I am trying to use so I can see all the logs from my containers in one place.I need rsyslog to listen on UDP socket on port 514. I uncommitted $ModLoad imudp and $UDPServerRun 514 in /etc/rsyslog.conf and restarted rsyslog.In order to test it I run logger -d -n --port 514 "hello" but I don't see anything.The IP is my laptop IP.

echo hello | nc -u 514 is actually a better test since this should work from a docker container. from some reason loger "hello" doesn't work inside a container.

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Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. Built for software developers, system administrators and computer enthusiasts alike, Speedtest CLI is the first official Linux-native Speedtest application backed by Ookla.

Our mission at Ookla is to make the internet better and faster for everyone by providing data and insights on real-world internet performance and quality. With billions of tests and coverage scans worldwide, we meet you where you are with apps for the devices you use most.

Find a bug?

When reporting remember to indicate the hardware used to test. If you used a virtual machine, note it. See this page on reporting bugs for help. Not sure which package to file against? See Finding the right package and the chart below for help. Unsure how to report a bug from a vm or non-connected machine? See this page.

I am having difficulty installing the waveform application on my ubuntu system. I ended up giving the windows version and try and installing the windows version using wine, but it appears as though when I plug in my Analog Discovery 2 it does not detect the device.

If you'd like to record a session in more detail, you can also create .prologue, .epilogue, and .loop files separately. The prologue is played first, then the loop for the duration of the test, and then the epilogue to wind down and return the system to a pre-test state.

Once you have your files, copy them into /usr/share/gnome-battery-bench/tests/ and you're done. The test should now be in the GUI, or you can invoke it from the command line. If you're fine tuning a test, gbb play and gbb play-local can also be handy.

Running a test is as simple as selecting a test to run along with conditions under which to run the test. In my experience, the 30 minute test with the backlight at 50% proved to be the right length. Too long, and you're spending 8-11 hours (if you've done a good job) per test. Too short, and you don't give the CPU and hardware enough time to settle into a steady state.

There were no showstopping issues for me, but GBB couldn't reliably read power data from my machine. I suspect it has something to do with the weird way AC power and amperage values are reported in my system. Honestly, all I need to answer my questions is the derivative of the charge value over a reasonable enough period of time. This is recorded into a json file (at ~/.local/share/gnome-battery-bench/logs) for each run of a test, with the number of milliseconds since test start and the current charge:

I've so far run three main benchmarks: a simple workload test on Chrome that simulates opening a Youtube video and letting it play in the background while I open google docs and typeracer and play with it for a while before opening more, a firefox workload with the same behavior, and the included lightduty load that opens Firefox and Gedit and mucks around for a while.

The lightduty test was allowed to run down the battery until 5%, while the others were run for 30 minutes each. I ran the firefox and chrome benchmarks twice, and the Chrome results were almost exactly on top of each other. Firefox seemed to have varying levels of consumption, but that might be due to Dropbox kicking on in the background. We'll disregard this kink for now, I plan to run more tests.

I whipped up a quick plotly script to plot the charge values from the json, as well as do some basic linear regression to estimate the total battery time. I'm also normalizing the start percentage to 100, so we can put them next to each other. These tests were run with somewhere between 90% to 20% battery remaining. I recommend not running battery tests on either extremes of the charge range - some hardware might have issues with their coulomb counters close to the 100% mark, and additional battery saving measures usually kick in below 15-5%.

I am puzzled by a problem that I am encountering since GitHub Actions changed their runner image from Ubuntu-20.04 to Ubunto-22.04. There is no problem with setting everything up but my unit tests fail now.

My unit tests pass on Ubuntu-20.04 but fail on Ubuntu-22.04. The unit tests pass locally on my machine and on GitHub Actions with Windows and Mac. I used action-tmate to check the workflow and it seems that MASS::mvrnorm() creates different random numbers under version 22.04 than 20.04, which then causes my unit tests to fail (they are based on random data).

In my function/unit tests, I do use set.seed() to make the results reproducible and in the past, the results have always coincided between OS. I also used rngtools::showRNG() to check the settings of the random number generator and they coincide.

Any suggestions how to solve this? Should I save data sets to be used in my unit tests rather than generating the data within the unit tests? This should solve the problem (but I still find it worrying that I seem to get different numbers on Ubuntu-22.04 and Windows or Mac).

If not, then you may want to reproduce it locally. Docker is a nice way to do that, you can run the ubuntu:22.04 image, and then use GitHub - r-lib/rig: The R Installation Manager to install the very same R builds that we use on GitHub Actions.

Related: -ci/apt-source-safelist/issues/410 and Disallowing sources: ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test on bionic for the same issue on bionic. And -ci/apt-source-safelist/issues/383 for the old issue about xenial.

With this video and at stress test running i see 0% used swap and i wandering

if at that 'hard' condition the swap was 'sleeping' so there is no need to exist.

When is start helping ram? (when start fire ?) That's my opinion.

You're right, executing the orders you suggested was the first time I saw swap activated. My mistake was when I saw the use of 100%of ram and the rise in temperature I assumed it was the hardest test for the ram.

A unit test should generally test a specific unit of code. It should beable to pass or fail in only one way. This means you should generally have oneand only one assertion or assert for short. An assertion is a statement aboutthe expected outcome of a series of actions. By limiting yourself to a singlestatement about the expected outcome, it is clear why a test fails.

Unit tests are the base of the . The testing pyramid describes the threelevels of testing an application, going from low level tests at the bottom andincreasing to high level tests at the top. As unit tests are the lowest level,they should represent the largest number of tests for your project.

This template sets up a mocked SearchReply object which will be our primaryway of getting test results (see below). It then creates and runs a queryusing our scope and query code. Test assertions will be evaluated onceeverything is finished.

The first thing to do when writing a unit test is to decide what conditionsdescribe success. When testing scopes using the Google Test framework this ismost commonly done using the EXPECT_CALL assertion.

EXPECT_CALL is a macro which returns success or a nonfatal failure (meaningthe test will continue and potentially multiple failures can be reported in asingle run) depending on whether a certain function call is made.

Here we are saying that our mocked reply (see above) should receive a call toregister_category once (Times(1)) with the first parameter "A", the second andthird empty strings, and a fourth with any value ('_' in this case means thevalue doesn't matter, don't consider it when determining whether this testpasses or fails).

When writing a scope unit test you will want to exercise as much actual codein a scope as you can while mocking outside code to set up the conditions ofthe test. Google Mock provides a framework to do so easily and quickly.Additionally, the Unity Scopes API provides some very useful mock classes inthe unity::scopes::testing namespace. In there you will find mock classes forScope, Registry, SearchReply, and many others.

Once your test fixture is set up you can begin writing tests that make use ofit. There are two macros to use when writing tests, one for normal tests usingthe fixture (TEST_F) and one for parameterized tests (TEST_P).

To access that parameter you can unsurprisingly use the GetParam() call. Inour settings tests we will bitwise-AND our parameter with the bitmap we set upearlier to determine whether a scope should be accessed during this run. Forexample:

Some scope behavior depends on whether or not the device is online. In anormal running environment the online/offline state is set in theSearchMetadata by the shell. In a test environment this is not the case, so ifyour scope behaves differently with or without internet connectivity you needto specify which state you are testing by callingSearchMetadata::set_internet_connectivity before running your search.

You've just learned how to write unit tests for a Ubuntu scope for the phone.But there is more information to be learned about how to write scope testing.Check out the links below for more documentation and help.

Sometimes it can be helpful to deploy a simple Ubuntu container to a cluster when debugging. Say you just applied some new NetworkPolicy and want to test network connectivity between namespaces. Or maybe you added a new mutating admission webhook to inject sidecar containers and you need something to test it out with. Or maybe you just want a sandbox container to deploy and play around in.

I decided to give Ubuntu 20.04 LTS a quick Virtualmin test. I loaded a new machine with 18.04 LTS (min install + Lubuntu gui) , Loaded Virtualmin via the install script, and then ran the the upgrade process. All of this seemed to work very smoothly. 17dc91bb1f

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