
The Oxford English Dictionary defines Anthropology as the "Study of mankind esp. of its societies and customs."

The Knysna U3A Anthropology Study Group adopts a very broad approach to this definition and offers presentations on a wide range of interesting subjects, but always with human activities as the core. Some past lectures have dealt with mankind's early pre-history as revealed by archeology, others with topics of ancient and modern history and even discussions as up-to-date as the source of Covid 19 and where research on the virus may be leading us.

We meet in the Duthie Room at the Belvidere Manor Hotel which is a very comfortable venue, at 10.00 on every first Monday of the month. Orders for tea/coffee and freshly baked scones can be placed before each talk and are enjoyed by most of the participants during lively post-presentation chat under the Duthie Room terrace grape vine.

Visitors and new members are very welcome as the Duthie Room has ample space.

Contact the Course Co-ordinator : Fred van Berkel