More specifically, I want to have the user folder for my home account another disk that has more space, but keep my other smaller accounts on my ssd. I was able to copy my user folder to another disk, but now I need to link it to the home folder on my ssd, I want it accessible from a normal boot, and please don't tell me that what I did was not the best thing, I just want an answer. How do I get it to create a link that goes from /home/username to /extra-home/username and is recognised by the system when loading the user folders?

If everything looks good, at least from the terminal (contents of /home/username/ appear as expected), then log out and log back in (I'm assuming you're on Ubuntu desktop) and it should be working normally. However, if it isn't, just delete the symlink and move the archived home folder back to its original location.

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I am facing problem when I try the same thing for my external USB drive. The link gets created fine. From command line I can use the link just like other links, but apache does not show this directory on browser. I have checked the ownership and privileges. They are all fine.

Apache won't follow symbolic links unless you specify the FollowSymLinks option in the config file, but I really don't like symlinking out of the web space. Once you allow them, then you've got a potential security risk, if a link is created then it could serve out some sensitive information.

I notice on the third-to-last line in the link, there a &confirm=JwkK which is a random 4 character string but suggests there's a way to add a confirmation to my URL. One of the links I visited suggested &confirm=no_antivirus but that's not working.

The file_id should look something like 0Bz8a_Dbh9QhbNU3SGlFaDg. You can find this ID by right-clicking on the file of interest, and selecting Get link. As of November 2021, this link will be of the form:

As of March 2022, you can use the open source cross-platform command line tool gdrive. In contrast to other solutions, it can also download folders without limitations, and can also work with non-public files.

At first usage, the tool will need to obtain access permissions to the Google Drive API. For that, it will show you a link which you have to visit in a browser, and then you will get a verification code to copy&paste back to the tool. The download then starts automatically. There is no progress indicator, but you can observe the progress in a file manager or second terminal.

If the file is shared publicly, you can generate a direct download link by just knowing the file ID. The URL must be in the form " =[FILEID]&export=download" This works as of 11-22-2019. This does not require the receiver to log in to google but does require the file to be shared publicly.

That's your direct download link. If you click on it in your browser the file will now be "pushed" to your browser, opening the download dialog, allowing you to save or open the file. You can also use this link in your download scripts.

I have an extra hard drive which I access regularly in Ubuntu, and I have a link from my home folder to a folder on this drive. However, this link doesn't work when I first log in because the hard drive hasn't been mounted (or something, I presume). If I browse to the hard drive by going to Computer and selecting the hard disk, then the link because usable for the rest of my session. However, it's annoying to have to do this manual step each time I log in. How I can reproduce this in a startup script?

The second zero is the boot-time check order. Zero means that the volume is not checked for errors on boot. The root filesystem's entry will have a 1 here, and others that are checked usually 2. The values determines the check order. Volumes marked 1 are checked first, then those marked 2 and so on. If volumes with the same pass number are on separate drives, then they are checked in parallel.

The noauto option means that the mount -a command will not mount the drive and thus it will not be mounted at boot time. The user option means that regular non-root users can mount this just by running mount /personal.

Operating system and version: Ubuntu (latest version) the hardware you're using: intel i5 - about 6 years old 16 GB RAM a description of the problem: Problems mounting network drive output that was displayed (if any): N/A the things you tried to fix it: lots of googling!

However you can set this to restrict rclone to a specific folderhierarchy or to access data within the "Computers" tab on the driveweb interface (where files from Google's Backup and Sync desktopprogram go).

In order to do this you will have to find the Folder ID of thedirectory you wish rclone to display. This will be the last segmentof the URL when you open the relevant folder in the drive webinterface.

Shortcuts are files that link to other files on Google Drive somewhatlike a symlink in unix, except they point to the underlying file data(e.g. the inode in unix terms) so they don't break if the source isrenamed or moved about.

When rclone downloads a Google doc it chooses a format to downloaddepending upon the --drive-export-formats setting.By default the export formats are docx,xlsx,pptx,svg which are asensible default for an editable document.

When importing files into Google Drive, rclone will convert allfiles with an extension in --drive-import-formats to theirassociated document type.rclone will not convert any files by default, since the conversionis lossy process.

This limitation can be disabled by specifying --drive-allow-import-name-change.When using this flag, rclone can convert multiple files types resultingin the same document type at once, e.g. with --drive-import-formats docx,odt,txt,all files having these extension would result in a document represented as a docx file.This brings the additional risk of overwriting a document, if multiple fileshave the same stem. Many rclone operations will not handle this name changein any way. They assume an equal name when copying files and might copy thefile again or delete them when the name changes.

Google documents can also be exported as link files. These files willopen a browser window for the Google Docs website of that documentwhen opened. The link file extension has to be specified as a--drive-export-formats parameter. They will match all availableGoogle Documents.

When uploading to your drive all files will be overwritten unless theyhaven't been modified since their creation. And the inverse will occurwhile downloading. This side effect can be avoided by using the"--checksum" flag.

This feature was implemented to retain photos capture date as recordedby google photos. You will first need to check the "Create a GooglePhotos folder" option in your google drive settings. You can then copyor move the photos locally and use the date the image was taken(created) set as the modification date.

This can be useful if you wish to do a server-side copy between twodifferent Google drives. Note that this isn't enabled by defaultbecause it isn't easy to tell if it will work between any twoconfigurations.

There is currently an unsolved issue with the google drive backend andHTTP/2. HTTP/2 is therefore disabled by default for the drive backendbut can be re-enabled here. When the issue is solved this flag willbe removed.

In the first example this creates a shortcut from the "source_item"which can be a file or a directory to the "destination_shortcut". The"source_item" and the "destination_shortcut" should be relative pathsfrom "drive:"

In the second example this creates a shortcut from the "source_item"relative to "drive:" to the "destination_shortcut" relative to"drive2:". This may fail with a permission error if the userauthenticated with "drive2:" can't read files from "drive:".

Adding this to the rclone config file will cause those team drives tobe accessible with the aliases shown. Any illegal characters will besubstituted with "_" and duplicate names will have numbers suffixed.It will also add a remote called AllDrives which shows all the shareddrives combined into one directory tree.

This can also be caused by a delay/caching on google drive's end whencomparing directory listings. Specifically with team drives used incombination with --fast-list. Files that were uploaded recently maynot appear on the directory list sent to rclone when using --fast-list.

When you use rclone with Google drive in its default configuration youare using rclone's client_id. This is shared between all the rcloneusers. There is a global rate limit on the number of queries persecond that each client_id can do set by Google. rclone already has ahigh quota and I will continue to make sure it is high enough bycontacting Google.

If you already configured an "Oauth Consent Screen", then skipto the next step; if not, click on "CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN" button(near the top right corner of the right panel), then select "External"and click on "CREATE"; on the next screen, enter an "Application name"("rclone" is OK); enter "User Support Email" (your own email is OK);enter "Developer Contact Email" (your own email is OK); then click on"Save" (all other data is optional). You will also have to add some scopes,including .../auth/docs and .../auth/drive in order to be able to edit,create and delete files with RClone. You may also want to include the../auth/drive.metadata.readonly scope. After adding scopes, click"Save and continue" to add test users. Be sure to add your own account tothe test users. Once you've added yourself as a test user and saved thechanges, click again on "Credentials" on the left panel to go back tothe "Credentials" screen.

(If you selected "External" at Step 5 continue to Step 9.If you chose "Internal" you don't need to publish and can skip straight toStep 10 but your destination drive must be part of the same Google Workspace.)

I tried to setup rclone with google drive on the version v1.58.0 on a headleass ubuntu server (only command line available) but when i go for "rclone config > New Remote > 17 (Google Drive) > Full Access ... > Advanced Config (no) > Auto Config (no) > HERE IS MY PROBLEM [in older version on my other server i have v1.52.2 i get a link at this point, i copy paste this to my windows machine, open the link in browser, accept the request and copy back the confirmation code and connection works.]] > on the latest rclone version, i do not get any link for it, so i cant confirm the connection. ff782bc1db

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