Tyler Lee Collette

EDUCATION (click to learn more)

Ph.D. (2020) Psychology, The University of Texas at San Antonio

M. A. (2016) Sociology, A&M University - Kingsville

B. A. (2012) Anthropology, The University of Texas at San Antonio


2021- Present Limited-Term Associate of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia

2020- Present Postdoctoral Fellow, Office of Research; Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia.

2019 – 2020 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology; Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.

2018 – Present Lecturer, Department of Psychology; University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.

2017 – 2018 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology; University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.

2016 – 2017 Lecturer, Department of Psychology & Sociology; Texas A&M Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas.

2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology & Sociology; Texas A&M Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas.

2014-2015 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology & Sociology; Texas A&M Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas.


2017 – Present Video and Audio Coordinator – Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Annual Conference on Teaching)

2011 – 2016 Data Manager and Consultant – RNC Bookkeeping and Consulting, Corpus Christi, Texas

2008 – 2012 Manager – Texadelphia – San Antonio, Texas


1. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T., (in press) Cultural Differences in Children’s Recommended Punishment of Moral Transgressions. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 2021.

2. Robinson-Dooley, V., Collard, C., Sterling E., Collette, T., (in press) Black Men & Healthy Together: Self-Management of Chronic Disease and Behavioral Health.

3. Collette, T., Judkins, J., Gettle, M., Moore, B., Lee, M., Beckman, Dyal, A., D., Rouska, A., Tate, J., Wardian, J.L., (in press) A Retrospective, Epidemiological Review of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Military Population. To appear in The Medical Journal.

4. Collette, T.L., Moore, B.A., Judkins, J.L. (in press). Limiting Freedom: The Role of Reactance in Social Change. In R. Guring (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World.

5. Moore, B., Collette, T., Judkins, J., (in press) Identity Dissonance in Recently Separated Military Veterans. To appear in The Routledge Research Encyclopedia of Psychology Applied to Everyday Life. (Vol. 1).

6. Judkins, J., Moore, B., Collette, T., (in press) Psychological Hardiness: A Leader's Social Identity for Group Change. To appear in The Routledge Research Encyclopedia of Psychology Applied to Everyday Life. (Vol. 1).

7. Judkins, J.L., Moore, B.A., Collette, T.L., Hale, W.J., Peterson, A.L., & Morissette, S.B. (2020). The incidence rates of posttraumatic stress disorder over a 17-year period in active duty military service members. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

8. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2020). How undergraduate research can be transformative. In T. M. Ober, E. S. Che, J. E. Brodsky, C. Raffaele, & P. J. Brooks (Eds.), How we teach now: The GSTA guide to transformative teaching (pp. 397-412). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/

9. Stegall S.E., Collette, T. (in press) Traversing Psychological Distance toward Social Change: Construal-Level Theory (CLT) Perspective. To appear in The Routledge Research Encyclopedia of Psychology Applied to Everyday Life. (Vol. 1).

10. Stegall S.E., Collette, T., Kinjo, T., Takahashi, T., & Romanowich, P. (2019) Quantitative Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Social Discounting for Gains and Losses. Frontiers in Discounting Models in Behavioral Health Economics and Quantitative Health Psychology, 7, 297

11. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2019). Social Influence: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. In K. D. Keith, (Ed.). Cross-cultural psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 549-574). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

12. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2019) Multicultural Identity Development: Theory and Research. In K. D. Keith (Ed.). Cross-cultural psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 614-631). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

13. Collette, T. L., & Miller, R. L. (2019) Cross-Cultural Differences in Children’s Preferences for Moral Tales. International Journal of Developmental Science, 12, 175-187.

14. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2018). Culture and Social Behavior. In K. Keith (Ed.), Culture across the Curriculum: A Psychology Teacher's Handbook (pp.341-370). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

15. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2018) Social Influence Across Cultures. In K. Keith (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

16. Collette, T., & Miller, R.L., (2018). Redesigning Your Statistics Course to Incorporate

Undergraduate Research. In R. L. Miller and A. Martinez (Eds.). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2016-17. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/

17. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2018). Multi-Cultural Identity Development: Theory and Research.In K. Keith (Ed.), Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

18. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (Eds.). (2017). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/

19. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2017) Defining ourselves: The role of culture and gender. Tapestry, 1, Texas A&M-Kingsville Press, Kingsville, TX.

20. Gonzales, C., McKinley, S., Streeter, G., Collette, T. (2016). Making Mortality Salient: An Interview with Tom Pyszczynski. Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 22.

21. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2016) A brief history of industrial/organizational psychology. In W. D. Woody, R. L. Miller, & W. J. Wozniak (Eds.), Psychological specialties in historical context: Enriching the classroom experience for teachers and students. Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Available from the STP web site: http://www.teachpsych.org/teachpsych/pnpp/.

22. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2016) The historical development of community psychology. In W. D. Woody, R. L. Miller, & W. J. Wozniak (Eds.), Psychological specialties in historical context: Enriching the classroom experience for teachers and students. Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Available from the STP web site: http://www.teachpsych.org/teachpsych/pnpp/.


Title: Pa’lante Puerto Rico: A Cultural Model of Latino Post-Disaster Distress and Resilience

Funding Agency: National Institute of Health

Amount: $275,000

Role: Coordinated and team efforts and developed initial drafts of all materials. In addition,

developed initial theoretical framework and recruited team members.

Status: Unfunded

Title: Cigarette Smoking, Secondhand Smoke, and Cessation Efforts in a Rural Mexican


Funding Agency: National Institute of Health

Amount: $2,500,000

Role: Developed culturally relevant, theoretically based, compound elements for existing

treatments for rural Mexican participants.

Status: Unfunded

Title: Improving Scientific Inquiry in Diverse Student Bodies: Integrating research into an online

statistics course.

Funding Agency: Title V – ICARE

Amount: $5,000

Role: Independently developed an integrative technique that consolidated undergraduate research

into an existing Online Statistics course for a competitive Title V grant intended to benefit a diverse group of students.

Status: Funded


Trinity University:

Adjunct Faculty, responsible for the following courses,

Courses: Statistics and Methods I

University of Texas at San Antonio:

Instructor, responsible for the following courses,

Courses: Introduction to Psychology

Experimental Projects & Lab

Statistics for Psychology (Online)

Social Psychology

Texas A&M University-Kingsville:

Lecturer, responsible for the following courses,

Courses: Statistics for Behavioral and Social Sciences (*Online)

Principles of Sociology

Introduction to Psychology (Online/FTF)

Pluralistic Society (Multicultural Education)

Introduction to Anthropology

Graduate Teaching Assistance for the following courses,

Cross-Cultural Psychology

Social Psychology

*Awarded I-CARE Course Redesign Grant ($5000)


Audio/Video, Technology, and Website Coordinator– STP Annual Conference (2016-Present)

· Created and Maintain the STP conference website, developed an APP to be utilized at the 2019 conference, oversee audio and video issues for the conference steering committee.

Experimental Lab Course Redesign Committee – UTSA – 2019

· Coordinated an oversaw the redesign of the experimental lab course at UTSA to integrate a more active undergraduate research component.

IRB Member – Texas A&M – Kingsville – (2016-2018)

· Represented the College of Arts and Sciences as a research ethics reviewer for the IRB.


STUDENT MENTORING (u=undergraduate, g=graduate)

Date(s) Student Academic Status

u 2019 - 2020 Savannah Hanson Undergraduate Student in Psychology at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Graduated: May 2020.

g 2016 – 2018 Sergio Garcia Psychology Graduate at Texas A&M University Kingsville Graduation Date: Aug 2020

u 2015- 2016 Jorge Caballero Psychology Undergraduate at Texas A&M University Kingsville Graduated: May 2017

u 2015 - 2016 Amy Viejo Psychology Undergraduate at Texas A&M University Kingsville Graduated: May 2017

u 2014 - 2015 Abigail Haste Psychology Undergraduate at Texas A&M University Kingsville Graduated: May 2018


1. Miller, R.L., Collette, T.L., (2019, July). The effects of culture on Social Behavior: Techniques to promote student engagement. Invited Symposium presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology regional conference, San José, Costa Rica.

2. Wozniak, W., Miller, R.L., Collette, T.L., & Hatch D., (2019, April). How To Do

Undergraduate Research Right: A Symposium. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association conference, Denver, CO.

3. Miller, R.L., Wozniak, W., & Collette, T.L., (2019, April). How undergraduate research can be Transformational. Symposium conducted at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association conference, Denver, CO.

4. Wheeler, B., Kilgore, R., Hanson, S., Moore, B. A., Collette, T., & Hale, W. (March, 2019). Relationships between Profiles of Anger and Aggression Profiles and Treatment Outcomes in Veterans with PTSD. Presented at the 19th Annual College of Liberal and Fine Arts Research Spring Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

5. Judkins, J. L., Moore, B. A., & Collette, T. L. (February, 2019). Leadership in perspective. Invited presentation to the Air Force Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

6. Collette, T. (2018, October) Memology: Using MEME’s to promote critical thinking. Paper presented at STP Annual Conference on Teaching, Phoenix, AZ.

7. Collette, T., Miller, R. L., (2017, October) Redesigning Your Statistics Course to Incorporate Undergraduate Research, Paper presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching, San Antonio, TX

8. Collette, T., Miller, R. L., & McClendon, W. (2017, March) Exploring Essentialism in the University Setting. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association conference, San Antonio, TX.

9. Collette, T., & Miller, R.L. (2017, January). Closing the gap between understanding and belief. Round table discussion presented at the Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Austin, TX.

10. Wozniak, W., Amsel, E., Collette. T., & Miller, R. L. (2016, October). Connecting Understanding to Belief: Teaching Students to Think Like a Psychologist. Paper presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

11. Collette, T., & Marino, N. (2016, April). You are what you eat: How cultural orientation can effect restaurant diversity. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association conference, Denver, CO.

12. Collette, T. (2016, March). Cultural Influences on Anti-fat Attitudes. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention, Kearney, NE.

13. Miller, R. L., Collette, T., Stevens, J., & Guerrero, D. (2016, January). How to handle student complaints. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Teaching Pre-Conference. San Diego, CA.

14. Miller, R. L., & Collette, T. (2016, January). Teaching Controversial Topics: Bridging the Gap Between Understanding and Belief. Participant Idea Exchange presented at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.

15. Collette, T. (2015, November). The effects of sex and cultural orientation on impression formation. Paper presented at the Women and Gender Studies 2015 Student Symposium, Kingsville, TX.

16. Miller, R. L. & Collette, T. L. (2015, August). Pedagogical techniques for connecting understanding to belief. In T. Newton (Chair), Teach ‘em what they don’t want to know. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.

17. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2015, June). Moral relativity demonstrated by cultural differences in children’ story preferences. Paper presented at the 3rd Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities, Barcelona, Spain.

18. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2015, April). Research Connecting Understanding to Belief. Presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association convention, Boise, ID.

19. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2013, April). Cross-Cultural Differences in Children’s Preferences for Moral Tales: Initial Findings. Paper presented at 83rd Annual Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference, Denver, CO.


1. Collette T.L., Judkins J.L., Moore, B.A., Hale W.J., Peterson, A.L., & Morissette, S.B, (2019, October) The Incidence Rates of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Over a 17-year Period in Active-Duty Military Service Members. Poster presented at the 3rd annual Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, TX.

2. Stegall S.E., Collette, T., Kinjo, T., Takahashi, T., & Romanowich, P. (2019, March) Quantitative Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Social Discounting for Gains and Losses. Poster presented at the 19th Annual UTSA COLFA Spring Research Conference, San Antonio, TX

3. Moore, B. A., Collette, T., Kilgore, R., Wheeler, B., Hanson, S., & Hale, W. (March, 2019). Longitudinal Associations between PTSD and Catastrophic Thinking. Presented at the 19th Annual College of Liberal and Fine Arts Research Spring Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas. *Won 5th overall in PhD research poster presentation category.

4. Kilgore, R., Wheeler, B., Hanson, S., Moore, B. A., Collette, T., & Hale, W. Evaluating different versions of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure: Application of modern psychometric strategies. Presented at the College of Liberal and Fine Arts Research Spring Research Conference, San Antonio, Texas. *Won 3rd overall in Graduate research poster presentation category.

5. Collette, T. (2019, February). MEMEing the Classroom: Examining the effect of merging creative and critical thinking. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Portland, OR.

6. Collette, T., Wainwright, K., Garza, R., (2018, March) A predictive model for risky sexual behavior among college students. Poster presented at 18th Annual UTSA COLFA Spring Research Conference, San Antonio, TX

7. Collette, T. (2016, February). More Than a Game: Costs and Benefits of Kickapoo Gaming. Poster presented at 28th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC), Las Vegas, NV.

8. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2016, February). The effects of sex and cultural orientation on new member preferences. Poster presented at 19th Annual American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS) Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

9. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2016, January). So you want to join our group? The effects of cultural orientation, personal characteristics and in-group/out-group membership. Poster to be presented at the Advances in Cultural Psychology preconference at the 17th annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, San Diego, CA.

10. Collette, T., & Miller, R. L. (2015, October). Psychological concepts for which knowledge does not lead to belief. Poster presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching, Atlanta, GA.

11. Collette, T. (2015, April). Children’s preferences for moral tales: A Cross-cultural Study. Poster presented at the Javelina 6th Annual Research Symposium, Kingsville, TX.

12. Collette, T. (2015, March). Punishing moral transgressions: A cross-cultural study. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

13. Collette, T. & Miller, R. (2013, January). Cultural differences in the assignment of punishments for moral transgressions. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, New Orleans, LA.


American Psychology Association

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology

APA Division 52 – International Psychology

APA Division 2 – Society for the Teaching of Psychology Steering Committee Member

APA Division 19- Society for Military Psychology

Texas A&M University Kingsville – Internal Review Board Member (2016-18)


APA Division 52 - Ann Anastasi Graduate Research Award (2019)

Raymond and Norma Baird Endowed Fund for Excellence in Psychology – Fellowship (2019)

Graduate Student Professional Development Award (2019)

UTSA Psychology – Departmental Travel Award (2019)

Professional Development Award – TAMUK (2018)

Title V: I-CARE Course Redesign Competition Awardee – Statistics (2017)

Faculty Research Travel Award – TAMUK (2017)

Great Plains Students' Psychology Convention – 2nd Place Paper Presentation (2016)

Golden Key Society (2016)

Professional Development Award – TAMUK (2016)

Research Travel Award – TAMUK (2015)

Psi Chi: International Honor Society of Psychology (2015)

Phi Kappa Phi (2015)

Graduate Student Research Travel Award - TAMUK (2015)

Presidents List (2012)


Contact me at contact@tylercollette.com or 361-728-3994 for more information or a chat