Lawrence Shirley

Is a mathematics educator with special interest in the history and culture of mathematics and ethnomathematics. His degrees are in mathematics and history, comparative and international education, and a Ph.D. in mathematics education from Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria). After Peace Corps service as a mathematics teacher in Sierra Leone, he taught mathematics education at Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria) and at Towson University (USA). He is a past-president of the North American Study Group on Ethnomathematics and organizer of the Fourth International Conference on Ethnomathematics in 2010. He also served as Interim President of ISGEm in 2018-19.

Tod Shockey

Has worked in Ethnomathematics since his doctoral studies. As a student he met Professor D'Ambrosio in the US at an NCTM meeting and they began a friendship and correspondence. In collaboration with Ethnomathematics scholars from about the globe, Shockey has served as an editor for the Journal of Mathematics and Culture for the past fifteen years.

Patrick Scott

He is Professor Emeritus of Bilingual Mathematics Education at New Mexico State University where he served as in the College of Education. He is Vice President of the Inter-American Committee on Mathematics Education (CIAEM), International Representative of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and member of the Council of Teachers 2 Teacher Global. He received a BA in Mathematics from Stanford University and a doctorate in Mathematics Education from Columbia University in New York. He edited the Newsletter of the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics from 1986-1998 and translated from Portuguese Ethnomathematics: The Art of Explaining and Knowing by Ubiratan D’Ambrosio He has worked in several Latin American countries and has published in English and Spanish.