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When using Kiwi mobile browser with chrome extensions, I do not experience bugs. I get the same experience as when using a chromium desktop browser, such as brave, with chrome extensions.

I would most appreciate it if I could use a mobile chromium browser that allows me to install chrome extensions, without google cookie warning.

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Hi. @Rebecca_McGrath. From my point of view, it seems that not all functions in the PC browser are in the Android app. For work, I use Asana most of the time on an 10" or larger Android tab. It would be nice to be able to use Asana as a browser on the Galaxy Tab. Can I ask to check once?

No worries, i do usually see the undo button when closing tabs, but unfortunately for whatever reason, this time it didnt show or i somehow clicked off of it without even seeing it, would definitely suggest implementing a restore all tabs button as well outside of the undo button since the close all tabs is fairly close to the open new tabs and i find that the desktop browser having it is helpful with that function

Also note that when testing in the Emulator it is ALWAYS treated as "Browser" (its a web page!) - even if testing the mobile form factor. So to accurately test "Device" related logic you will need to perform the tests on an actual mobile device.

Note: That the AppSheet Emulator of a mobile device IS in the Browser so views defined to display only the Browser will also show in the Emulator. To properly test that the view does NOT show, you will need to run the app on a phone or tablet but be aware that depending on how you access the app on these mobile devices, you could be running them in Browser mode as well. The best way to ensure you are testing the native app version is to download the AppSheet app on the mobile device and use the App Gallery to launch your app.

In the previous photo there are two devices, a browser and smartphone, in both it works only if the view is in PRIMARY NAVIGATION or MENU NAVIGATION, but if you see the photos there are some X marks, it does not work there since they are referenced views

I'm in need of a way to detect mobile browsers server-side. I'd like a way that requires me to do little to set up and little to maintain, yet still provide me with accurate detection of (at the VERY least) Android, Mobile Safari and Blackberry browsers, along with alternatives like Opera.

Its just a matter of reading the headers ( How do I read any request header in PHP ) and parsing / interpreting this to read the "user-agent", you may be able to find an existing PHP script or maybe just plain regex that will help in figuring out which user-agents are mobile and which are regular pc's / laptops.

There are a lot of different headers, as it indicates the operating system, so as many different mobile OS'es as there are there would be user-agent headers so the script needs to have a list of all valid ones.

And I noticed that I had a side-gain of being able to see if the visitor used a mobile or a PC: The csrf of a mobile changes with every new page load, a PC doesn't; and the ip-addresses remain in both cases.

it works at least on chrome mobile and ipad. What doesn't work is when you add your app to homescreen on iOS and change the orientation a few times - somehow the zoom levels mess with the innerHeight value, I might post an update if I find a solution to it.

For many of the sites I build the client will ask for a 100vh banner and just as you have found, it results in a bad "jumpy" experience on mobile when you begin to scroll. This is how I solve the problem for a smooth consistent experience across all devices:

Doing this solves the issue on mobile devices as when the page loads, the banner element is set to 100vh using CSS and then jQuery overrides this by putting inline CSS on my banner element which stops it from resizing when a user begins to scroll.

However, on desktop if a user resizes their browser window my banner element won't resize because it now has a fixed height set in pixels due to the above jQuery. To address this I use Mobile Detect to add a 'mobile' class to the body of my document. And then I wrap the above jQuery in an if statement:

As a result, if a user is on a mobile device the class 'mobile' is present on the body of my page and the above jQuery is executed. So my banner element will only get the inline CSS applied on mobile devices meanwhile on desktop the original 100vh CSS rule remains in place.

If someone is looking for an answer to make this work (and can use javascript - as it seems to be required to make this work at the moment) this approach has worked pretty well for me and it accounts for mobile orientation change as well. I use Jquery for the example code but should be doable with vanillaJS.

Brave browser on iOS behaves differently (buggy?). It changes viewport height dynamically accordingly to showing/hiding address bar. It is kind of annoying because it changes page's layout dependent on vw/vh units.

It would be great if Evernote web supported mobile browsers. I realize that the fact that it doesn't currently is intentional as per the Devices FAQ but for people that need to log into Evernote on a mobile device occasionally but don't want to install the app or can't because of the device limit, this would be a nice feature.

Hi. Mobile access depends on the code behind the web page - can it recognise that a small screen device is connected and serve up pages that will fit the display? - and Evernote's original web page was some legacy code that didn't have that feature. The 'new' web page is/ was based on the old code, but we hear that a complete rewrite is in progress and 'should' be available within a month or three. That 'should' bring the options completely up to date, including things like mobile access. Evernote have only (unusually) confirmed that they're working on the page however, so don't assumed anything is a done deal. We'll have to wait and see.

2) You are one of the oldtimers, so I know that you were using evernote (and the mobile web client) more the two years back when they blocked all access to the mobile WEB interfaces (one simple html, the other javascript) , right? Did you ever use the web on mobile back then, gazumped?

Mobile access I use all the time - via the Android App, which does pretty much everything (for me) that browser access would do, plus a bit more since the web app doesn't (AFAIK) duplicate notes or run a slideshow of pictures. I use the mobile to take pictures, scan barcodes, record audio (Cogi) and look up note content - photos, tickets, receipts etc.

Now I completely understand the reasoning for blocking people from using a mobile browser to push them into buying premium but even that would not help me. If premium included mobile browsers it would allow people like me to use legacy devices that are in perfect condition while still providing Evernote with the revenue they are driving for.

Hi. That's not the reason for blocking mobile browsers. For better or worse Evernote decided that rather than create a mobile version of the web page, they'd create an app that provided all the functionality of the web page and block mobile browser access. Although as @jefito described above, it is possible to get around the block on some mobiles. Basic and Premium users have exactly the same access (or lack of access) to Evernote, and the installed app is available to both. Any reason why it doesn't work for you?

Since we're now in a mobile-first world, it becomes more and more important to be able to test websites easily on mobile phones, or on emulated mobile phones. I collaborate with people who work on websites and social media offerings, and I would like to encourage them to regularly open websites from their desktop browsers in a mobile view. I'm specifically thinking of the browser's built-in "mobile view" feature, which is often hidden among all the other developer tools a browser provides, but I'm happy to consider anything which is just as quick to set up.

This Chromium-based "browser built for development" provides a multitude of ways to demo the page in various devices with a vertical "pane" on the LEFT side, much like you see Chrome Developer Tools default to the right vertical column.

Full disclosure: there is an EXTREMELY annoying "time limit" per day on the mobile preview part (toggles open/closed from the icon to the right of the address bar - change the "device preview" from the tiny link-to-the-menu in the top right corner "Show device list"). 0852c4b9a8

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