Crossword Solver


Powerful Crossword and Anagram Solver

Search words using clues, letters or patterns and search Anagrams.


Crossword Solver

Set the word length, as well as word language. Then enter the letters you found into the corresponding fields. Crossword Solver will show you matching words.


Anagram Solver

Enter your word in the search bar. The Anagram Solver will now rearrange the word and show you some matching words. 


Large database

The app has an internal database with over 120,000 words. The database is expanded and improved monthly, so you are always up to date. 


Search definition on the Internet

If you don't understand a word, you can click on it and the app will automatically search the Internet for a suitable definition. (The search engine can be changed in the settings)


Screenshots from the app

Full description

This crossword lexicon will help you search words based on clues, letters or patterns. Search angrams and solve your crossword puzzle.

If you ever get stuck on a crossword puzzle, this app is guaranteed to help you. The app requires no permissions and no active internet connection (except for the definition search). So you can use it anywhere in the world. 

- Words up to 28 letters

- Quick search of more than 120,000 words

- Anagram solver

- Crossword solver

- Look up word definitions

Crossword Solver can search words up to 28 letters. To do this, it searches the database of more than 120,000 words within the app to find the matching word. If you don't understand the word, you can simply click on the word and Crossword Solver will search the internet for a suitable explanation. The word length can be easily adjusted thanks to the filter. 

Crossword Solver will find any word. If you don't know several letters of your word, just enter the known letters into the corresponding fields. Crossword Solver will now show you the words that match the letter order.

Do you have a question?

If you have a question or suggestions for improvement, feel free to email me at I will respond within 48 hours.