Lydon, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Caeli Lynch, Staff, UCLA College, UCLA

Jessica W. Lynch, Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA

Sara Lyons, Lecturer, Theater, UCLA

Kelly Lytle Hernandez, Professor, History, UCLA

Misciel Macaraig, Staff, Pediatrics, UCLA

laurie macdonald, Staff, design media arts, UCLA

Reynaldo F. Macias, Research Professor Emeritus of Chican@ Studies, Education & SocioLx, Cesar Chavez Dept. of Chicana/o Studies, UCLA

Amy MacKay, Lecturer, Art, UC Irvine, UC Riverside

Ashna Madni, Staff, Philosophy, UCLA

Ann Major, Staff, CAO, History, UCLA

Saree Makdisi, Professor, English, UCLA

Sam Malabre, Staff, Lecturer, Design Media Arts and The UCLA Game Lab, UCLA

Sonali Malik, Staff, Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA

Adriana Manago, Associate Professor, Psychology, UC Santa Cruz

Jorge-David Mancillas, PhD Candidate, Sociology, UCLA

Purnima Mankekar, Professor, Anthropology and Asian American Studies, UCLA

Denise Mann, Professor, Film, Television, Digital Media, UCLA

Michael Mann, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Elizabeth Marchant, Associate Professor, Gender Studies and Comparative Literature, UCLA

Ananda Marin, Associate Professor, Education and American Indian Studies, UCLA

Paolo Marinaro, Lecturer, Labor Studies, UCLA

Katherine Marino, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Anna Markowitz, Assistant Professor, Education, UCLA

Victoria Marks, Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance; Disability Studies IDp, UCLA

William Marotti, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Lynne Marsh, Associate Professor, Art, UC Riverside

Francesca Martelli, Professor, Classics, UCLA

Lola Martin, Staff, UCLA CAPS, UCLA

Eric Martin, Lecturer, Religion, UCLA

Mary Martin, Associate Professor, Family Community Medicine, UC San Francisco

Leslie Martinez, Staff, UCLA

Patrícia Martins Marcos, Postdoc, History and Bunche Center for African American Studies, UCLA

Natalie Masuoka, Associate Professor, Political Science and Asian American Studies, UCLA

Cindy Mata, Staff, Academic not lecturer, History, UC Irvine

Saloni Mathur, Professor, Art History, UCLA

Hedieh Matinrad, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine, UC San Francisco

Valerie Matsumoto, Professor, History and Asian American Studies, UCLA

Wendy Matsumura, Associate Professor, History, UC San Diego

Devin Mattlin, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Carlos E. Diaz Mayora, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Kyle T. Mays, Ph.D., Associate Professor, African American Studies, UCLA

Alexander Mazzaferro, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA

Jared McBride, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Allison McCann, Staff, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, UCLA

Teresa L. McCarty, Distinguished Professor and GF Kneller Chair in Education and Anthropology, American Indian Studies, UCLA

Muriel C. McClendon, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Kate McDonald, Associate Professor, History, UC Santa Barbara

Kathleen McHugh, Professor, English and FTVDM, UCLA

Peggy McInerny, Staff, UCLA International Institute, UCLA

Mia McIver, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

Adela McKay, TA, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

Uri McMillan, Associate Professor, English, UCLA

Lauren McNeil, Student staff, UCLA libraries (AMP), UCLA

Sarah McTague, Lecturer, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego

Chandler McWilliams, Assistant Professor, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Shahida Mehjabeen, Parent, Parent

Xhercis Mendez, Associate Professor, Women and Gender Studies and Queer Studies, CSU Fullerton

Andrea Mendoza, Assistant Professor, Literature, UC San Diego

Leslie Meyer, Lecturer, Synthesis Program at Seventh College, UC San Diego

Benjamin Meza, Assistant Professor, Medicine, UCLA

Gabriela Meza, Staff, 4030 Alumni Affairs, UCLA

Susette Min, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, UC Davis

Matthew Villar Miranda, Staff, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, UC Berkeley

Kimberly Miranda, Graduate Student, UCLA

Rashmita Mistry, Professor, Education, UCLA

Laura J. Mitchell, Associate Professor, History, UC Irvine

Nick Mitchell, Associate Professor, Critical Race & Ethnic Studies and Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Nancy Marie Mithlo, Professor, Gender and American Indian Studies, UCLA

Mohsen Mohammadi, Academic Administrator/Staff, Ethnomusicology/Center for India and South Asia, UCLA

Sabiha Mohyuddin, Graduate Student, UC Santa Barbara

Olivia Mole, Lecturer, Art, UCLA, UC Riverside

Esha Momeni, Lecturer, Gender Studies, UCLA

Kai Monet, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Robert Montoya, Associate Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Claire Moore-Cantwell, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

María Fernanda Mora Triay, Ph.D. Student, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

S. Priya Morley, Director, International Human Rights Clinic & Racial Justice Policy Counsel, Promise Institute for Human Rights, UCLA School of Law, UCLA

Heather Morphew, Staff, Law, UCLA

Romi Morrison, Assistant Professor, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Susan Morrissey, Professor, History, UC Irvine

Patricia Morton, Associate Professor, Media and Cultural Studies, UC Riverside

Chris Mott, Lecturer, English, UCLA

Salma Mousa, Assistant Professor, Political Science, UCLA

Keisha Mrotek, Staff, Art, UC Santa Barbara

Emily Muller, Resident, Internal Medicine, UC San Francisco

Julissa Muñiz, Assistant Professor, Psychology, UC Santa Cruz

Laure Murat, Distinguished Professor, ELTS, UCLA

Oliver Murray, Staff, Library, UC Berkeley

Sam Museus, Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Doug Myers, Staff, Philosophy, UCLA

Kit Myers, Assistant Professor, History & Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced

Anne Napatalung, Staff, History, UCLA

Tiara R. Naputi, Associate Professor, Global & International Studies, UC Irvine

Victor Narro, Core Faculty, UCLA Labor Studies and School of Law, UCLA

Minayo Nasiali, Associate Professor, History, UCLA

Natalie Pulvino, Student, Community Health Sciences, UCLA

Arlen Nava, Demonstration Teacher, Lab School, UCLA

Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Professor, Global studies, Ucsb

Anahid Nersessian, Professor, English, UCLA

Rhonda L Neugebauer, Librarian emeritus, Latin American, Latino, Ethnic and Middle East Studies, Libraries, UC Riverside

Rahul Neuman, Lecturer, Music, UCLA

Cindy Nguyen, Assistant Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Kelly Nguyen, Assistant Professor, Classics, UCLA

Trung Nguyen, UC President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced


Austin Le Trung Tin Nguyen, Staff, English, UCLA

Thu-huong Nguyen-vo, Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, and Asian American Studies, UCLA

Sal Nicolazzo, Associate Professor, English, UC Davis

Jeanne Nishimoto, Executive Director, Veterans Legal Clinic, UCLA School of Law, UCLA

Michael Nishimura, PhD Student, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Safiya U. Noble, Professor, Gender Studies, African American Studies, Information Studies, UCLA

Mónica Noriega, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UC San Francisco

Matthew Nye, Lecturer, Writing, UC Merced

Elizabeth O'Brien, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Thomas O'Connor, Associate Professor, Theater, UCLA

Hitomi Oba, Lecturer, Music and Global Jazz Studies, UCLA

Adedamola Ogunniyi, Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, UCLA

Jessica Olivares, Staff, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, Labor Center, UCLA

Sjoerd Oostrik, Lecturer, UEI, UCLA

Elsa Ordway, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA

Nico Orlandi, Professor, Philosophy, UC Santa Cruz

Brittani R. Orona, UC President's and Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctral Fellow, History, UC Santa Cruz

Jane Orr, Staff, Art, UCLA

Vilma Ortiz, Professor, Sociology, UCLA

Sherry B. Ortner, Distinguished Research Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

Katie Osborn, Staff, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCLA

Sylvan Oswald, Associate Professor, Theater, UCLA

Seyma Ozdemir, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Raquel Pacheco, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, UC Santa Barbara

Sylvia Page, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Oona Paredes, Associate Professor, ALC, UCLA

Veronica Paredes, Assistant Professor, Film, Television and Digital Media, UCLA

Hyun Suk Park, Assistant Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Kyong Park, Professor, Visual Arts, UC San Diego

Harrison Parker, Postdoc, CEILS, UCLA

Jane Parkes, Demonstration Teacher, UCLA Lab School, UCLA

Eugene Parrish, Student UC, GPS, UC San Diego

Kyle Parry, Associate Professor, History of Art and Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz

Alka Patel, Professor, Art History & Visual Studies, UC Irvine

Sunita Patel, Assistant Professor, Professor, Law, UCLA

Cristina Paul, Lecturer, School of Education, UCLA

Madelynn Paulow, Graduate Student, Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA

dan paz, Grad Student worker, Cultural Studies, UC Davis

Jess Peake, Assistant Director, the Promise Institute for Human Rights, UCLA School of Law, UCLA

Constance Penley, Professor, Film and Media Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Gabriel Penteado, Staff, Law, UCLA

Oscar Perea-Rodriguez, Lecturer, Spanish & Portuguese, UC Berkeley

Yesenia Perez, Staff, UCLA Library, Film & Television Archive, UCLA

Iliana Perez, Lecturer, Labor Studies, UCLA

Roy Perez, Assistant Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Fernando Pérez-Montesinos, Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Rafael Pérez-Torres, Professor, English and Gender Studies, UCLA

Christopher Perreira, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Giuliana Perrone, Associate Professor, History, UC Santa Barbara

Keston Perry, Assistant Professor, African American Studies, UCLA

Margaret Peters, Professor, Political Science, UCLA

Pamela J Peters, Staff, UCLA American Indian Studies Center, UCLA

Kristin Peterson, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC Irvine

Ashley Peterson, Staff, Library, UCLA

Leigh Phan, Staff, Library, UCLA

Isabela Piedrahita, Staff, LOSH- Labor Occupational Health and Safety Program, UCLA

Jemima Pierre, Professor, African American Studies and Anthropology, UCLA

Stuart Pike, Lecturer, Political Science, UCLA

stephanie pincetl, Professor, institute of the environment and sustainability, UCLA

Bryan Pitts, Staff, Latin American Institute, UCLA

Tara Pixley, Assistant Professor, Alum, UCSD, Communication, UC San Diego, Temple University

Alondra Pizano, N/a, Cal State Fullerton

Sofia Pizano, Community member, N/A, UCLA

Kailani Polzak, Assistant Professor, History of Art and Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz

Veronica Ponce de Leon, Staff, IRLE, UCLA

Ethan Poole, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

Djordje Popovic, Assistant Professor, Slavic Langauges and Literatures, UC Berkeley

Eric Porter, Professor, History, UC Santa Cruz

Dylan Portillo, Staff, UCLA Labor Occupational Safety & Health Program, UCLA

Miriam Posner, Assistant Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

William Lee Potter, Staff, Digital Library Program, UCLA

Shaina Potts, Assistant Professor, Geography, UCLA

Austin Powell, Lecturer, Classics, UC Davis

Anjali Prabhu, Professor, Comparative Literature, UCLA

Catherine Provenzano, Assistant Professor, Musicology, UCLA

Alex Purves, Professor, Classics, UCLA

Fatima Quraishi, Assistant Professor, Art History, UC Riverside

Loubna Qutami, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Hani Rafi, Lecturer, Education & Information Studies, UCLA

Pardis Rahimi, Staff, Meta Data Center, UCLA

Tage Rai, Assistant Professor, Rady School of Management, UC San Diego

Federica Raia, Associate Professor, Education, UCLA

Megha Ram, Lecturer, School of Law, UCLA

Isamara Ramirez, Staff, UCLA

Monika Ramnath, Staff, Fowler Museum, UCLA

Monica Ramsy, Alum, UC Berkeley School of Law; Current PhD student, UCLA Sociology, UCLA Sociology, UC Berkeley, UCLA

Roya Rastegar, Lecturer, FTV, UCLA

Noopur Raval, Assistant Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli, Professor, Film, Television, and Digital Media, UCLA

Will Rawls, Associate Professor, World Arts & Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Geoffrey Raymond, Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Elena Raymond, Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Sherene H. Razack, Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA

Casey Reas, Professor, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Maria Rebolleda-Gomez, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UC Irvine

Ellen Reese, Professor, Society, Environment and Health Equity, UC Riverside

Rachel Regalado, Staff, Museum Education, UCLA

Terry Regier, Professor, Linguistics, UC Berkeley

Trisha Remetir, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, UC Riverside

Michelle Rensel, Assistant Professor, ISG, UCLA

Isabella Restrepo, Postdoc, Ethnic studies, UC San Diego

Jessica Rett, Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

Victoria Reyes, Associate Professor, Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies, UC Riverside

Joanna Reynolds, Staff, Undergraduate Education Initiatives, UCLA

Beth Ribet, Lecturer, Gender Studies, Disability Studies, Clusters, UCLA

Maguire Riley, Student Staff (unsure if I am allowed to sign this, no worries if not!), Powell Library, UCLA

Kevin Riley, Staff, Director, Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program, UCLA

Amy Elizabeth Ritterbusch, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA

Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, Staff, UCLA Labor Center, UCLA

Sarah T. Roberts, Associate Professor, Gender Studies | Information Studies | Labor Studies, UCLA

William I. Robinson, Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

John H. Robinson, IV, Staff, Library, UCLA

Idalia Robles De León, Doctoral Student, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Judith Rodenbeck, Professor, Chair, Media & Cultural Studies, UC Riverside

Dylan Rodriguez, Professor, Black Study, UC Riverside

Michael Rodríguz-Muñiz, Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Berkeley

Susannah Rodríguez Drissi, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

John Rogers, Professor, Education, UCLA

Arneta Rogers, Staff,, law, UC Berkeley

JUAN JOSE ROJO SOLIS, Lecturer, Communication, UC San Diego

Sara Raquel Roschdi, Staff, UCLA Labor Center, UCLA

Jordan Rose, Associate Professor, Visual Arts, UC San Diego

Michael Rothberg, Professor, English and Comparative Literature, UCLA

Raphael Rouquier, Professor, Mathematics, UCLA

David Rousseve, Distinguished Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

Ananya Roy, Professor, UCLA

David Alexander Roy, Lecturer, Art, UCLA

Faysal Saab, Assistant Professor, Medicine, UCLA

Adam Sabra, Professor, History, UC Santa Barbara

kinan sabri, student, student, UCLA

Mary Salome, Staff, Medicine, UC San Francisco

Leslie Salzinger, Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, UC Berkeley

Jocelyne Sanchez, Librarian, Chicano Studies Research Center, UCLA

Alexandra Sanchez, Staff, The Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley

Utpal Sandesara, Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine and Global Health, UCLA

Sandy Garcia, Staff, CCAS, UCLA

Cindy C. Sangalang, Assistant Professor, Social Welfare and Asian American Studies, UCLA

Tiffany Sangwand, Librarian, UCLA Library, UCLA

Stephanie Bosch Santana, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, UCLA

Carlos Santos, Associate Professor, Social Welfare, UCLA

Sarah McTague, Lecturer, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego

Bhaskar Sarkar, Professor, Film and Media Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Jill F Robertson, Teacher, Pro Block, UCLA

Asma Sayeed, Associate Professor, NELC, UCLA

Felicity Amaya Schaeffer, Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Feminist St, UC Santa Cruz

Chelsea Schields, Associate Professor, History, UC Irvine

David Schneller, Assistant Professor, Art History, UCLA

Jessica Schwartz, Associate Professor, Musicology, UCLA

Hallie Scott, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Ellen C. Scott, Associate Professor, FTVDM, UCLA

Michael Scott, Associate Editor/Librarian, Latin American Institute, UCLA

Sarita See, Professor, English, UC Riverside

Gary Segura, Professor, Public Policy, UCLA

Sherene Seikaly, Associate Professor, History, UC Santa Barbara

Mark Seltzer, Professor, English, UCLA

Gursan Senalp, Visiting scholar, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Thomas Serres, Assistant Professor, Politics, UC Santa Cruz

Mindy Seu, Associate Professor, Design Media Arts, UCLA

Anna Sew Hoy, Associate Professor, art, UCLA

Natalie Shapero, Associate Professor, English, UC Irvine

Nicholas Shapiro, Assistant Professor, UCLA

Jeff Share, Lecturer, Education, UCLA

Anjana Sharma, Associate Professor, Family & Community Medicine, UC San Francisco

Jenny Sharpe, Professor, English, UCLA

Yael Sharvit, Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

M. Rahim Shayegan, Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Elora Shehabuddin, Professor, Gender & Women's Studies and Global Studies, UC Berkeley

Eric Sheppard, Professor, Research Professor, Geography, UCLA

Setsu Shigematsu, Associate Professor, Media & Cultural Studies, UC Riverside

Shu-mei Shih, Professor, Comparative Literature/Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

David Delgado Shorter, Professor, UCLA

Manuel Shvartzberg Carrió, Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego

Hanna Siddiqui, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, UCLA

Dana Simmons, Associate Professor, Society, Environment, and Health Equity, UC Riverside

Mona Simpson, Professor, English, UCLA

Christo Sims, Associate Professor, Communication, UC San Diego

Olivia Grace Slaby, Staff, UCLA Mathias Botanical Garden, UCLA

Susan Slyomovics, Professor, Anthropology and Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA

Cauleen Smith, Professor, Art, UCLA

Brice Smither, Staff, UCLA Library, UCLA

Daniel Snelson, Assistant Professor, English and Design Media Arts, UCLA

Jonathan Snipes, Lecturer, Theater Film and Television, UCLA

Olivia Snow, Visiting Assistant Researcher, Gender Studies, UCLA

Juan Manuel Solis, Staff, PhD Student, Social Welfare, UCLA

Daniel Solorzano, Professor, Education, UCLA

Dana Song, Staff, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego

Cierra Raine Sorin, Doctoral Candidate, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara, Former undergrad at UC San Diego

Dr. Oscar Fabian Soto, Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellow, Criminology, Law & Society, UC Irvine

Shannon Speed, Professor, American Indian Studies, Gender Studies, Anthropology, UCLA

Isaac Speer, Lecturer, Sociology, UCLA

Lydia Spielberg, Assistant Professor, Classics, UCLA

Marike Splint, Associate Professor, Theater, UCLA

Carole Srole, Emeritus Professor, Department of History, CSU Los Angeles (and UCLA alumnus)

Aubyn Stahmer, Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis

Zrinka Stahuljak, Professor, Comparative Literature / European Languages and Transcultural Studies, UCLA

Emma Stapely, Assistant Professor, English, UC Riverside

Brian Stefans, Professor, English, UCLA

David Stein, Assistant Professor, History, UC Santa Barbara

Megan Stephan, Lecturer, English, UCLA

Dr. AE Stevenson, Alumni, Cinema and Media Studies, UCLA

Ian Straughn, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC Irvine

Shelley Streeby, Professor, Literature and Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Caroline A. Streeter, Associate Professor, English & African American Studies, UCLA

Yang Su, Professor, Sociology, UC Irvine

James Wesley Suhr, Lecturer, Theater Film and Television (Animation), UCLA

Wendy Sung, Assistant Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA

K. Supriya, Academic Administrator, CEILS, UCLA

Hannah Sutherland, Staff, Library, UCLA

Tonia Sutherland, Assistant Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

River Sween, Staff, School of Medicine, UCLA

Joseph Sweetnam, ASE, English, UC Irvine

Mairaj Syed, Associate Professor, Religious Studies and Middle East/South Asia Studies, UC Davis

Kimi Taira, Staff, Library, UCLA

Renee Tajima-Peña, Professor, Asian American Studies Department, UCLA

Corinne Tam, Graduate Student, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Cheylene Tanimoto, Staff, CNSI at UCLA, UCLA

Maggie Tarmey, Librarian., Library, UCLA

Naomi S. Taub, Postdoctoral Scholar, Initiative to Study Hate, UCLA

Camilla Taylor, Lecturer, Art department, UCLA

Yuki Taylor, Lecturer, Asian Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Kevin Terraciano, Professor, History, UCLA

Wendy Rachele Terry, Senior Continuing Lecturer, Religious Studies & Human Rights, UC Davis

Francis Michael Terzano, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Sarah Thomas, Staff, Center X - EDIS, UCLA

Chris Tilly, Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA

Asher Titan, Staff, School of the Arts & Architecture, UCLA

Lynda Tolly, Staff, English, UCLA

Aileen Tong, Staff, Mathematics, UCLA

Justin Torres, Associate Professor, English, UCLA

Ivy Torres, Staff, IRLE, UCLA

Luz Maria Torres, Staff, Sociology, UCLA

Tommy Tran, Lecturer, History, UC Merced

Phon Tran, Staff, Hammer Museum, UCLA

Sharon Traweek, Associate Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA

Jasmine Trice, Associate Professor, FTVDM, UCLA

Monique Trinh, Staff, Alumna, DGSOM, FSPH, CNAS, UCLA, UC Riverside

Cody Trojan, Lecturer, Political Science, UCLA

Maria Tsiao, Staff, Law, UCLA

Eric Tu, Staff, IRLE, UCLA

Steph Tuazon, Staff, Social Welfare, UCLA

Ertem Tuncel, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Riverside

Cass Turner, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA

David C. Turner III, Assistant Professor, Social Welfare, UCLA

Karen Umemoto, Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA

Saranjit Uppal, Staff, College of Letters and Science, UC Davis

Dell Upton, Professor, Art History, UCLA

Karina Valdez, Staff, Library, UCLA

Stephanie Valdez, Staff, Academic Advancement Program, UCLA

Rodrigo valenzuela, Associate Professor, Art, UCLA

Nivardo Valenzuela, Staff, Design Lab, UC San Diego

Ma Vang, Associate Professor, History & Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced

Rachel Vaughn, Lecturer, Institute for Society & Genetics, UCLA

Adriana Vazquez, Assistant Professor, Classics, UCLA

Bharat Venkat, Associate Professor, Institute for Society and Genetics/History/Anthropology, UCLA

Matthew Vest, Librarian, UCLA Library, UCLA

Marques Vestal, Assistant Professor, Urban Planning, UCLA

Ameeth Vijay, Associate Professor, Literature, UC San Diego

Nancy Villalta, Demonstration Teacher, UCLA Lab School, UCLA

Tessa Villasenor, Director of Student Affairs, Department of History, HIstory, UCLA

Charlene Villaseñor Black, Professor, Chicana/ and Central American Studies; Art History, UCLA

Alicia Virani, Academic Administrator, Law, UCLA

Cristine, Staff, Counseling and Psychological Services, UCLA, UCI Alumnus ‘09

Matthew Vitz, Associate Professor, History, UC San Diego

Anthony Vivian, Lecturer, History, UCLA

Thuy Vo Dang, Assistant Professor, Information Studies, UCLA

Timothy Vollmer, Librarian, Library, UC Berkeley

Lothar von Falkenhausen, Professor, Art History, UCLA

Bob Wachter, Professor, Medicine, UC San Francisco

Jennifer Wagman, Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA

Fabian Wagmister, Professor, Film, Television and Digital Media, UCLA

Saba Waheed, Staff, Lecturer, Labor Center and Labor Studies, UCLA

Andy Wallace, Staff, Library, UCLA

Jonah Walters, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA

Mona Wang, Staff, Department of Anthropology, UC San Diego

Lee Ann Wang, Assistant Professor, AASD, UCLA

Karin Wang, Academic Administrator and Professor from Practice, School of Law, UCLA

Qianyun Wang, Student, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA

Xuan juliana wang, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA

Jaden Skylar Ward, Staff, Library, UCLA

Raffi Joe Wartanian, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

Caitlin Wells, Staff, Library, UCLA

Lindsay Wells, Associate Professor, Medicine, UCLA

Amber West, Lecturer, Writing Programs, UCLA

Glenn Wharton, Professor, Art History, UCLA

Kevin Whitehead, Associate Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Barbara

Nathaniel Whitfield, Lecturer, World Arts & Cultures / Dance, UCLA

Bryan Whitlock, Staff, Academic Personnel office, UC Berkeley

Cosmo Whyte, Assistant Professor, Department of Art, UCLA

Melissa M. Wilcox, Professor, UC Riverside

Juliet Williams, Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA

Reed Wilson, Lecturer, English, UCLA

Patrick Wilson, Professor, Psychology, UCLA

Bronwen Wilson, Professor, Art History, UCLA

Christopher Wilson, Lecturer, UCLA Lab School, UCLA

Casey Winkleman, Staff, Information Studies, UCLA

Hollian Wint (Frederick), Assistant Professor, History, UCLA

Kent Wong, Director of Labor & Community Partnerships, Labor Center, UCLA

Stacy E Wood, Staff, Lecturer, Gender Studies, UCLA

Greg Woolf, Professor, History and Classics, UCLA

Laura Wray-Lake, Professor, Social Welfare, UCLA

Bryan Wuest, Lecturer, FTVDM, UCLA

Nghe Yang, Associate Physician, Family Community Medicine, UC San Francisco

Vida Yao, Associate Professor, Philosophy, UCLA

Anthony D. Yates, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA

Rihan Yeh, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UC San Diego

Christina Yeo, Teaching Associate, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

Maria-Elena Young, Assistant Professor, Public Health, UC Merced

Alden Young, Associate Professor, African American Studies, UCLA

Michelle Yuan, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, UCLA

Noah Zatz, Professor, Law and Labor Studies, UCLA

Veronica Zavala, Staff, LAI, UCLA

Jimmy Zavala, Staff, Library Special Collections, UCLA

Ben Zdencanovic, Lecturer, History, UCLA

Leah Zeidler-Ordaz, Staff, School of Law, UCLA

Chris Zepeda-Millan, Associate Professor, Public Policy, UCLA

Dora Zhang, Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley

Sarah Zollweg, Postdoctoral Scholar, School of Medicine -- GIM/HSR, UCLA

Maite Zubiaurre, Professor, ELTS; Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA