I use a Python tool called speedtest-cli to test internet speeds on Linux. This uses the speedtest.net website mentioned at the start of this post. Using this you can test your internet upload and downloads speeds, and measure ping.

If you want to see more information about your network during and after the test (such as IP address, test location, etc) you can run speedtest-cli without the --simple flag. This delivers more verbose output, like so:

Ubuntu Download Speedtest

Download 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y5Up9 🔥

"(...) I just setup Ubuntu on my new PC. For testing purposes I installed the speedtest-cli and with the command Speedtest everything worked fine. I don't know what I did then, but now I am getting an http error 403 forbidden. But when doing speedtest --secure everything works fine again. (...)"

Thanks, Ricmarques, but my question is why we need add "--secure"?

I didn't do anything, I just reinstalled my PC, and then speedtest-cli can't work. And I must added "--secure" now, it's so wierd! This problem wastes my half day time. Why without "--secure" option, my original environment could work? The root cause is on the different version of "speedtest-cli"? I suspect so.

I'm encountering a strange problem here.On my local homeserver(Debian 9.9), speedtest-cli and it's python pendant are freaking slow.Since I use it to monitor my ISP connection stability, this is a problem.

I was messing with this - and have speedtest-cli and speedtest++ installed. (Unfortunately, my GUI PCs are behind a homeplug connection, but trust me when I say the rest). Its probably down to the protocol that's being used.

speedtest-cli is completely broken, reports wildly innacurate results, and the developer 'sivel' on GitHub has resolutely refused to address any of the dozens of issues filed on GitHub about this issue, immediately closing and locking these issues without comment.

LibreSpeed has an option to install a MySQL database to keep track of the speedtest results. I am not going to cover that here, but may do so in a future post. It is not necessary to install the MySQL database to use the speedtest server and for my use case (testing the speed between my home network and my work network over the VPN) I chose not to.

I hope that you found these instructions useful. If you have any problems installing the LibreServer speedtest on your local network, feel free to reach out. I will do my best to respond and will update the instructions to clarify any confusing steps.


speedtest-cli --server 5539

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...

Testing from 2degrees Broadband (

Retrieving speedtest.net server list...

Retrieving information for the selected server...

Hosted by 2degrees (Auckland) [1.37 km]: 3.033 ms

Testing download speed................................................................................

Download: 892.48 Mbit/s

Testing upload speed......................................................................................................

Upload: 4.13 Mbit/s


./speedtest.py --server 5539

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...

Testing from 2degrees Broadband (

Retrieving speedtest.net server list...

Retrieving information for the selected server...

Hosted by 2degrees (Auckland) [1.37 km]: 3.069 ms

Testing download speed................................................................................

Download: 880.28 Mbit/s

Testing upload speed................................................................................................

Upload: 166.86 Mbit/s

./speedtest.py --server 5539

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...

Testing from 2degrees Broadband (

Retrieving speedtest.net server list...

Retrieving information for the selected server...

Hosted by 2degrees (Auckland) [1.37 km]: 3.011 ms

Testing download speed................................................................................

Download: 890.97 Mbit/s

Testing upload speed................................................................................................

Upload: 302.73 Mbit/s

# speedtest-cli --no-download

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...

Testing from Mammoth Media Pty (

Retrieving speedtest.net server list...

Selecting best server based on ping...

Hosted by Telstra (Chatswood) [6.11 km]: 1.056 ms

Skipping download test

Testing upload speed......................................................................................................

Upload: 1.67 Mbit/s

# speedtest-cli --no-download

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...

Testing from Mammoth Media Pty (

Retrieving speedtest.net server list...

Selecting best server based on ping...

Hosted by Telstra (Chatswood) [6.11 km]: 1.093 ms

Skipping download test

Testing upload speed......................................................................................................

Upload: 931.40 Mbit/s

The attachment "Patch for /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/speedtest.py" seems to be a patch. If it isn't, please remove the "patch" flag from the attachment, remove the "patch" tag, and if you are a member of the ~ubuntu-reviewers, unsubscribe the team.

On Ubuntu pc, I tried first Openvpn for Ubuntu. Even if I first disabled and then removed VPN profile in Ubuntu, it still runs files stored in /etc/openvpn, so the ubuntu pc was running Openvpn profile, located in DE. That's why I had two different IPs!

You can use the original speedtest CLI utility from ookla. The one shipped with nethserver is an opensource one (there was some discussion about using or not using the one from ookla due to its license).

Some interloper wrote to this thread who was suspended for SPAM, but since they raised an issue claiming the CLI speedtest uses one server, and the portal uses more than one, I can report the following:

Hey there, do you see any problems when you run speedtest manually from the command line as the netdata user? (This needs to be done once manually to accept the license agreements. You probably know this from the blog already.)

So if you are on an unlimited connection on a raspberry pi and are OK to have speedtest download and upload a bunch of data then setting the speedtest_update_every variable in the speedtest.conf file to a smaller value should do the trick.

I have an an orange Pi plus 2+. I had installed armbian ubuntu 18.04.2 on it. I used it only on wired network, and I experienced that the downloading speed is perfect, but the uploading speed is very slow. So at the network synchronous, the upload is same fast as download. On the same wiring and with another device I have not noticed this phenomenon before. Do you know what can be the reason of this?

Just migrated my setup to a new machine running Ubuntu. I installed the Docker Image 0.45 and everything except speedtest is running perfectly (Also ZWave). My previous installation was a AIO installation.

Here is where things get weird. These test are made directly on the server, but is constant across the network. Customer can pull up speedtest.net in Firefox, run a speed test and gets his full package (25/3). Customer can not pull up almost any other web page. Voip service does not work. After a few minutes, full internet activity and voip is restored for 15-30 seconds, then it all dies again for quite a while (except speedtest.net). Windows pc's work as expected when connected directly to Force 200.

I quickly found this blog by Simon Hearne -speedtest-influx/ about running speedtest on a Raspberry Pi and capturing the results in InfluxDB. This blog gave me a lot of information on the potential solution, but I had some issues with implementing it.

Since the data provided by the Ookla Speedtest is the core of this application, we can start there. Rather than install the standard GUI speedtest, we are going to install the Ookla Speedtest CLI (Command Line Interface).

InfluxDB is used to store the values gathered by the speedtest cli. The process for installing InfluxDB described here -to-install-influxdb-on-windows-in-2019/ was pretty easy to follow. I just needed to make some tweaks to make it ready for recording speedtest results.

Assuming the service is started and running, you are now automatically collecting the speedtest results every 15 minutes and storing the data into the InfluxDB database speedtest_db .

speedtest-cli ?? ist ein Python-Skript zum Messen der Geschwindigkeit einer Internetleitung auf der Befehlszeile. Es wird dafr eine Schnittstelle zu den Servern des Webdienstes Speedtest.net ?? verwendet, den einige vielleicht schon mal im Webbrowser benutzt haben. Lizensiert ist das Projekt unter der APL 2.0 ??.

The issue I am facing: Unable to access Fast.com and speedtest.net . Fast.com gives an error "Could not reach our servers to perform the test. You may not be connected to the internet". I installed Pi hole and unbound as recursive dns yesterday. Speedtest is stuck on finding optimal server. I checked the query log after loading fast.com and found one item being blocked "ichnaea-web.netflix.com" which I whitelisted but its still not working. I am using the Oisd blocklist in addition to the Steven Black default.

The application is written in Python and measures the speed of the internet connection in bidirectional way, using the speedtest.net infrastructure. Speedtest-cli lists servers according to physical distance, allows testing according to the desired server, and gives you the opportunity to show others what speed you have.

Most of the times we have found ourselves in the situation where we need to check the internet speed of a Linux server. Now, using the commands below, we have the possibility to do it. In order to run the speedtest in the terminal we need to install the speedtest-cli application: 17dc91bb1f

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