In the BC127 Melody Audio 7.x User Guide, it states that Melody supports firmware upgrades over the UART interface.

If you want more in-depth technical details, please send an email to technical support at

im doing the suouart, using the pxp_reporter example with SDK_10.0.12.146 while dong the Add an image header to the binary by using the script included with SDK10 . navigate to \SDK_10.0.12.146\utilities\python_scripts\suota\v11> python ../../../projects/dk_apps/demos/pxp_reporter/DA1469x-00-Release_QSPI_SUOTA/pxp_reporter.bin ../../../projects/dk_apps/demos/pxp_reporter/DA1469x-00-Release_QSPI_SUOTA/pxp_reporter.img

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I am seeking guidance on how to tackle this challenge. Is there a way to achieve this remote and automatic update via UART without requiring the user to make hardware changes? What steps or tools are required to carry out this process safely and efficiently?

I've to provide a method to do firmware upgrade at field. I've planned to customize BSL and upgrade the flash memory using BSL. I edited BSL_Protect funtion so that it is invoked when GPIO is pulled high during boot up which inturn executes BSL. Then firmware upgrade is to be done via UART which is on PORT9. I've done changes for that too in PI function.

With this fix, I tried again to update the FW and I see that if I my software is running for more than ~450 ms (just used HAL_Delay for that before the main loop), it fails to upgrade, and again no respond seen on TX.

My ST-LINK V2 does not have UART, but I am using the RAKDAP1 debugger tool ( -tool) for UART. Sometimes, I am able to get the chip ID as shown below, instead of 0x00. I am trying to follow these UART instructions ( -Categories/WisDuo/RAK3172-Module/Low-Level-Development/#uploading-the-fw-generated-using-stm32cubeprogrammer), but just applying it to the breakout board. Before connecting on the Breakout Board, I have Boot0 to VDD, and transmit and receive setup correctly. Is there different firmware that should be on these devices to connect to UART that I can install via ST LINK?

For a more reliable and professional upgrade experience, RadioMaster ExpressLRS UART Flasher is your solution. This dongle is designed specifically for ELRS receiver serial port upgrades, providing a dependable and professional solution for flashing or recovering receivers with a bad flash.

Please note: The second channel is repurposed as a serial TX, connected to the RX port of the serial port tool. The third channel is repurposed as RX, connected to the TX port of the serial port tool.

1. Connect the Serial Port Cable with receiver

2. Press the receiver's BOOT button, and insert the serial port tool into your computer

3. Follow the ELRS upgrade tool's instructions to complete the upgrade

QE for UART can display UART communication logs immediately in just a normal development environment (emulator and integrated development environment) without using any special tools such as a communication line monitor. Transmission/reception data can be displayed separately, and ASCII or hexadecimal can be selected for notation.

Key features I'm including are 1) the ability to fully simulate the design using open source tools with no FPGA required, 2) the ability to forward the debugging interface across a network, and 3) the ability to get information from a scope contained within the interface. Oh, and one more ... I'm using Verilog.

My first suggestion is that you figure out how to use the testbench in Vivado. You can create a special Vivado project using just the UART_DEBUGGER,vhd and YASUTX.vhd source files. It doesn't matter what device you use. Just make sure to add the T_* testbench files as simulation sources after the project has been created. Both Vivado and ISE mark source files as implementation or simulation or both and it's important that VIvado knows which are which. All of this was easier in ISE. ( in a lot of ways Vivado is a really badly conceived software application ) In Vivado Simulation Settings you can select which of the testbenches you want to simulate. I strongly suggest that you get to know how to do simulation in Vivado or ISE ( simulation is actually easier in ISE ). None of the code uses a particular feature of any particular FPGA device so you could use the free version of ModelSim that comes with Quartus to run the simulations as well. If you really can't get the simulation running let's work on that first. Once you have the simulator working it will, by default, show you the toplevel (in this case the testbench) signals. You can then add any or all of the lower level code in the hierarchy to the simulation waveform viewer. Just understand that the more signal you show and the finer the time resolution the longer the simulation takes. For this code what takes time is the slow uart output.

The idea is to send a string of hex numbers in ascii form so that you can read the value of a register in your code at a particular event or time. This particular tool isn't meant to send text, only hex numbers in ascii format. The number of hex digits displayed in the terminal should match your DATA_CHARS assignment.

In your code you will decide what conditions or event starts a message. It should be obvious that any baud rate is going to be pretty slow relative to whatever is going on in your design at 50 MHz so you need to make logic to select the instant where your data is captured and sent. By the way you can capture multiple data states in successive clocks by putting a fifo between your data and the UART_DEBUGGER; that way you can feed say, 1000, snapshots of your data to the fifo and let the UART_DEBUGGER read them at its own slow uart time frame. I have an example of this lying around somewhere around here... Oh, if you look at S3_PGMR_D.vhd in the source in the S3 Starter Board Programmer project that I've posted here in the Project Vault you can see an example of using a FIFO with UART_DEBUGGER.

Once you get the code simulated you will quickly figure out what's going on. Hopefully, you will be encouraged to start on creating your own debugging IP. You can, with a bit of skill and practice make better and more useful debugging tools than Vivado provides.

[edit] Xilinx has a number of helpful guides to using the Vivado simulator in tutorial, reference manual or user guide formats. There's a lot of information about the devices and tools to digest but you don't have to understand everything in order to learn enough to do a specific thing. Being able to use the Documentation Navigator and material is key to success with FPGA development.

Hi Zygot, I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed answer for me, its hugely appreciated ?

I have everything working now and your tool is absolutely incredible. For years I've been relying on a bunch of LED's to try and figure out what was going on in my designs. This tool is like replacing a stick with a machine gun. Its amazing!

Zygot - This is a really great tool. Most of the UARTS I've tried tie the input to the output of your keyboard and echo what's typed straight back to the user.

That's all well and good, but when there is no input that sync's up with the output, its quite difficult (at least for me) to just get the output part working.

I will be able to use this tool in loads of projects, I just wanted to say thank you once again ?

ISE 14.7 is the last version of ISE and I believe that you can still download it as Vivado doesn't support the older FPGA families. I still use ISE on a regular basis with WIN7. I do have a laptop with WIN10 but I don't consider WIN10 to be a real OS so I've never tried doing development on it; in fact I will never put any significant development on WIN10 as it ( or the company that makes it ) just isn't reliable enough to risk losing years ( or even a few days ) of work. I have installed Digilent tools and ported a few of my own PC FPGA applications to WIN10 so that I can use the laptop with some dedicated FPGA hardware projects that I need from time to time.

Hey guys!So Ive been running my VESC without a problem. It uses PWM from an arduino and all was good until recently it just decided to not accept PWM anymore (update: tried UART, doesnt accept that either).I checked the input port and the SIGNAL port is receving from the Arduino alright, but the VESC tool seems to be in full brake mode all the time. See picture below:

On that board you should be able to flash firmware over telem1/uart7. That method will almost certainly fail if you try it over a radio, but if you connect a serial/USB adapter (ftdi), it should flash fine. For anyone else reading this or encountering a similar problem, check the bootloader hwdef for your board and see if a serial port is enabled in it (ie _HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/MatekF765-Wing/hwdef-bl.dat)

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If you have a question you can start a new discussionDisturbing UART RXNE/IDLE during automatic window updatenice dayover 9 years agoThis week I needed several days to find a very obscure UART "bug"in STM32F4. The RXNE and IDLE flags sometimes just disappeared (werereset to zero). The missing RXNE then leaded to a missing byte fromtime to time in a 200byte wide byte reception. This was especiallyimpressive for the IDLE flag for a very small test program, where theDR register never read out (in this case there should be nopossibility for the IDLE flag to reset...). e24fc04721

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