First of all I'll start by saying apologies for the long nature of this post, just thought i'd share one of the few pages of new lore writings worth sharing on this new codex release especially considering how otherwise empty, rehashed and lazy the rest of the book is, but this entry right near the start of the codex genuinely grabbed my interest and thought I'd let the rest of the subreddit have a gander at it too.

Being completely new to tyranids after playing since 3rd edition, Im so excited! Going to see how people are fielding them in upcomig tournaments with results before finalising my paint scheme but it seems like at least 2 hive fleets should be taken competitvely. Now I just need to figure out what is the best option for my playstyle, they all seem solid to buff certain units.

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Gun lines will be very effective still, but depending on tyranid fleet they will have to prepare differently. Missile launchers, flamers, screens will still all be effective, but if/ when they get through your screening units its going to be a lot of repositioning. A few dakkafexes mixed with hiveguard/ devourer gaunts taking out the screens turn 1 with trygons coming in from reserve bringing in the swarms turn 2 seems extremely powerful due to how tanky fexes they are. I cant wait to see more Barrle Reports once everyone has access to the codex to figure out the most effective combos.

I can see a variety of strong plays with tyranids now, I think they need every commandpoint they can get to shine though, going brigade/ triple battalion nids / nids, cults, astra militarum is likely going to feel just right to get the most juice out of this.

In the new Codex there are 6 detachments, and each one really pushes several units. This makes it awkward to review the codex from the view of reviewing datasheets, as the value of a datasheet can vary wildly depending on the detachment. There are still some units you always take (1 biovore and 3 single ripper swarms for 135 points should start every list) and some units you will never take (tyrranofex, sporocyst). Overall though, units can be so different in each detachment I decided it didn't make a lot of sense to review the datasheets.

This fleet focuses on the battle side of tyranids. If you want to kill enemy models, this is the best detachment to take. You make every model in your army better against your choice of infantry, vehicles or characters... and you can even double up. You do not have to worry about keeping your army in specific ranges, these buffs work for every unit all game long.

Haruspex - this is our best comb at monster, and the invasion fleet is all about maximizing our damage potential. A Haruspex really warps the internal balance of the codex, as it has more toughness, more wounds, more attacks (18!), and more average damage output than other options in our codex. You should always take these over carnifex or screamer killers, both of which appear to be overpaying for a 2+ armor save (a haruspex is only a 3+ save but is otherwise better in every metric). A toxicrene is still just weirdly overpriced. All that said, pure melee monsters have limitations in the game and have to work around terrain. Still the best combat monster we have by a long shot for the points.

I think those are really the stand out units for the invasion fleet. But the great thing here is you can basically take any unit out of the codex here and it will perform a little bit better. There are so many ways to build an army with this fleet it is hard to give any more specific advice.

Overall I think the Invasion Fleet is still probably our strongest detachment. It gives us a chance to win in the killing game, it supports all the units in the codex, and it is very well rounded with the strats and enhancement it provides. I would recommend this detachment for learning the army and for new players as well.

Haruspex: See above in Invasion Fleet, as far as internal codex balance the Haruspex warps the whole book. This is so much better than our other options for the same points or cheaper. If you are going monster heavy you almost certainly want 1-3 of these.

There are some units I would avoid in Crusher Stampede. Carnifex should be avoided at all costs. They shoot worse than Exocrines if you build them for shooting, and they hit worse than a Haruspex/Screamer Killer if you build them for combat all for the same or very similar points. Even with Old One Eye, who I also think is bad because he is built to support the Carnifex, which is bad. Toxicrenes are VERY overpriced for what they bring, and are fighting with the Tyrannofex for worst monster in the codex. Also, don't take a Tyrannofex. If you are looking to make the most of your monster points, avoid these units.

Broodlord/Genestealers: If you are going to take these, this is the detachment for it. And you can give the broodlord the stealth detachment instead of the WTP. I will say that overall I think genestealers are still too weak to take. They are not cheap, they are not very tough, and hitting with a bunch of s4 attacks with at BEST reroll 1s to wound only really deals damage if you are facing a bunch of t3 and t4 enemies. They are GREAT if you are facing a tyranid endless swarm, useless if you face monster mash or a brick like lychguard or custodes. Overall I rate Von Ryans higher, and I think Von Ryans are at best a mid tier unit. But if you are like me you own dozens if not hundreds of genestealers, and if you want to put them on the table for old times sake, this is where you take them.

Look, I think vanguard onslaught is the most fun. Are Von Ryans or genestealers, or even Lictors good in combat? No, not against any halfway competent melee army. Is it very cinematic to throw 1500 points into your opponents deployment zone on turn 1 as the swarm swells up and tries to overwhelm them..... YES! This was one of my most fun losses in ages, 10/10 would recommend. Is this going to be one of the best tyranid armies? No way, not against good players. You are going to absolutely curb stomp noobs with this though. And even in the worst case your opponent probably doesn't score primaries till turn 3 as you stick them in their DZ.

At least in theory some of these buffs are good army wide. If you wanted to run a horde/swarm build the one turn of army wide 5++ is kind of like calling an Ork Waaaagh, and gives you a key turn to get close, but in general their are two better detachments than this for swarms. Similarly, if you want to buff deep striking units (in synapse) or horde units melee (in synapse) than this is OK. Still, its a lot of work for some very minor buffs. And your best bet to get maximum use out of this detachment is to go heavy on what it is obviously intended for, tyranid warriors.

I think the combination of the datalsate and this codex have left Tyranids in an OK spot. I suspect they will end up middle of the pack or slightly low middle tier. The biggest problem with the armies is the general lack of damage, especially at range. And for an army who back in early editions of the game was all about speed, in a lot of cases we are surprisingly slow now. Zoanthropes are expensive, slow, and short range... and also the best we have. A tyranid list in general will bring less offense than the best armies in the game. Also we have a surprisingly large number of truly TERRIBLE choices (Toxicrene, Hive Guard, Carnifex, Tyrannofex, Hive Crone, Genestealers) that consistently trade down for their points cost and are just trap picks for new players.

The codex is your standard 9th edition codex, thick and full of content. Narrative content remains good although I still miss the timeline and it feels lacking compared to older codexes. New Hive Fleets are expanded more upon which is always good. Plus you still have the beautiful miniatures showcase.

The Leagues of Votann are a newly released faction, whose codex first went up for preorder on September 17, 2022. Rather than being available standalone, it could only be grabbed as part of the Leagues of Votann Army Set, alongside 20 Hearthkyn Warriors, three Hernkyn Pioneers, an Einhyr Champion, and Uthar the Destined. The standalone Leagues of Votann codex went up for pre-order on October 29 2022.

The Chaos Space Marines 9th edition codex went up for pre-order on Saturday, June 25, 2022, and was released on Saturday, July 2. Its 184 pages contain 55 pages of lore; 51 pages of main faction rules (including legion-specific rules, warlord traits, relics, and more); 19 pages of rules for the Crusade narrative mode, and 44 unit datasheets.

Codex: Chaos Knights was first available for pre-order on May 14, 2022, as part of a Chaos Knights codex army set. This contained two new models for the Chaos Knights faction, the Knight Abominant and savage War Dog miniatures rounding out a previously limited roster. On May 28, the codex (and the new models) were split up, available to buy separately for the first time.

New rules in this latest codex include the powerful Harbingers of Dread debuffs, and the option to dedicate your mighty mechs to one of the Chaos Gods, getting their keyword and a gnarly new ability as thanks for your service.

The new codex for the Imperial Knights codex packs Knightly teachings that can buff up your (relatively) little Armigers, and the Code Chivalric, which gives boosts to your army provided it can maintain its honor.

There were plenty of rules updates for Tyranids lovers to tuck into, though. Synaptic Imperatives give your swarms adaptability in battle, while customisable Hive Fleet subfactions further your flexibility. And of course weapon buffs help bring the army up to par. The codex also has Tyranids Crusade rules for chowing down on an entire planet.

The 9th edition Adeptus Custodes codex went up for pre-order on Saturday, January 8, 2022, and was released a week later on Saturday, January 15. Originally planned to release this coming December, Games Workshop teased the codex as an accompaniment to Shadow Throne, a double army boxed set that pitted the golden boys against the insidious Genestealer Cults. 006ab0faaa

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