How we began...and how we operate 


U3A Knysna was started In 2001 by a volunteer Steering Committee comprising John and Jeana Nicholson, Lorraine Stainer, Jack and Pam Koen and Ian and Joan Huskisson. 


The basis of operation is small interest groups engaging in an unlimited range of topics. Meetings are held at suitable local venues, and volunteers lead these ongoing community-based interest groups with presentations, discussions, and other activities such as workshops and outings. 

The course base is limited only by the supply of willing and able course leaders drawn from the membership or the greater community. Meetings and outings are held on weekdays during the day, and group coordinators invite speakers with expertise in their specific disciplines to address the various course meetings

Monthly general meetings are addressed by speakers of considerable expertise and repute, on topics of more general interest to the greater membership body. 

U3A Knysna communicates with its members by e-mail.  A monthly Newsletter keeps our members informed and monthly schedules of meetings and activities are sent out timeously.


Most course activities are held during the daytime on weekdays, a time slot that suits most retired people. Each course seems to find its own syllabus and way of operating, by common consensus, however, there is a strong emphasis on participation and involvement, although no marks or certificates are awarded. 

At U3A, learning is for pleasure. No qualifications are required for admission, and none are given, since fellowship and love of learning are the two essential features.


Course offerings vary from time to time but U3A Knysna currently offers monthly courses in Geology, Philosophy, Photography Skills, Writing Skills, Life Studies, Scrabble, Birding, Ambling and Rambling, Armchair Travel, local interest outings and book clubs.

The main objective of all courses is to stimulate rather than to entertain members. Sadly, some courses are oversubscribed due to venue and/or other constraints.


The U3A Knysna membership fee for 2024 is R120 per person. This fee permits attendance at as many courses as you wish plus a monthly newsletter advising members of current and future events. There is sometimes a nominal charge for tea/coffee and venue hire at meetings. 



Monthly general meetings, addressed by eminent speakers on a wide range of interesting subjects, are held on the last Thursday of the month, at 9:30 for 10am. The cost is R20 for members (for the hire of the hall) and R40 for guests, and tea/coffee and biscuits are served before our general meetings.  Anyone is welcome to attend as a guest, especially if you are thinking of joining the organisation, and this is a great way to meet more of our members in a social setting. General meetings are not held during the month of December.  There are 11 general meetings each year, 3 are held in Sedgefield to accomodate our membership there (25%) and the rest in Knysna.

You can see the dates and venues of our general meetings for 2024 HERE


Membership of the Knysna U3A varies but averages around 350 members.


U3A Knysna enjoys reciprocal membership with other U3A groups within South Africa.  If you wish to attend a meeting at any other U3A group, simply show your current membership badge and you will be allowed to join in their activities.