The best solution I've come up with so far is to parse the output of lsb_release -a, but this seems to be a rather fragile solution and would probably fail with Ubuntu-derived distributions such as Mint and possibly even with some of the "official" variants (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.).

@jibel I noticed that for FocalFossa (20.04) the WSL rootfs is published at in this line:

[ ] focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar.gz 2023-09-15 22:21 531M File system image and Kernel packed

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This function was deprecated in python3, so I manually installed SIP and PYQT4 packages with web kit in a virtual env in python 2. But I couldn't get it to work with ubuntu 18.04, only 16. Of course most popular packages are very easy to install in 20.04, but I'm still testing them! So I thought, why not ask people with experience? Thanks for your answer!

This might be a bit confusing. Zorin17 is based on ubuntu 22.04 whereas the latest ubuntu is 23.xx. Zorin Is based on the latest version of Ubuntu 22 and not latest Ubuntu

Hi. I've been trying out 5.13.x for a but on on Ubuntu (5.13.10) and even played with it on windows, but I saw the Beta for the OC200 dropped and finally got around to updating my OC200 and was going to migrate my site back to it from ubuntu, but it fails with: "Failed to restore because the file is incompatible." which I assume is related to the new disclaimer: "For controller v5.13.11.41 and above, only the configuration file from the controller with the same first-three-part version number (Major.Minor.Patch) can be imported." on the site import screen.

As you might have reading, I worked out a working solution in order to pxe-install ubuntu 20.04 on systems. Probably not the best solution, but at least I provided the solution to the community to implement it in foreman as it should be.

Today I was trying to apply this solution as well to pxe-boot a server with ubuntu 22.04.

The autoinstall using the cloudinit method works.

But when installing the subsciption-manager it ends in an error.

The repo provided by atix, , is only available for ubuntu 20.04.

So I tried to install this version, but results in the following error:

Alejandro, I'll give you my experience with ROS on a raspberry pi. This was ROS on a Pi3 or Pi3b several years ago. I don't remember which version. I tried 6 ways through Sunday and could not get it installed. I eventually however did find, online, an ISO image that included a headless install of ubuntu and ROS for that version of RPi. I was able to load that image and have it work. I suggest you see if you can find an image from someone that has managed to get it done. If you ever manage to get it working, you would do the hobby crowd a service by posting it online.

Ubuntu 22.04 KDE Neon users report problems with the libpoppler-glib8 dependency. The solution is to downgrade this package to the official Ubuntu version. sudo apt install libpoppler-glib8:{i386,amd64}=22.02.0-2ubuntu0.3

Adapted for hardy release. Removed the obsolete powerpc data for hardy. I'm currently evaluation if and how I shouldinclude information about packages here. Since is currently unusableI use as source for the data until the situation normalizes again.

The downtime today was caused by some yet undiagnosed kernel troubles aftera faulty hard disk was exchanged. Sorry for any inconvenience.2008-02-19Switched to the newer codebase that also runson The two most important changes for usersare that most pages are now generated dynamically (which makesfor faster updates and more flexibility) and that the searchfunctions should be much faster now.Still waiting for a volunteer that optimizes the used stylesheets,I myself have not much talent in this area...2007-10-21Add hardy.2007-10-18Change default release to gutsy.2007-07-28Drop old releases since they also got dropped from is released. Pages updated accordingly.2006-11-20The hard drive of the server was replaced today after it began to actup. Most stuff should be up and running again. I accidentally deleted theinfo about new packages though, so that will be not reliable for the nextfew days.Added edgy-backports to the homepage and the search forms2006-10-29Add feisty. The changes for the edgy release were already done some days ago.2006-10-18The "Bug reports" links now correctly point to Launchpad for all packages.Thanks to all the people that reported this error to me.I added an robots.txt to ban some people trying tomirror the site by means of wget -r. If forever reasonyou need to mirror the site please contact me by mail so we can dothis by other means that won't stress the server as much.2006-06-12Finally make dapper the default for searches and add edgy. Sorry for the delay.2006-01-17I hope everyone had a good start into the new year. Some small statusupdates:While looking at the log statistics I noticed that also points to my serverwithout me knowing. I fixed the apache configuration so that it nowknows about that and handles it correctly.Linking to a CSS file on the official Ubuntu homepagewas a bad idea and the page had some glitches when it disappeared.Most of the issues should be fixed by now.Sorry for any performance issues with the site. My little serveris not always able to handle the many hits of this site (close to2,000,000 per month). I guess I will have to search for anotherhosting solution in the near future.2005-10-13Changed all defaults to point to breezy2005-09-28The contents files are updated again, so I removed any warningsand added the appropriate links backThe "Check for bug reports" links now point to Launchpad foruniverse/multiverse packages. Suggested byj -at- bootlab -dot- org.Finally, I migrated to the "new" layout. Comments and Patchesabout the remaining quirks welcome.2005-09-25I've merged the new changelog to HTML conversion code from the Debianbranch. I still have no idea how to handle the requests to link Ubuntubugs to the Ubuntu BTS and Debian bugs to the Debian BTS. Suggestionswelcome.2005-08-30I've added a warning to this site about the outdated Contentsfiles in the Ubuntu archive which make the contents search completelyuseless for anything after warty. I've actually no idea whom to askabout this since I don't seem to be able to find out on the Ubuntuweb site who is ftp-master in Ubuntu?You can now also browse the packages fromhoary-backports2005-06-10I have begun to work on integrating the current Ubuntu web design withmy pages. There are still some issues to work out but as a teaser Ialready converted the front page. Feel free to mail me with commentson how I could use the new layout better.2005-04-14hoary is released and now this fact is also beginning to show on thispage. Please report all errors you find with the new breezy pages.2005-04-06The transition should be completed by now and I've installed somerewrite rules so that old URLs should also point to the new location.The changelog extraction script is still running so there are stillsome (more) broken links. Please report all other problems you mightencounter.2005-04-05From tomorrow on this site will be available at necessary setup is done on both my side and on the side of theubuntu people but I will use the occasion for some configurationclean-up and a full rebuild. Stay tuned ;)2005-04-02On request of the MOTUs I've added links to the build logs forhoary packages.Also, the Portuguese LoCoTeam (hmm, Ubuntu teams haveall very l33t names ;) asked mehow to translate the pages. Here my answer:At =debian.deyou can find some .pot files. Please translate them and send them backto me (You may want to take a look at the translations available at =webwmlespecially for files like langs.pot). This will ensure that at leastthe constant strings on all the pages are translated (Some of thestrings in these file are only needed on 0852c4b9a8

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