Interested in Serving as a Shop Steward? 

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Local 570

Dear Members of TWU Local 570,

We are dedicated to maintaining strong representation for our members, ensuring your voices are heard and your concerns addressed effectively. To that end, we periodically assess our need for Shop Stewards and invite interested members to express their interest in these vital roles.

In accordance with Article 6 of the TWU Local 570 Bylaws, Shop Steward representatives are elected to a three-year term. However, to ensure our representation remains robust throughout the year, the Executive Board may appoint additional Shop Stewards as deemed necessary.

We are currently reviewing the need for additional Shop Stewards. If you are interested in serving your fellow union members in this capacity, we encourage you to complete the [Link sign-up] form and submit it by the deadlines of January 1 and July 1. Please note that expressing interest does not bypass or alter the processes outlined in our bylaws but ensures we have a pool of interested members for consideration when opportunities arise.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the role and its responsibilities, please feel free to contact Daniel Martinez at email:

Thank you for your dedication and ongoing support of TWU Local 570. Together, we strengthen our Union and ensure a united voice for all members.

In Solidarity, 

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Local 570