Dr. Tingting Yuan

Dr. Tingting Yuan


Computer Networks Group,

Institute of Computer Science,

Georg-August-University of Göttingen

Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany

Address: Room 3.109, Goldschmidtstr. 7, 37077 Goettingen, Germany


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Selected Publications

DACOM: Learning Delay-Aware Communication for
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Communication is supposed to improve multi-agent collaboration and overall performance in cooperative Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). However, such improvements are prevalently limited in practice since most existing communication schemes ignore communication overheads (e.g., communication delays). In this paper, we demonstrate that ignoring communication delays has detrimental effects on collaborations, especially in delay-sensitive tasks such as autonomous driving. To mitigate this impact, we design a delay-aware multi-agent communication model (DACOM) to adapt communication to delays. Specifically, DACOM introduces a component, TimeNet, that is responsible for adjusting the waiting time of an agent to receive messages from other agents such that the uncertainty associated with delay can be addressed. Our experiments reveal that DACOM has a non-negligible performance improvement over other mechanisms by making a better trade-off between the benefits of communication and the costs of waiting for messages.

AccDecoder: Accelerated Decoding for
Neural-enhanced Video Analytics

The quality of the video stream is key to neural network-based video analytics. However, low-quality video is inevitably collected by existing surveillance systems because of poor-quality cameras or over-compressed/pruned video streaming protocols, e.g., as a result of upstream bandwidth limit. To address this issue, existing studies use quality enhancers (e.g., neural super-resolution) to improve the quality of videos (e.g., resolution) and eventually ensure inference accuracy. Nevertheless, directly applying quality enhancers does not work in practice because it will introduce unacceptable latency. In this paper, we present AccDecoder, a novel accelerated decoder for real-time and neural-enhanced video analytics. AccDecoder can select a few frames adaptively via Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to enhance the quality by neural super-resolution and then up-scale the unselected frames that reference them, which leads to a 6-21% accuracy improvement. AccDecoder provides efficient inference capability via filtering important frames using DRL for DNN-based inference and reusing the results for the other frames via extracting the reference relationship among frames and blocks, which results in a latency reduction of 20-80% than baselines.

BiSwift: Bandwidth Orchestrator for Multi-Stream
Video Analytics on Edge

High-definition (HD) cameras for surveillance and road traffic have experienced tremendous growth, demanding intensive computation resources for real-time analytics. Recently, offloading frames from the front-end device to the back-end edge server has shown great promise. In multi-stream competitive environments, efficient bandwidth management and proper scheduling are crucial to ensure both high inference accuracy and high throughput. To achieve this goal, we propose BiSwift, a bi-level framework that scales the concurrent real-time video analytics by a novel adaptive hybrid codec integrated with multi-level pipelines, and a global bandwidth controller for multiple video streams. The lower-level front-back-end collaborative mechanism (called adaptive hybrid codec) locally optimizes the accuracy and accelerates end-to-end video analytics for a single stream. The upper-level scheduler aims to accuracy fairness among multiple streams via the global bandwidth controller. The evaluation of BiSwift shows that BiSwift is able to real-time object detection on 9 streams with an edge device only equipped with an NVIDIA RTX3070 (8G) GPU. BiSwift improves 10-21% accuracy and presents 1.2-9× throughput compared with the state-of-the-art video analytics pipelines.