Tyler Lemon
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. In my research I seek to work with indigenous communities to document and describe understudied languages and bring new data to bear on theories about the morphology and syntax of case, agreement, clause structure, and valence-changing operations, as well as theories about the relevant domains for allomorphic conditioning. I have additional interests in the syntax and semantics of comparison and in the phonology of metathesis and associated processes like vowel assimilation, epenthesis, consonant deletion, and encliticization. I have an areal focus on Southeast Asian languages, particularly languages of eastern Indonesia. Earlier in graduate school I worked on Vietnamese (ISO code: vie), but now my primary focus is on Uab Meto (ISO code: aoz), an Austronesian language of Timor in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.